F3 Knoxville

Planksgiving Feast

THE SCENE: 32 degrees with starry skies

Little Bit o’ This

Little Bit o’ That

Michael Phelps

5 burpees OYO

Smurf Jacks x 10 IC

Smurf Jacks at rapid cadence x 10 IC

Smurf Jacks at rapid cadence x 10 IC (again)
Mosey to the tennis courts to visit Crazy Aunt Sandy who likes to discuss politics at Thanksgiving lunch

Hold Al Gore for 10 ct. along base line, Bernie Sanders to opposite base line.

2 diamond merkins, Bernie Sanders back to original base line.

Rinse and repeat with 10, 20, 40, & 60 ct. Al Gore. Add 2 diamond merkins each time.

Break the PAX into three groups and head to the main course for Elevens at each of the following stations:


4ct LBCs at the bottom, single count Oblique Merkins at the top.


Round the Clock Merkins (12,3,6, &9 only) at the bottom, Carolina Dry Docks at the top


Narrow squats at the bottom, goblet squats w/ CMU at the top

If you finish early, get a second helping of your favorite portion!

Lean back in your recliner for 30 seconds. Change channels with right hand and then left hand.

Pickle Pounders x 15 IC


The following was paraphrased from this article:


Unlike most national holidays, Thanksgiving must be proclaimed each year by the President. George Washington made the first proclamation in 1789. He asked that Americans unite in thanks for “the peaceful and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government”.  Lincoln revived the tradition during the civil war when he asked Americans to give thanks “with one heart and one voice”.

President JFK wrote Proclamation 3560 which begins “Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving”. He continues to indicate that they gave thanks for their safety, their fields, their children and “the love which bound them together”.

It is important to note that JFK wrote this to a divided nation. This was after the Bay of Pigs invasion, the first “military advisers” arriving in Vietnam, and only two months after the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, AL where the KKK murdered several African-American girls.

These transgressions largely parallel the atrocities that we see in the news today. Let’s try our best to step back from the trees and take a look around the forest. We have a democratic government that, despite its faults, ensures us incredible freedoms. We have running, potable water. A reliable power grid. Food to eat. A place to lay our head at nights that is warm and dry. There’s a lot to be thankful for, and we tend to overlook the most important ones.

It also worth nothing that Proclamation 3561 was written 19 days after JFK’s Thanksgiving proclamation. It was written by LBJ, denoting a day of mourning for JFK’s assassination. Take a break from your divisions today and be a strong leader, a good friend, and a warm light in a world that can often be dark and cold.

Smorgasbord of pain

THE SCENE: Actually quite nice around 43 degrees and clear. Warm up was quick

50 Jump Rope, around the world, 8s, halos, mosey around outhouse

The pre-Thanksgiving Smorgasbord

9 cones 20’ apart in a big L shape
1)Jump rope
2) Merican KB swings
3) Bent over rows
4) Goblet Squats
5) KB curls
6) BBS
7) KB cleans
8) Sumo High pulls
9) overhead press
Go 2 Rounds (qty of 25,15 except JR is always 100)
Drop KB at next cone and run or Bernie Sanders to end of cones and back to KB in a triangle pattern to do next exercise
Round 1 Running between Cones
Round 2 Bernie Sanders between cones

Flutter kicks x35, Box cutters x15, dead bugs

3 Bartman, Bueller, Tank

Been a tough week with the wife relations. Been fighting over stupid things and stress makes things worse. I thought to myself, it would be easier if I was on my own. BUT….she is “my own” she is part of me as my wife. Scripture reads:

“In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:28‬ ‭

“No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself….”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:33‬ ‭

So when I get frustrated with my wife, I’m really getting frustrated with myself. I need to take care of her as I would take care of me. I haven’t been doing that lately.

Small group but we got after it. There was a Frosty appearance as he rucked and did some PT off in the pound somewhere.

Tallest Tower Wins

THE SCENE:   Mid 30’s….cold!



  • SSH x 20
  • Burpees x 10
  • OH Press x 10
  • This/that stretch
  • Cherry Pickers


  1. Split into 2 teams.  Each team had 4-5 CMUs, 4-5 pee rocks, a 70lb kettlebell and an 87lb steel gas can.  Mosey/ruck as a team to the paved hill by the restaurant carrying all of the team’s weight.  Once we reached the hill it was time to build some towers.  Each team had to climb the hill with all of their weight.  Once at the top they could drop 1 item of the team’s choosing and perform 3 burpees as a group.  Then take everything else back down the hill where the group performed 5 squats with whatever weight you were holding at the time.  Rinse & repeat until all weights have been left at the top of the hill.   Teams competed to stack the weight at the top of the hill into the tallest tower possible….tallest tower wins!  All in all it was a pretty good workout….each team made 11 trips up the hill carrying different amounts of weight.
  2. Mosey/ruck everything back to the AO.
  3. Suicide lottery for the remaining time.  There was a bucket filled with exercises.   PAX choose a ticket lottery style and we do the exercise on the suicide course.  The following were chosen:
    • Bear crawls
    • Nose Wipers x 5
    • CMU squats x 10


  • 4 ct Flutter kicks holding CMU x 10
  • 4 ct Slutter kicks holding CMU x 10
  • Big Boys with CMU x 15
  • Peter Parker on the CMU

18 PAX:  Mayberry, Frosty, Sparky, Bowflex, Underhand, Zygote, Detention, Slide Rule, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Tank, Peach Fuzz, Booger, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Smoker, Junk, Bartman


Ecclesiastes 4:12 talks about a chord of 3 strands and that it is not easily broken.  This is often talked about in light of marriage, which is absolutely correct.  We need a chord of 3 strands (husband, wife, Christ) to have the strength to endure all life throws at us.   But I believe the “3 strand” analogy also applies to other facets of our lives.  Friendships, work relationships, mentoring relationships…I could go on and on.   The question is:  are you allowing Christ to be a part of all of your relationships?  Are you squeezing him out so that there are only 2 strands, or are you letting him in to provide the strength of the 3rd strand?


  • Lots of travel this week…I hope everyone stays safe on the road and enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday!


Mr. Tuesday’s Pre-Turkey Ramble

THE SCENE:  Partly cloudy, temp in the 50’s.

Five Burpees, 20 Side Straddle Hops, Four Burpees, 15 Mountain Climbers, Three Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, Two Burpees, 10 Slow Timed Squats, One Burpee, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward, 10 Backward

Mosey to Lighted Parking Lot Above Playground

Suicide Sprints to Each Light Along Parking Lot.  Each time back we will do 10 Merkens.  Repeat but each time back do 10 Big Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to Lighted Sidewalk that Is North of Chapel and which Leads to Park Perimeter Trail

Bear crawl to first light.  Sprint to fifth light.  Bear crawl to sixth light. Sprint to tenth light.  Keep doing this in increments of five lights until we get to perimeter trail.

20 Squats and 40 Baby Crunches in grassy area by perimeter trail.

Mosey to Cardiac Hill

Sprint up hill and do:

  • 20 Bicycle Kicks at First Turn
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks at Second Turn
  • 20 Bench Lifts at top
  • Repeat

Mosey Back to Base Camp

Run around the bases with each base being a corner of the parking lot.

  • First Base:  20 Squats
  • Second Base:  20 Squat Jumps
  • Third Base:  20 Imperial Walkers
  • Home Plate:  20 Star Jumps
  • Repeat


Four men attended, all over 50 years in age.  The Goats!
On this day, two days before Thanksgiving, we do have much to be thankful for.  Our health is one thing and we thank God for the recovery of Crawdad, Edit, and Preacher, who hopefully will be able to work out soon.  We also pray for the recovery of Barney, who has been sidelined for months and may be sidelined for many more months.  We are thankful for our nation and the abundant resources we have in America.  We are thankful for our families and our brothers in F3.  We are mostly thankful for our God that watches over us.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Next 3rd F event is December 9.

Is There a Doctor In the House?

THE SCENE: Mid-40’s and overcast.

SSH x 15 4 count IC
Big Arm Lunges x 15 4 count IC
Windmills x 10 4 count IC
Plank to Chaturanga run on Q.
Mosey to grinder with CMU
3 teams:

1) Pull ups, Military Merkins, Smurf Jacks, Wall Sits

2) Bent Over Row w/ CMU, Upright Row w/ CMU, Bear apposition Lat Pull w/ CMU, Straight Arm Hold w/ CMU

3) Duck Walk, +5 Decline Merkin, Reverse Bear Crawl.

Each exercise 1 min. AMRAP, #3 is full 4 min. Rotate stations. Repeat.

Mosey to ball field w/ CMU
Bears and Blocks across outfield and back.

In and Outs x 12 4 count IC
Big Boy Sit-ups AMRAP 1 min.
Side V-ups AMRAP 30 sec. per side
Dr. W x 15  (Diagnosis: severe abdominal pain and tears. Treatment plan: More Dr. W!)
Bicycles x 25 forward then back
LBCs AMRAP 1 min..
7 plus bonus appearance by Drifter just in time for Mary
We talked about time management and evaluating where we spend this precious resource making sure we are spending it on worthwhile things and not letting the digital drain suck it away.
Moleskin by scribe (Waxjob): On a weekend where every AO was light due to strong F3 Knox representation at GoRuck, this was the first beatdown in which all the PAX were introduced to F3 right here at the Bomb Shelter.  Barely over a month since launch, and these HIMs are stepping up strong!