F3 Knoxville

Rucking’ Fast

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust , Gibbler, Matlock (Bill Maddox), bluebird
PAX: Gibbler, Matlock (Bill Maddox), bluebird, Sawdust, Jack-Jack 🐕, Rugby 🐕
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Plant the :shovelflag:

THE THANG: Ruck for 4.17 miles

MARY: Rucked around the AO while the main PAX did Howlin’ Monkeys


COT: Charmin (John Willis) reminded us to focus on one part of God’s creation & give thanks with gratitude.

All Quiet on the Western Front

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Einstein
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Briefly to get to the Thang

THE THANG: Mosey to the rock pile near the splash pad for a circuit Tabata – 8 rounds, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off with a different exercise each of the 8 rounds. The 8 exercises were merkins, curls, rows, LBCs, tricep extensions, squats, overhead presses, and leg lifts. So, we did 20 seconds of merkins, followed by 10 seconds of rest, followed by 20 seconds of curls and so on until we were doing 20 seconds of leg lifts at the end of the 8 rounds. We did the same circuit of 8 exercises Tabata-style 6 times. We ran around the playground after each round except between the 5th and the 6th rounds. Mosey the long way back to the AO.

MARY: Held plank until time (about 30 seconds)


COT: We need more pride and patriotism in this country.

King Builder Pre-Ruck

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Smoked Pickle, Betty, Mermaid, Swanson, FixerUpper, skewer, Humper ( Sam Hartness )
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Sawdust & then Betty planted their respective :shovelflag:

THE THANG: Rucked around the park for 3.27 miles

MARY: No time for them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Drop our rucks & get in the circle of the AO to start the beatdown.

COT: Deferred to the end of the King Builder Beatdown

[f3knoxvillemain] King Builder (Convergence)

AO: f3knoxvillemain
Q: Tinker Bell-GTE Trainer (STL) , Motorboat (Indianapolis)
PAX: Blindside, Waxjob, Shuttlecock (Riley Brady Parmer), Rep Sleepy, Commission, P3, Z-Pack, Steam, skewer, Spellcheck, Single (Ryan Chambers), Brick, Tenderfoot, slappy, Gmail, Borg, The Situation, Maxime – Pittsburgh, Nubbins (F3 Muletown), Kodak (Joe Beach), Uncle Rico (Naperville), FixerUpper, Lizzy, CRISPR, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Tropicana, Charmin (John Willis), Pac-man, Stitch, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), OnStar, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Duggar, Choir Boy, Betty, Voodoo, Smoked Pickle, Grandslam, Einstein, Lilydipper, Pusher, Guppy, Guardrail, Median, Mermaid, KickFlip, Cheatsheet, Utah, Toretto, Honeydew, Tonka, Pom Pom (Grayson Vaughn), Eliza, Ribbed, I-Beam, Mathlete, Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Swanson, Abort (Jeremy Loftis), Dumpster Dive, Anchorman, Humper ( Sam Hartness ), David Wood, Bones, Rooter, scratch & win, full moon,, Ike
FNGs: 1 Ike
Q: Tinker Bell Bones Motorboat
Warm Up: Mosey to the base of Picket’s Charge
Thang 1:
Get Right-Fatigue makes a coward of us all
-Bones led a series of up and down the hill with Bomb Jacks, Burpees, Monkey Humpers
-Live Right-When in charge, take charge
-Motorboat led standard F3 exercises IC emphasizing staying together as a team and the importance of cadence
-Lead Right-Leaders build leaders
-Tinker Bell led 4 corners with exercises of No cheat merkins, no surrenders, and get ups. Guppie was tasked and taught to lead the group in SSH and 6ct burpee IC
-AAR process
-Leave Right-Virtuous leaders work themselves out of job
-Guppie taught Pusher to lead SSH and Burpees IC
-AAR process

Mosey back to flags

The COT was the Nant’an change from Kickflip to Mermaid.

Bizarro Tabata

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: Choir Boy, Einstein, Lightweight, Full Tank, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney)
FNGs: None

THE THANG: Bizarro Tabata around the big loop (10 seconds on, 20 seconds off x 8 rounds). The exercises were: burpees, dips, merkins, CDDs, handrail rows, and V-ups. We ran for 30 seconds in between exercises.

MARY: Flutter kicks (4 count) x 50, LBCs for the last minute until time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at the Asylum in the morning beginning at 6:30 with the nantan handoff at 7:30 followed by grow school at Bearden High School. GTE on Saturday evening/night through Sunday morning for the crazy folks.

COT: Take solace in the little victories and successes of your day.