F3 Knoxville

What do you think on?

38 degrees Fahrenheit.  Clear and star filled sky.  

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Theme: What do you think on?

Baby arm circles 20×2

SSH 25

Newtons cradle 10

Clock Merkins 3-6-9-12

OYO Bernie Sanders up the hill

Mosey to top of hill rock pile

Crossover to parking lot

Bears and rocks.  Across lot and back.

Inchworm back across.  Until all done.

Squats with rock 40.

Overhead press with rock. 15

Mosey to admin building

Dora relay: burpees, bunny hop, newtons cradle Merkins.   Sprint across parking lot. 2-4-6-8-10.  Ascending/descending.

(Wall climb aborted for another day…)

Mosey back to AO

Austin Asskickers 8 right and 8 Left

LBC 10

Dollys 10

Dead cockroaches 10

High dollys 10


WORD: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8

Remember this, to be in the world but not of the world.  Be a light set on a hill to others.  Strive for excellence in all you do!

Manhattan’s Double Nickel

The Scene: 60 Degrees Breezy

Welcome and Disclaimer


15 IC Baby Arm Circles

15 IC Reverse Baby Arm Circles

15 IC 4ct Cherry Pickers

15 IC 4ct Imperial Walkers

Calf Stretches – 55 Seconds


Mosey to Soccer Field

1 Lap around the trail

55 Bobby Hurleys

1 Lap around the trail

55 Big Boy Situps

1 Lap around the trail

55 Squats

1 Lap around the trail

55 American Hammer

1 Lap around the trail

55 SSH

4 sprints on the soccer field goalpost to goalpost

 Mosey to the AO


55 Michael Phelps

55 Merkins

55 Scissor Kicks

5 Flip Flops with Woodshack

20 4ct Pickle Pounders


 BOM: Transformation

Romans 12:1-2  “Be Transformed”

Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps

Impact of F3 Johnson City PAX and transformation from walking to running to leading a Q to losing 140 lbs by 2 members

My son’s spiritual growth at Milligan College

My daughter’s spiritual growth demonstrated by her daily desire for Bible Study

Moleskin: The PAX was awesome considering we had run 3 laps previously a month ago and today we ran 5; excellent chatter and encouragement with the “6” always supported – Awesome day at the Dog Pound!

Seek while he may be Found

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer


5 Burpees

10 Lunges each leg

15 Imperial Walkers

20 Mericans

25 Plack Jacks

30 Squats


PAX separates in the 4 corners of the parking lot. There was 1 exercise in each corner. When traveling East and West the PAX Bear Crawled to the next station. When traveling North and South the PAX crab walked to the next station. After the 4th station the PAX back peddled the hill.

1st Corner 10 Dive bombers

2nd Corner 20 180 Squat Jumps

3rd Corner 10 Burpees

4th Corner 20 Jumping lunges



5 Burpees

10 Lunges each leg

15 Imperial Walkers

20 Mericans

25 Plack Jacks

30 Squats

Mosey to the Playground parking lot and partner up for DORA: Pax 1 One began working on the exercise while Pax 2 ran a lap around the parking lot. Rinse and repeat until the reps were complete.

75 Mtn Climbers

100 Jump Squats

200 Hip Thrusters

Mosey back to the AO and circle up:

Boat Canoe

12 Double leg circles, clockwise, then counterclockwise

12 Single leg circles, rotate in, then rotate out.


1 Timothy 4:8 “ or while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”

Make sure that you have a full spiritual tank to pour out to your family, neighbors and co workers. We are not designed to live this life in our own strength. Quickbooks revealed how he could recall exactly how many F3 workouts he did last year but was really convicted about how he has not pursued the Lord with even half the same vigor.

God desires relationship with us and that we might pursue him. We must give him time to have a relationship with him.

Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near;

Heart of a Warrior

The Scene:  50 Degrees.  Drizzly.  Gloomy.

Welcome and Disclaimer

The Thang: “Heart of a Warrior”


  • Side Straddle Hop X 50 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 (IC)
  • Squats x 20 (IC)
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC)
  • Lunge across parking lot.

 Mosey to Staff Parking

  • 11’s with calf-raises and squats, both in a 4 count.

Mosey to the Stairs and grab a coupon.

  • Run the stairs with coupon x 3
  • Squats with coupons x 10

Mosey to the Sophomore.

  • Bobby Hurley’s x 10
  • Burnie Sanders up
  • Bobby Hurley’s x 10

Mosey back to Start.

Abs: No time for Mary.


Name-O-Rama: 9 PAX

BOM: Heart of a Warrior.

From the book, “Fight: Winning the Battles That Matter Most”, by Craig Groeschel, God has given us each a heart of a warrior. An inward, natural desire to stand up for what’s pure and true.  A warrior must have a cause to fight for or he will find the wrong thing to fight against.  You may not think of yourself as a warrior. You’re laid back. Everything is cool, no worries.  You may think you don’t even have a reason to fight.  Well, consider this.  “You’re already in a fight, whether you know it or not. Your spiritual enemy wants to take you out.  He’s a master at making strong men weak.  Sometimes he does that by making us comfortable, secure, and safe, resigned to a mediocre life because it’s familiar and doesn’t require much from us.  Is that really how you want to live.”  –Craig Groeschel

Remember this… God is in the business of making weak men strong.  If we call on HIm, He will equip his warriors with strength and purpose.

Moleskin:  The PAX showed up strong and mostly on time.  Pushed hard, encouraged one another.  Great morning at the JUCO!


Celebrate the Filthy 50

Scene: Clear and 45

Welcome and disclaimer

10 OYO Burpees
10 IC Cherry pickers
20 IC Merkins

MOSEY to outhouse
50 OYO box jumps
50 IC mtn climbers
50 OYO lunges up Matterhorn, each leg
50 OYO pull ups/aka upper body squats
50 IC squats
50 IC Merkins

Wind sprint races between the light poles with Merkins. All start at the same time.
10×17 poles of Merkins 170
10×6 poles of CCD 60


Batman has 9 abs
10 IC Dive bombers
10 IC cowgirls
20 IC pickle pounders
50 4ct LBCs


I think we all know the story of the prodigal son, but just in case…

A father has two sons and he has promised than part of an inheritance. One son tells his father he is leaving and wants his part of the money. The son gets the money runs alway and spends it on hookers, booze, and wild parties. He thought he had it all, the money, the women, and tons of friends. But when the money dried up, and the women were gone, so were his “friends”. He found himself working as a pig farmer, but unable to even eat the food the pigs were eating. Wearing rags and living off pig scraps he decided to return to his father and beg for a job.

And we all know that he got there and he had sinned and asked for forgiveness the father celebrated and gave home sandals, a robe, a ring, and a feast. And they celebrate. The image being that God celebrates whenever we are lost from him and we return.

Celebrate being able to get up in the morning to come to F3, celebrate our jobs, celebrate or wives, celebrate our children. Celebrate the love God has for us and share that love as we go out today.

Luke 15:11

Prayer requests
– Handbell’s wife to give birth to a healthy baby girl….SOON
– Pogo and his family safe travels to see the Mouse
– Judge Samurai as he kicks cancer in the face!