F3 Knoxville

The Ladder of Imminent Discomfort

THE SCENE: 52 degrees and perfect


50 Jump rope
SSH 20
Around the world 10
Figure 8s 10
Squats 10
Mosey to outhouse and back

Set up cones in two parallel lines

5 cones each 20ft apart
1) Turkish get-ups 16,10,6
2) Jump rope 100,50,25
3) American swings 30,20,10
4) High pulls from the ground 20,15,10
5) Overhead press each arm 10,5,5

5 more cones each 20ft apart
1) Goblet squats 30,25,20
2) Jump rope 100,50,25
3) Imperial walkers w/bell 20,15,10
4) Bent row each arm 15,10,5
5) Russian swing 30,25,20

After each exercise run to end of cones and back to start then to next cone. Complete first number of reps then repeat that ladder 3 times till all reps are complete and go to second ladder and copy.

LBCs 50
10 ‘Merkins 10 diamonds
20 Imperial walkers
10 clap ‘merkins 10 diamonds

Thank God for answered prayers.
We are always quick to ask God to help. Prayers for ourselves, family and friends. But are we diligent with the praise? So many prayers are answered by our father that we forget to thank him for. Let’s make an effort to thank Him for our answered prayers, our unanswered prayers…for everything!
I am truly thankful for my brothers at F3 and how we push each other to get better in several aspects of our lives. Thank you Lord for my brothers!!

Free to Lead

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5:30 COT

  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • Michael Phelps x 20
  • Speed Skaters X 20
  • Sky Hawk Merkin x 10
  • Two Laps around the lot

Bermuda Triangle – 2 Second Hold-  3 Stations. 1- Pull-up, 2 Rows, 3- Wall jumps/step-ups.

Break up into three groups and run to each station. Every time you pass the Flag Pole do 10 Burpees.

  • 20 Pull-Ups x 3 rounds
  • 20 Picnic Table Rows & 20 Mekins (reduce to 10 or 15 with 2 sec hold after first round). x 3 Rounds
  • 20 Wall Jumps or step up x 3 Rounds

Aiken Legs x 3           

  • Done in succession with no rest – 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Squats, 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward).
  • Crawl Bear up to the entrance
  • Repeat

Hill Runs

  • Bernie
    • 15 Merkins on the 4 count
  • Sprint
    • 10 Merkins on the 4 count
  • Devin Hester
    • 10 Merkins on the 4 count


  • Hello Dolly x 25
  • Captain Thor x 20

“Told To Follow Freed to lead”

We are programed by the world to solve every problem and work it out on our own power.   This can be a frustrating endeavor  because many of life’s challenges are out of our control.  We can become distracted trying to see into the future and fail to lead in the areas of life that God has called us to because of the distraction.    God has simply calls us to follow him. He is in control and is in and before all things.   Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. When we follow him and trust that his has our present and future in his hands we are freed to lead in the areas of like that he puts in front of us.   Let’s be men of impact that follow Christ and therefore are feed to lead.

What Goes Up Must Come Down

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

5:30 COT

  • Windmill x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers X 20
  • Arm Circles x 25 each way
  • Peter Parker Push-ups
  • Burpo’s – 5

Mosey Lower Parking Lot and grab CMU’s – Partner up

Forties – High rep version of 11’s. Always add up to 40 subtracting 5 each time:

Merkins and Curls

  • 30 Curls, Devin Hester 10 Rows
  • 25 Curls, Devin Hester 25 Rows
  • 20 Curls, Devin Hester 20 Rows
  • 15 Curls, Devin Hester, 25 Rows
  • 10 Curls, Devin Hester, 30 Rows

4 Corner Escalator – 10 burpees, 20, Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 squats

  • 10 reps, run to next corner, 10 reps+20 reps next exercise, run, 10, 20, 30 reps, run, 10, 20, 30, 40 reps, run to start. Can go back down escalator: 40, 30, 20, 10, run, 30, 20, 10, run, 20, 10, run, 10. 

Aiken Legs    

  • Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward).


  • Flutter Kicks x 30
  • Box Cutters

James 1:19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger;

  • Anger is an emotion created by God and although often directed in the wrong places is a Godly trait.
  • “Anger is energy aroused in defense of something good and related against something evil.   If you see someone oppressed and you don’t get angry you are not like God.”  
  • What am I Defending and what am I attacking?

The RagnARM

THE SCENE: 50 and Clear

SSH x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
@Ratchet_F3 Tempo Squats, 6-count x10 IC
Calf stretch alternated w/ calf raises

Mosey to the coupon pile
Medium size rock, everyone get a spot in the “van.” We all do the reps, one guy at a time runs to the tennis courts and back for “rest.”
REPS: 5 each curls, military press, triceps extension for 38 minutes
Rest Area every 6 minutes

1) Merkins/mountain climbers/Carolina dry docks
2) 30 dips / 50 calf raises
3) 50 crunches
4) repeat 1) and 3)
Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Blasters!

This last week is my one-year anniversary at three. My first started it was nearly impossible for me and I was afraid of vomit every time. A year later I’m stronger, faster engine run longer. I recover much quicker for an eye and joy the active much more than I ever have some playing college football. But I haven’t lost any weight.

No, as it turns out I have been working out and exercising continue to eat, and drink, whatever I want whenever I want. As such I’ve lost 4 pounds despite the fact that I have put on much muscle. I realize, that if I am going to lose weight and continue on this journey toward fitness and health and being who I am supposed to be, that I will have to actually try to do what I don’t want to do.

My message to the man is that this is true in many years of her lives. We pour ourselves into doing things that we like to do, and conquer and challenges that we like to conquer. We offer ignore the things that we don’t like to do for their hard for us. This is true in our jobs, our families especially in a marriage is. A guy who loves to do projects will look for any project he can do for his wife as a gift to her, but may completely neglect the things that she would actually like for him to do. The same thing at work, we find the things that were good at stick to those as opposed to tackling the things we need to get better at.

I encourage you men to look at the various facets of your life, find the things that you avoid because they’re not fun, or simply distasteful, and start to do them. Don’t revel in your hard work that comes naturally to you, seek the hard work that you don’t want. I need to do that with my weight, and I know it’ll be a beastly struggle. But it’s worth doing and its worth doing right.

Because of the Ragnar coming up I purposely stayed away from heavy running or excessive legwork. We did some squats today scattered in the rest breaks but I avoided doing damage to the guys and putting them off on the wrong foot for their race this weekend. The workout wasn’t quite as hard as I thought it was going to be, and I feel that we could have done more, but the man gave it their all and I appreciate that.

40 Days of Lent – Love through the Trials

The Scene:  35 Degrees.  Clear.

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  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
  • Mosey around the parking lot

 The Thang


  • Two feet hops
  • Wheel barrows
  • Sprints

Defensive Sliding through the cones

Four Corners (10 minutes)

  • Should Taps x 25
  • Squats x 50
  • Burpees x 25
  • Smurf Jacks x 50
  • Mosey around the parking lot

Mosey to The Sophomore

  • Doras – 200 American Hammers

Mosey back to Start


  • Plank
  • Box cutters x 30 (IC)


Name-O-Rama: 9 PAX

BOM: Lent is a 40 day season of repentance and renewal to ready ourselves to remember and celebrate the heart of the Christian gospel: the death and resurrection of Jesus (Good Friday and Easter). Lamentations 3: 1-8 & 21-24

At times we all enter periods of suffering. In those times it may feel like God is against you, that he is causing your suffering, and that he is ignoring your prayers. When this is the case, remember that he sent his one and only son to earth to die for our sins. Jesus suffered the ultimate suffering in order to enter into our suffering and pull us out of it.

Even through the tears of suffering, maintain hope in Jesus’ work on the cross, and the love that shows he has for us.

Moleskin:  Solid workout for Archie’s VQ!!  Looking forward to his next one.  The mumble chatter was good, the effort was great!  Way to go, Men!!