F3 Knoxville

Resolution Restart

The Scene: 45 and no rain (some stench?!)

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer  (…at the Boat as we had to move the COP because Tank brought a skunk for show and tell)

11 IC Cherry Pickers
30 IC Side Straddle Hops
15 OYO Merkins

Mosey to Sign
– 15 OYO Merkins
Mosey to top of Matterhorn
– 15 OYO Squats
Mosey to Pavilon for a “Christmas party”

  • Round 1: 5 pullups, 20 stair steppers, then run back up to the top and touch the gate and return back. (Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes)
  • Round 2: 5 decline push-ups, 10 squats, then run back up to the top and touch the gate and return back. (Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes)
  • Round 3: 5 hanging knee raises, 10 dips, then run up to the top and touch gate and return back (Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes)

Mosey back up to the top of Matterhorn

15 OYO Squats
– Mosey to Sign
10 Merkins
– Mosey to Boat
10 OYO Merkins
– Mosey to AO

14 IC Flutter Kicks
Dealers Choice:
– IC Marge/Homers 1minute
– 20 IC American Hammers
– OYO Death by Burpees 3 Minutes

BOM:  “Resolution Restart”- learning how to restart after failing. LIFE- Learn, Integrate, Fail, Evaluate (Rinse and repeat)!

Moleskin:  So I show up with some of the PAX already there a few minutes early as you might expect.  I notice the skunk smell.  I say something.  I think Bartman points out to me that Tank parked his car far…and I mean FAR away from his normal parking spot.  “Tank hit a skunk on the way in this morning”.

Not only did Tank hit a skunk, but the STENCH really stuck with the car.  He must have squeezed that thing with a tire at just the right angle…it was enough to make you gag, repeatedly.  Tank’s nickname for the workout was “STANK”.  I’m wondering how many car-washes he’ll need to make it “go away”…  How is he going to roll up in a suit for work, with a car that smells like Skunk?

Ok, enough of that – Doubtfire’s VQ was excellent!  Good planning, great variety and he kept the PAX engaged and even added a little creativity! (Nice extra effort with the Christmas lights!)  TCLAPS!

Challenge Yourself

The scene : 34, GLOOMY, and HUMP DAY!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Theme: Challenge yourself



Disclaimer while doing:

Calf Jumps

SSH x25 IC

BAC x15

Front arm claps x20

Overhead Arm clapsx20

Burpos x10

Jump squats x10

2 Capri laps around the parking lot while the late bloomers post

Line up at base of PL and BURPO 11’s

Mosey to the Pavilion

PAX performs Merkins to the Song G-6. Plank position until they sing G-6, do a merkin. Great way to

burn the shoulders and create mumblechatter!

Bring Sally up- P1 wall sits while P2 does table pull ups, Witch up.

Mosey to the the Baseball Field

BEARWAY to Heaven or to Hell as some mumblechattered during!

Mosey back to the AO


Name O Rama: 25 inc YHC


After reading the Devotional of the Life of an Undaunted Man, it hit me. I challenge myself to change

myself everyday physically. During hard work outs, I figure out ways to keep pushing and not quitting.

Well, with the Undaunted Man devo, it talks about balance of Physical, Mental and Spiritual. I am weak

in the Spiritual aspect of my life. With distractions of everyday living in the physical world, I don’t think

about my spirituality and focus on God. I need to be able to push through those distractions and work

on my Spiritual side. F3 has tremendously helped in me in this aspect as the Knoxville Pax has all HIMs

that I look to for spiritual guidance. SPECIAL Thanks to Capn Crunch for challening me/inviting me to the

21 day Undaunted man Devotional!


Burp Back Monday

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

5:30 COT

– Side Straddle Hop X 40

– Imperial Squat Walkers X 20

– Baby Arm Circles x 20 each way

– Circle Burps – Up Downs

Mosey to Everest- 2 Stops on the way Burpee ladder 10-5, 5-1

Entrance Sprint

Clock Merkins – Find a hill and line up in plank position at 12 o’clock. 5 Merkins. Move to

3 o’clock, 5 Merkins. Move to 6, 9, or whatever Q calls out and do 5 Merkins in each


Burp Back Mountain

The exercise is then performed by pairing up with one person proceeding to run

backward up the hill/forward down the hill 5X while the other person is

performing burpees. The individuals continue to alternate running with burpees

until 100 total burpees are completed. When finished, pax continue to run hills

until entire pax completes.

Field of Dreams x 2

1s 1st corner – AMRAP Imperial Squat Walkers until relieved.

2s 2nd corner – AMRAP Lunges until relieved.

3s 3rd corner – AMRAP Peter Parker until relieved.

4s at Home Plate (4th cone) will perform 15 Burpees then run to First, relieving

the Pax there

Cash Out

Devin Hester to the top of the Hill x 2- Full Sprint!


Romans 12:2 MSG 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your

everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to- work, and walking-around

life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the

best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you

fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed

from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to

it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity,

God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Run Towards The Danger

F3 1.24.17
40 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warm Up
SSH X 25
Imperial Walkers x 20
Cherry Pickers x 10
Merkins x 10 – 4 count

The Thang
Mosey to Campus
Two lines and follow the leader doing high knees, butt kicks etc
-Lunge across foot bridge
Sprint stairs up to Ayres Hall
-Leg Throws x20 w/ a battle buddy
Mosey over and down to foot of “the hill”

o DORAS AT THE HILL (partner up)
Lunge up stairs / 50 Burpees
Bunny hop stairs / 100 LBCs

o PYRAMIDS (on grass steps in front of Neyland Stadium)
Do pyramid reps at 5 grass steps I.e. 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1:
-Box jumps
-Decline Merkins
-Step ups

PROGRESSIVE ABS (on our way back to the AO)

-Pfeiffer led flutter kicks ICx25 at foot of “The Hill”
Mosey up stairs to Ayres Hall
-Buddy Leg Throws OYOx20
Mosey down stairs to footbridge over Cumberland Ave.
-Dimples led American Hammers ICx25 on 4 count
Mosey back to AO

Count o Rama – 20 PAX
Name o Rama

– Red Writer
“Where is God at work in your life?” a mentor asked me one day. I didn’t know what to say. He made a compelling argument that for every man, God is standing in the middle of our fear, inviting us to run towards it.

Part of being a High Impact Man is rejecting passivity. Oftentimes as men we avoid/shrink back/check out when things get stressful, overwhelming or intimidating. We must choose to reject that natural tendency of passivity and step towards that fear knowing that God will meet us in the middle of it!

Challenge: Where is God inviting you into your fear today?

Behind Enemy Lines

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer
No Warmup
The Thang 
The Pax divided into three squads – 1st Squad, DT Squad and Cowboy Squad.
* Took three different routes and did a hard mosey to the water treatment plant. En route, Cowboy Squad stopped at the soccer fields and did mini-suicides to the soccer goals and approximately 50 LBCs (OYO). Other two squads stopped for stations en route.
  • At the Water Treatment Plant, all three squads circled up and did (depending on when the squad arrived)
    4 x 25 Squats (3 count IC), 4 x 25 Merkins (IC) and Baby Arm Circles (10 forward) pterodactyl (10 backwards)
  • All squads cross country mosey back to CMU pile. Stopped en route at the Field Office for 30 Hello Dollies (3 count IC)
    Each squad got a CMU for every two people and carried the CMUs on a mosey up to the Asylum.
  • At the Asylym – 2 x 10 (3 count IC) of Diamond Merkins while all squads arrived.
  • Leave CMUs – run down Everest, reconvene for Doras.
  • DORAS. Each squad – approximately 4-6 trips up Everest. 8-10 minutes. Lunges and Wide Grip Merkins at the bottom.
  • One final trip up Everest to the top of the Summit and back to the Asylum. Mosy with CMUs back to AO.
  • Final Sprint up Hill by AO and back. Back to AO.
  • 40 Flutter Kicks  (3 count IC).
Stick with your squad so you can put yourself in good place to push past what you think you can do. Look out for the men in your squad.