F3 Knoxville

F3 Crossfit Games 2016

THE SCENE – 67 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps x10
Imperial Walker x10
SSH x25

Mosey to base of hill.

Bear crawl up.
Sundials at the top until everyone gets there.
Mosey to STOP sign. (Turn Left)
Merkins x25
Sprint to speed humps.
Carolina Dry Docks until everyone gets there
Lunge x25/leg
Mosey to STOP sign
Burpee + frog hop x10
Sprint to next light pole
BBSups x30
PICK UP CMU and Mosey back to main parking lot.

Grab thy CMU. Do reps OYO for 20 seconds. During the rest, carry CMU 10 yds.
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Derkin
(20sec work/10sec Rest) lat row
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Shoulder press
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Bicep curl
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Tricep dip

Mosey back

Perform reps at each line. Sprint between lines. Mosey back. Do each round for 2 minutes.
Round 1: 10 Squats at each line
Round 2: 10 Jump squats at each line

Grab thy CMU. Do reps OYO for 20 seconds. During the rest, carry CMU 10 yds.
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Clean/Press
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Push-up
(20sec work/10sec Rest) LBSup
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Burpee

Mosey back

Lunge w/ CMU overhead length of parking lot
Hello Dollies x25

Return CMUs to pile

One final, all-out sprint to the top of the hill. Recover back down to AO and circle up.

CountORama // NameORama

1. Christian Brother’s Car Service (is that right?) is doing free oil changes for single moms this Saturday.
2. Contact G-6 if you need to hire a logistics guy. (In fact, contact G6 if you need to hire anyone. I can almost guarantee he knows someone.)

YHC didn’t have much else to share, mainly because I was trying really hard not to puke. What I did share, was something like:  It’s an honor to work so hard with this PAX. Keep giving back. We need more men to step up to Q. As we approach the one-year mark of F3 Knoxville, continue looking for new ways to share the love and connect other men to this incredible thing we’ve been given.

Everything but the Kitchen Sink!

THE SCENE 63 and bright moon shining!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Disclaimer while doing SSH, not time to waste, lets work!

Mosey to the boat

11’s on the Run
Every other light pole, 10 BBS and 1 burpee until 1 BBS and 10 burpees

Mosey to the pavilion!

Pull ups
4 sets of pull ups 5 reps each working on form
BBS x20 between pull up sets

Mosey inside tennis court (Indian Run)

Bear’s Play Tennis?!
Bear crawl across tennis court, lunge down the sides, bear crawl back across

Mosey to the track

Mosey Lap
1 lap (1/3 of a mile) slow jog, on the hope, sprint as far as you can, cool down job to complete the lap. At the end of the lap, do 20 BBS and 20 merkins, repeating until everyone is done

Mosey back to the tennis court

Finish up with Chumbaburpees until time was up, great way to cash out!

2.6 miles, burpees, merkins, BBS, SSH, sprinting, moseys, hills, pull ups, we did it all!

Number off and Name O Rama: 21 PAX

Chase the Lion! A friends dad just passed and with death, it always make me reflect on life and how good life is and to live each day as it was your last. Loved being with my F3 brothers this morning, thank you!

Field Circuits

THE SCENE 63 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

10-9-8-7-6 Burpees OYO
Forward Baby Arm Circles x12 IC
Reverse Baby Arm Circles x12 IC
Narrow Squats x20 IC
5 Burpees
Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg IC

Mosey to open field and line up at the first cones

– Partner with Battle Buddy of similar fitness level.
– There are six stations, each has an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttles
– One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot.
– As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.
– Two minutes at each station, 30 seconds to move to next station (1 cycle = 6 stations)

Station        Shuttle Exercise        Exercise on Spot
1                  Sprint (x2)                 Diamond Merkins
2                  Bear Crawls              Star Jumps
3                  Lunges                      Burpees
4                  Sprint (x2)                 Dry Docks
5                  Bear Crawls              Jump Squats
6                  Lunges                      Burpees

After first cycle…4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC, 4ct American Hammers x20 IC
Repeat Cycle

Mosey to SP

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
Hello Dolly x20 IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

We talk often of being a man of impact (HIM) at F3. Something that has been helpful toward this end for YHC is a definition of manhood I learned over a decade ago.  Definition of Manhood – Reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and expect a greater reward.  HIMs impact their world, they are men who move toward chaos and conflict and bring positive change.  To do this we must distinguish between interest and commitment.  We can show interest in something, but never act.  Commitment requires action, and often sacrifice.  I speak with a lot of guys who are interested in coming to F3, but when 5:00am rolls around they are more committed to sleep.  HIMs aren’t just interested in doing the right thing, they are committed to it.

This morning, the men in the COT have already won a victory…they committed to being there with their brothers in the gloom and came through.  That’s what being a HIM is all about…showing up.

Take stock of your world.  Is there an area where you need to move from interest to commitment?  Take the momentum of the morning and roll it over into home and work.  Leave a mark!

The men of WFP know how to show up and work hard!  We hit the ground running and didn’t let up until we started numbering off.  TClaps to everyone who came out to get better!

Swinging Bells

THE SCENE – 67 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Mosey to Outhouse
Around the Worlds
Figure 8
Turkish Get-Ups

3 Rounds
2x side TGU
10 Burpees
21 Russian Swings
Backwards run to fence
2x side TGU
10 Squats
21 American Swings
Rinse and Repeat x3

10x Stargazers
20x Flutter Kick
20x Box Cutters
10 American Hammer w/KB

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Don’t let others set your agenda…

Little Mosey…Lot of Pain

THE SCENE 63 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Twist and Pivot X 40
Imperial Squat Walkers X 20
Baby Arm Circles x 20 each way
180 Squat Jump x 20
Shoulder Tap Merkins X 15

Field of Dreams
1s 1st corner – AMRAP Squats until relieved.
2s 2nd corner – AMRAP Mercans until relieved.
3s 3rd corner – AMRAP Big Boy sit-ups until relieved.
4s at Home Plate (4th cone) will perform 15 Burpees then run to First, relieving the Pax there

Burp Back Mountain
The exercise is then performed by pairing up with one person proceeding to run backward up the hill/forward down the hill 5X while the other person is performing burpees. The individuals continue to alternate running with burpees until 100 total burpees are completed. When finished, pax continue to run hills until entire pax completes.

Mosey to pavilion

The Pull up Run
10 Pull ups, 25 Rows, 25 Mercans x 3

Mosey back to SP

Q starts the PAX, legs up at 90 degrees, hands under your rear. One PAX at a time in a wave like motion- Each PAX counts off aloud as they drop and hold 1,2,3, etc around the circle until finished.  Drop straightened legs to 10 degrees and hold until a full revolution has been made (as the second hands would move around a clock) then return to 90 degrees and repeat until smoked!

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

ComplacencySometimes when we get in a routine we can find ourselves being complacent or taking things for granted.  It required almost maximum daily effort to keep growing physically, spiritually, and in relationships. Lately I feel like I have found myself be complacent as a parent.   I have a plan for my physical growth(F3), a plan for my spiritual growth (quite times), a plan for my marriage growth (date night etc.), and a plan a t work.  I have realized that I spend lots of time with my kids but they are going to be gone soon and there is so much I want to share with them.  I have realized I need to develop a plan and be intentional with my kids. My challenge to you is to look at your life this week and seek out ways that you can be less complacent and more intentional.