F3 Knoxville

Shampoo Effect…#rinseandrepeat

THE SCENE: 60 and cool

Tempo Squat x10 IC, Cherry Pickers x10 IC, SSH x20 IC, Baby Arm Circles Forward/Reverse each x10 IC
Form two lines and mosey to TN Ampitheatre

Grab a battle buddy…

  • Partner A sprint the steps and do 2 burpees/Partner B does alternates between two exercises on stage til Partner A returns then alternate
  • Repeat this exercise until both Partners A/B complete 10 burpees increasing each rep of burpees by two each trip up the steps (2,4,6,810).
  • Alternate between BBS and Flutter Kicks each trip while waiting to alternate with your battle buddy
  • Repeat same sequence except do pull-ups on hand rails at top of theatre steps and alternate between squats and LBC’s on stage

Form two lines and mosey to the bridge…

In waves of three PAX to keep everyone spaced the PAX performed burpee broad jumps across the bridge and held Al Gore/Plank until every member of the PAX made it across.  (T Claps to A-Rod for going back to finish the exercise with an FNG!)

Form two lines and mosey to BB steps for Mount Merkin OYO

  • 10 merkins at bottom of steps, sprint to top of steps and compete 9 merkins.  Rinse and repeat until you count down to compleeting 1 merkins (10-1).  PAX do leg lifts until recovery.

Form two lines and mosey to SP…

  • 11’s on the benches with box jumps and dips

Flutter Kicks x25 IC, Hello Dolly x20 IC
16 PAX and 3 FNG’s! FNG’s are: (Bilko, Heisenberg, Boo Boo)
Prayed as a PAX as everyone enters into the end of the week
Great push from the PAX, good mumblechatter from Passport specifically and the FNG’s gave it all they had.  Everyone emptied the tank!

Turning off Auto Pilot

THE SCENE: So humid it felt like we were working in Jello. Dimples wore long sleeves- bad choice..

The PAX rediscovered the importance of form over speed. Warm-o-rama included 10 good squats on a 4 count and 10 mercians on a 4 count.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Thunderstruck by ACDC – Side straddle hops until the song said thunder or thunderstruck. At thunder or thunderstruck we did a burpee
  • Mosey to the new parking lot and new path
  • Route 66 up the path with 4 rounds.
    • Dive Bombers
    • Star Jacks
    • Mercians
    • Squats
  • Mosey back to the AO
  • Flower by Moby (aka Bring Sally Up) – squat down when song said down, holding squat until song said up.

7s with American Hammers and flutter kicks


23 with no FNGS


Man is not designed to go through life alone. So often when things get hard we isolate ourselves and we can begin to just go through the motions. F3, Breakfast, work, dinner, play with kids, Netflix … repeat. As men we need other men in our lives to encourage us to keep running the race and pursuing Christ. Not letting auto pilot set in. Just like we encouraged each other today to keep good form and to keep going, we have got to do this for each other in life. Ask the hard questions and be a good listener.

Find and a friend who walk through life with and he can keep you encouraged.


  1. Maryville/Alcoa launch Oct. 14
  2. Truckin’ to the Pound Oct. 28
  3. Please note the new Q calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before and you’re skeered, grab a co-Q or ask a veteran some questions. You’ll be glad you jumped in!


THE SCENE: 81 and super-humid

Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
Russian Swings
American Swings
Jump Rope 2-min
3 Rounds for time (we did 2+)
*45 Burpees (added 5 for age)
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Box Jumps 24″
10 Wall Ball 20#
100 Jump Rope
Buy In-Cash Out – 1 Mile run

Side-Crunches 10x each


DREDD said it best:


Today felt like Houston in the summer.  Humid and hot.  The weather didn’t stop us!  I really enjoyed the longer runs in that workout…

Step it UP!

THE SCENE: A very sticky 72 degrees, cloudy, with insufficient breeze.

The PAX moseyed in place throughout the Welcome & Disclaimer. After the W&D, the QIC joined in the circle for a quick circle drill. While all members moseyed in place, a number of steps and direction of travel were shouted and the PAX followed suit. (i.e., “2, left” indicates two steps left). When “center” was shouted, all members ran to the center of the circle & then Bernie Sanders back to their original position. This continued for several minutes to get the blood flowing. We then performed the following exercises:

  • Tempo Squats x 10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles FWD x 12 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles BWD x 12 IC
  • Little o’ This
  • Little o’ That
  • Michael Phelps

The PAX split into two even lines for an Indian-run style mosey. Instead of Indian runs, the PAX executed commands directed by the QIC. “Left” and “Right” required reaching down to touch the ground on the respective side. “UP!” required jumping into the air and clapping twice before hitting the ground. Commands continued until the fork in the parking lot.

Completed one round of Circle Burp using Kraken Burpees.

Continued mosey to the stairs. Split the PAX into two groups, one on either side of the stairs. The first member of each group sprints up the stairs, touching every step. Once they summit, they alternate (10x) LBCs and (10x) merkins while they await the rest of their group. All members at the bottom alternate (10x) SSH and (10x) tempo squats until their turn to summit.

Rinse and repeat, with accelerated hustle on the second attempt.

Slow mosey back to first light pole for Route 66. We called an audible due to time, but completed the following exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Lunges

Mosey back to the AO with a hard sprint on the homestretch.


  • Hello Dolly x 25 IC
  • Flutter Kick x 10 IC

14 PAX today with 0 FNGs.
“There are 3 kinds of men when it comes to work. Some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their nose, and some just don’t turn up at all”. As HIMs we are called to be leaders, and part of being a leader means jumping in to do work even we may not be best suited to the task. All of us need to step up at times, turn up our sleeves, and DO WORK that needs doing.
Tell your Ms that you’re welcome for that stair work today.

  1. Maryville/Alcoa launch Oct. 14
  2. Truckin’ to the Pound Oct. 28
  3. Please note the new Q calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before and you’re skeered, grab a co-Q or ask a veteran some questions. You’ll be glad you jumped in!

JUCO with 3 FNGs

THE SCENE: Crisp morning with some nice dew in an unfamiliar place.


10 x Cherry Pickers

10 x Tempo Squats

3 burpees

10 up/down merkins

Lil bit of this and that

10 x Little baby Arm Circles forward and backward



Split Open and Melt

10 burpees, merkins, squats followed by nine, then eight of each etc.

Mosey to some benches

Alternated dips and box jumps for ~30 seconds each two sets of each exercise

Mosey back with some lunges thrown in on the way back to the AO

Back at the AO

Partner ab work

Raised leg pushdowns

Followed by some suicide sprints to be capped off with some cadence flutter kicks


8 PAX with 3 FNGs

Often we end up in places we may not like. It is best to accept personal responsibility and try to alter the future with introspection and change within. I encourage you all to find one or two things to be better at each week. If you were to do that diligently, I imagine you would be far happier at the end of the year than not. Personally, I am a bit distant with friends and family. I have been trying to be more open and communicative with them.