Q: Anchorman
PAX: Anchorman, Crawlspace, slappy, Squatter, Mermaid
FNGs: None
SSH, Head roll, Slow big arms circles, run in place, high knees, butt kick, over the gate, cherry pickers, toe merkins, calf stretch.
Core: 30 seconds each
– V-up right hand to left foot
– reverse
– Plank donkey kick
– reverse
– Pilates 100 or actually 75
– Plank merkins
– 5-Circles toes up
– Plank knee touches
– Slow rider
Upper Bod:
– 5 Burpees
– 10 Merkins
– 15 Dry Docks
– 20 Baby arms
– 25 Moroccan Night Clubs
– Repeat for another round
– 30 sec wall sit
– 30 Twinkle Toes
– 30 Squats
– Repeat
Core round 2
– we did a repeat of the core workout
MARY: Dealers choice
Matthew 5:41
And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
There is an episode of “The Chosen” season 4 I think where the Jesus character instructs his followers to carry the Roman soldier’s gear all the way to the city gates. This causes them to end up walking an additional 4 miles because they had to go back and get their own gear.
I found this on the Bible app:
“Jesus does not tell his followers to shrink and wither, even to the slap or the lawsuit or the abuse of authority. He tells them to demonstrate strength by freely giving away more than an enemy can take. This is a demonstration of power in the guise of submission. This kind of response makes it possible for God to demonstrate his goodness even in the face of those with the most evil intent.