F3 Knoxville

We don’t stop when we’re tired, we stop when we’re done!

Conditions – 48 and clear

Side Straddle Hops – x20
Dive Bombers – x10
Imperial Walkers – x20
Arm Circles Forward – x10
Arm Circles Reverse – x10
2 Laps around the parking lot

Mosey to sidewalk along the long side of the parking lot

Suicides (done the long length of the parking lot)
Run to first cone – x10 Diamond Merkins
Run to second cone – x10 Reverse Lunges (each leg)
Run to Third cone – x10 BBS
Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes non-stop

Mosey to softball field and bleachers

Step up to the first step and perform an air squat, then to the next step and perform an air squat and so on all the way to the top. Turn around and step down and perform an air squat with each step all the way down.  At the bottom, 5 jump squats.  Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes non-stop.

Mosey over to parking lot

Countdowns: 10 to 5 to 10
Start with 10 merkins then roll over and do 10 4 ct. flutter kicks.  Roll over to your stomach and do 9 merkins then roll over for 9 4ct. flutter kicks all the way to 5 reps each.  After 5 reps, do 6 merkins, then 6 4ct. flutter kicks increasing one rep back up to 10.

Abs: Dealers Choice
Department Stores (2nd floor = full plank, 1st floor = 6 in plank, Basemen = chest on the ground, arms and legs up) – Ratchet at his discretion
Froggy Crunches – x15 – Quickbooks
Throwdowns – x10 each – Tea Party
Hello Dollys – x15 – Roadshow

3 FNGS – Boulder, Extraction and I-Beam

YHC shared a reflection on Psalm 90:12, “teach us to count our days.”  We are passing away, but the impact we can have on those we love, our neighborhood and city is eternal!

Inspired! That’s how YHC feels leaving #TheAsylum every morning.  Just over a month ago most of these men didn’t know each other, and to now see and hear them pushing and encouraging each other to get better…what other word can I use but inspired.

The PAX in Knoxville came out this morning and a crushed a non-stop 45 minute workout and a few even stayed after for an OTB 2 mile run. Each man gives his all for the man to his left and to his right, and that’s what it’s all about. Knoxville will never be the same!

Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch

All-American Workout; UT Bowl Week Edition…

Conditions: 64 degrees, foggy.  Rain commenced 30 minutes into workout

F3 disclaimer
Welcome to the FNG’s

Warm Up
Side Straddle Hop x 20
Calf raises x 20
Squats x 20
Imperial Walkers x 15
Arm circles forward x 20
Arm circles reverse x 20
Tour of the parking lot; mosey over to brick pile for two coupons and return to parking lot

Introduction of 1st All-American: Peyton Manning #16…chest emphasis
Elevated merkins on coupons x 16
Unbalanced merkin; left side x 16
Unbalanced merkin; right side x 16
Chest flies with coupons x 16
Chest press with coupons x 16
Diamond merkins x 16
Carolina Dry Docks x 10

Mosey back to brick pile to return coupons; mosey to hill

Introduction of 2nd All-American: Reggie White #92…leg and core emphasis
PAX paired up for 9 runs up the hill with 2 burpees at the top; alternating turns with non-running partner doing squats at the bottom of the hill.  Planks by finishers until all PAX completed activity

Mosey to pavilion

Introduction of 3rd All-American: Johnny Majors #45…leg emphasis
Step ups on bench x 40 plus 5 depth charge squats (total 45 reps)

Introduction of 4th All-American: Eric Berry #14…arm and leg emphasis
Tricep dips off the bench x 14
Lunges x 14
And to commemorate Eric Berry’s epic recovery from cancer to return to the 2016 Pro Bowl, the PAX participated in a bear crawl back to the parking lot

ABS: Dealer’s Choice
Hello Dolly x 25 IC by Barbie
Not So Lazy Boy by Dimples
American Hammer/Russian Twist x 25 by Bandwagon

COT led by P-nut
Short talk on what it takes to be an All-American by P-nut

BOM led by P-nut

This PAX showed up early and ready to work. Lots of positive mumblechatter from these men as spirits were high. The rain in the later portion of the workout seemed to energize the PAX. There was an inspiring testimony given by a F3 brother visiting from Greenwood, South Carolina (Pot Hole) which ended the workout on a high note.

This PAX knows how to work. Looking forward to seeing what the new year brings for this engaged PAX.

Strength and Honor,
P-nut (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Soggy, Post-Christmas Smackdown…

Conditions: 60 degrees, wet and rainy

Warm Up:
Side Straddle Hop x 20
Merkins/Push-ups x 10
Prisoner Squats x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Tour of the Parking Lot:
Bear crawl along the first side, lunge along the second side, bear crawl along the third side, then lunge along the final side (each side app. 20 yd)

Mosey to get coupons (two paver stones) then mosey to hill

Hill Work:
Got into groups of 3 for 5 rounds each of…
1 start at top with pavers, 2 at bottom.  While first person is running to the top of the hill the person at top is doing squats with blocks above head.  Person at the bottom is doing renegade rows with pavers.  All group members do 5 rounds.

Mosey to soccer fields with coupons.

Soccer Field Relays:
Same groups of 3 for 5 rounds each of…
First person takes the pavers and sprint to the other side of the field (app. 100 yd), does 10 curl-to-overhead press with pavers, leaves them there and sprints back.  While waiting two people alternate mountains climbers and speed squats.  Next person sprints and does 10 curl-to-overhead press and team alternates until all member have done 5 rounds.

Push-ups to 50:
15 standard
15 pike/dry dock
15 diamond push-ups
10 dive bombers

Mosey back to parking lot with pavers

Abs – Dealer’s Choice:
Flutter Kick – 15 count IC- Crawdad
Hello Dolly – 20 count IC – Roadshow
Russian twist – 20 count IC – Cap’n Crunch

COT led by Roadshow
“Man in the Mirror” poem by Dale Wimbrow

BOM led by P-Nut

No amount of holiday indulgence could keep the men of Knoxville from getting work done in the wet, post-Christmas gloom this Saturday.  All the sitting and feasting of the past couple of days left the men hungry to get moving.  It was a great morning with Roadshow up for his VQ.  There were 7 FNGs and a couple of F3 brothers from other cities.  We worked hard, got better physically and then 19 headed to Coffeeteria at a local Panera Bread to workout the 2nd F.

The PAX in Knoxville continues to fan the flames and put the EH on the sad clowns of K-town. This group is passionate and hungry.  The PAX looks forward to 2016 (more workouts, new AOs, CSAUP events…) and continuing to give away what was given to us…F3 COUNTS!!

Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch for Roadshow

K-Town’s First Post-LEAP Saturday Beatdown…

Conditions: Clear and cold…26 degrees!

First up was to mosey to coupons (pavement bricks).  Everyone grabbed two and then it was time to mosey to one of the frost covered field’s of The Asylum (what we affectionately call our AO).

Once the PAX arrived at the field we circled up for a little warm up lead by Crawdad.  Here’s how things went down:
– 15 Merkins
– 10 Chinook Squats
– 20 Imperial Walkers
– 20 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 10 Carolina Dry Docks
– 5 Happy Jacks

Crawdad then had us mosey over to a hill for 11’s.  Start with 10 knerkins, run to the top of the hill then do 1 jump squat.  Run back down for 2 knerkins, run to the top of the hill and do 9 jump squats.  Repeat until PAX gets to 1 knerkin and 10 jump squats.

Fun with Coupons:
After 11’s the PAX grabbed their coupons and circled up.  YHC led through a group of exercises in a pyramid formation.  Here’s the drill (done with coupons)…
– R1 = 10x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes, Frog Squats, Standing Flyes, Reverse Lunges
– R2 = 20x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes, Frog Squats, Standing Flyes
– R3 = 30x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes, Frog Squats,
– R4 = 40x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes,
– R5 = 50x Narrow Squats

After YHC explained things the PAX partnered up and did the exercises OYO in pairs.  After everyone finished round 5 we topped things off with 100 mountain climbers all together in cadence.

The Long Mosey Home:
Everyone then moseyed over to the park trail with their coupons.  We took the trail back to the parking lot where we started to wrap things up (distance traveled on the trail with coupons was just over a 1 mile).

Ab Work:
Once we arrived back at our launch point we finished up with at little ab work, dealer’s choice.  It went down like this…
– Quickbooks – Bicycles (can’t remember the rep count)
– Sleeveless – Partner Leg Throwbacks (don’t know F3 name for it), 10 each person
– P-Nut – Department Stores (Plank position: 2nd floor was full plank, 1st floor was 6 inches, basement was chest on the ground with legs and arms up). P-Nut called it out.

BOM led by Crawdad

This was the first post-LEAP Saturday morning workout for Knoxville.  YHC was a little nervous due to the low temp (26 degrees), but as usual the Knoxville PAX did not disappoint!  K-Town PAX shows up and gets things done.  Today was Crawdad’s VQ and as expected he crushed it.  We went a little long on time due to the long mosey with coupons back to the parking lot, but PAX was not about to leave without finishing up with some ab work. By the time we finished we had toured over 2.5 miles of The Asylum this morning, most of that with coupons.

Thanks to the F3 Nation and especially the LEAP Team for all their support and encouragement over the last 6 weeks.  The men of this PAX get it and are giving it away to the men of Knoxville.  F3 Knoxville is something special.

Take notice…The Asylum is open for business…no sad clown is safe in Knoxville!

Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch

Knoxville Learns to Q, and a bit about LEADERSHIP with #Q101

45, yep forty-five, men, including 10 FNGs, appeared in the unseasonably warm gloom for the final Saturday of the #LEAP launch structure and, as always, that structure called for Q School. YHC and YHC’s father, Abraham (from F3 Hickory), led the one hour #Q101 session and lessons were learned on F3’s origin, how to count, it’s gotta be hard and plenty more of the do’s and dont’s and how’s and why’s of what we do in F3. Line up your VQs now…Knoxville needs you! (#cobains on the pax list FNG names, I did not get the nicknames list so I only put in what I remember)

Conditions: Clear and bright and dang near 60 degrees. #winter


    “Section” notations refer to the #Q101 outline provided in full below the workout.

Mosey to open parking lot:
C: SSH x 25
Abe: Merkins x 10
C: Squats x 15
Abe: LBCs x 20
Chaser: CONSISTENCY is the foundation of leadership. Q101 introduction and brief discussion of Section I of the outline.

Mosey to playground wall:
Abe: Section II, a&b
Partner up…
5 minute AMRAP with partner of
10 decline merkins/10 star jumpers #flapjack
C: Section II, c. 1-5

Mosey to field beside playground:
C: Section II, d. 1-6
C: Diamond Merkins x 5
Abe: Squats x 20
Splinter: SSH Double Merkin Burpees x 20 #crowdpleaser
Abe: Section II, e.

Mosey to tiered hill across the street.
Abe: Never Leave A Man Behind
C: It’s gotta be hard. #PaintTheFence
Jacob’s Ladder 1 to 10 burpees. (yes, counting up, not down, #it’sgottabehard)

Mosey to COT. #Mary with Knox pax calling exercises.
C: Flutter Kicks x 50
Cap’nCrunch: Russian Twists x 20
Edit: Something I can’t remember what it’s called but it sucked.
Someone called more merkins, can’t remember who. #cobains

C: Section II, f.
BOM led by YHC
#coffeeteria #bacon

– GREAT time once again with the Knoxville pax. These guys get it and a new AO will be born soon. Gotta have it to keep growing and fit in all these new Qs that are raring to go! YHC is already looking at nearby resorts, etc. to bring my wife in the spring to visit again.

– Huge #t-claps to the men of F3 Hickory who made the trek to #giveitaway: Plank, CliffordBigRedDog and Abraham

– Below you will find the #Q101 outline originally drafted by F3Columbia’s HeeHaw (@F3HeeHaw on twitter) that corresponds to the sections mentioned in the workout above. There is also a sample workout at the end to look through. #giveitaway

Q­101: The First “F”
The Purpose of this outline is to provide guidance on leading Q­101. Q­101 is designed to
teach all pax the proper way to lead a F3 workout. Q­101 is a hands­on learning experience. Q­101
can be incorporated into any, properly designed F3 workout, and is intended to provide the pax with an
example of a proper workout, including Disclaimer, Structure of the Workout, Position Assignments
(Point man, Sweeper, mumblechatter, etc.), How to Count, COT (name­o­rama), and Ball of Man.
The First F in F3 stands for Fitness. It is, for all intents and purposes, the workout that we
suffer through together in the Gloom. Traditionally, the First F is the bootcamp, and that is the focus
of Q­101.
There is no “perfect” F3 workout. Everyone’s structure will be different, or at least somewhat
different, but there are some important points that need to be considered and observed in order to
provide a better experience for the pax.
a. It’s not about YOU.
The Workout is not about the Q, it is about the pax, and everything a Q does during the
workout should be with the pax in mind. What does that mean? It means you should try to
avoid starting off the workout with a hundred yard dash from a dead start, or 25 burpees as fast
as you can. Are we telling you that you cannot do that? No. It is your workout and you are the
Q, but if you are thinking about the pax, you wouldn’t want to do that.
b. Actually PLAN your Workout
Plan the workout. Write it down. Think about past workouts. What worked? What
didn’t? If it is your first Q, run your ideas past someone who has Q’ed before. The more
preparation you put in, the better experience it will be for the pax, and for you as the Q.
c. If you can’t DO IT, you can’t Q IT
We do not “clipboard” in F3. You, as the Q, will need to be able and willing to do
anything you call for the pax to do. That doesn’t mean you have to be “first,” although you
should lead from the front, but if you cannot do 20 Merkins, with proper form, in cadence, then
you cannot call it and ask the pax to do it. So, plan your Workout accordingly. Know your
d. Better to have too MUCH than not ENOUGH
It is always a better idea to have too much planned for the workout than not enough.
When you are tired, especially if this is one of your first Q’s, it is difficult to come up with new
ideas. Better to have 55 minutes of stuff for a 45 minute workout, then to be at the 30 minute
mark and out of ideas.
e. Always wear a WATCH
As the Q you must be able to keep up with the time. We have a set schedule for each
bootcamp, and it is not fair, nor respectful, to the pax to go too far past the scheduled end time.
If you forget your watch then carry your phone with you, or locate a member of the pax that has
a watch and put him on time­keeper duty.
f. NEVER Leave a Man Behind
This is one of the bedrock principles of F3. We start together and finish together. It is
how we make a man feel included, and how we keep people coming back. You have to keep
this in mind when you are planning the workout. Traditionally a bootcamp uses the “String of
Pearls” structure. You move the pax a short distance, then circle back up, which allows slower
pax to catch­up. If you design a 1 mile run, with no stops, into the workout you are apt to leave
someone behind, and we don’t do that.
Every F3 workout will be different. That is one of the beauties of F3. From a fitness
standpoint the muscle confusion that results from differing workouts is part of the benefit to the pax.
Different workouts also help reduce the monotony that sets in with other workout routines. Lastly, we
purposely have members of the pax step­up and lead (the reasons for that are covered in other
Q­School segments) and we each tend to play to our own strengths. But, the following represent a
certain structure that should be followed in every F3 workout.
a. Show up EARLY and ENERGIZED
Leadership starts with showing up, and good leadership starts with showing up prepared and
ready to go to work.
1. Get there early and make sure the AO is what you expected
2. If you are energetic it will energize the pax
3. Set the tone; welcome guys and allow your presence to establish you are in
b. Disclaimer
Every workout must start with the Disclaimer. The Disclaimer all too often gets taken for
granted and ignored. This is more than a formality for several reasons.
1. It does have legal significance
2. F3 has standards to uphold, and the Disclaimer is one of them
3. It helps set the tone of the workout from the very beginning
The Disclaimer does not have to be elaborate, but it needs to include the following:
A. I am not a professional.
B. You are participating at your own risk
C. You are responsible for your own well­being
D. You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here
E. Know your limits and do the best you can
c. The Thang
You already planned your Workout, now it’s time to do it.
1. Call out a one minute warning
A. It provides a needed warning
B. It allows you to establish command
C. It gets everyone’s mind right
2. Use your Command Voice
A. Comes from the Gut
B. Weak voice signals weakness
C. Slow, soft, tired voice hurts morale
3. You must use Good Form
A. The pax will be looking to you and taking their lead from you.
B. If you use lousy form, so will they.
C. If you do not pay attention to details, neither will they.
D. Lead by example.
4. Push EVERY Man to give 100% Effort
A. Encourage, don’t discourage
B. Praise individuals, critique en masse
5. Get Some Help
A. Assign a Point man, who will usually be out front
B. Assign a Sweeper, to keep eyes on the 6
C. Assign a MumbleChatterer, to keep the morale high
d. How to Call an Exercise and How to Count
In order to get the pax to perform an exercise, you have to call it out, and in F3 we have a very
specific way for calling exercises. Q­101 is not the place to get into the nitty­gritty on “why” we do
these things, but suffice to say it is borrowed from the way the U.S. Army does it, and there is plenty
of research and experience that proves this method creates order in the group and builds morale. Esprit
de Corps.
1. “The Next Exercise is _______”
A. Clear, concise command
B. Pax repeat exercise name to demonstrate understanding
2. “Starting Position … Move”
A. “Starting Position” is the information
B. “Move” is the command
C. Pause between info and command, to assist with understanding
3. “In Cadence … Exercise”
A. “In cadence” is the information
i. not all exercises are in cadence
ii. Pax repeat back “in cadence” to demonstrate understanding
B. “Exercise” is the command
i. Signals pax it is time to begin
ii. Pause between info and command, to assist with understanding
4. “1, 2, 3” then pax calls rep
A. Your cadence MUST match the called exercise
B. Not all exercises are performed at the same cadence
C. Your count matches the body movement
D. Pax call the rep number in place of “4”
5. Change your Voice Inflexion on Last Rep
A. Signals to the pax that we are ending
B. Important to keeping morale and order
6. “Recover”
A. At the end of the called exercise you call “Recover”
B. Important command to let everyone know we are finished
e. Pay Attention to the PAX
As the Q you should constantly be engaging the pax through your presence and your attention.
Look at the pax. Look for signs of confusion, or utter fatigue. If no one is keeping up with you, then
be prepared to slow down. If people exhibit confusion over a called exercise, then be prepared to
1. Engage the PAX
2. LOOK at the Pax
3. Demonstrate when needed
4. Don’t be afraid to alter your workout if it isn’t working for the Pax
f. Circle of Trust (COT) and Ball of Man (BOM)
Every F3 workout ends with a COT and BOM. It is part of what makes F3…F3. As the Q you
are responsible for leading the COT.
1. No One sits outside the COT…No One
2. Immediate Acceptance of FNGs is paramount
3. Count­O­Rama (count off, go around the Circle, one at a time)
A. You are responsible for getting the Count
B. You are responsible for communicating the Count
4. Name­O­Rama (go around circle again, one at a time)
A. In F3 Columbia we call out, “Name, Age, Nickname”
B. Every Man calls out his nickname, and the pax repeat it
C. Pax calls “Respect” for those Over 50
D. You are responsible for recording names for BackBlast
5. FNGs
A. Every FNG gets a Nickname at the close of Name­O­Rama
B. You are responsible for recording nickname
C. You are responsible for recording Hospital Name and E­Mail (Google
6. BackBlast
A. You are responsible for doing the Backblast
B. Backblasts are important; You owe it to the Pax
C. The Standard is that the Backblast is posted within 24 Hours
In order to facilitate Q­101, here is an example workout that can be performed. This workout is
not mandatory, so feel free to alter and/or modify to your liking, but this structure allows the Q to
interject at certain points to convey the topics covered in Sections I and II of this outline.
The field work in this “example,” can easily be switched for a “string of pearls” around the
neighborhood streets at your AO, and the exercises in the initial COP can be changed, but this gives a
good overview of the types of exercises we usually do in a F3 bootcamp.
1. Pre­Workout you should assign someone to be “Point Man,” someone to be “Sweeper,” and
encourage one or two guys to lead the “Mumble Chatter.”
2. One­Minute Warning
3. Disclaimer
4. Mosey to COP​:
Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x 25, In Cadence (IC) 4 CT
Imperial Walkers x 20, IC 4 CT
Freedom Twists x 20, IC 4 CT
Merkins x 15, IC 4 CT
Mountain Climbers x 25, IC 4 CT
Squats x 20, IC 4 CT
Flutter Kicks x 25, IC 4 CT
Big Boy Sit­ups x 20 On Your Own (OYO)
Burpees x 10 OYO
[Explain Cadence; focus on Pax; Look around; Command Voice; Demonstrate]
5. Mosey to Field for some Partner Sets
100 Merkins (P1 does 10 while P2 holds plank; 100 total for group)
100 Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6 inches 100 total for group)
100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 total for group)
[Focus here is on Mumble Chatter; Morale; Camaraderie]
6. Circle up for Dealer’s Choice
Call on pax to call out exercises. Have them actually take a turn leading the pax. Gently
critique them on “How to call an exercise,” and “How to Count.” Go 5­7 rounds.
7. The BEAST​:
The BEAST is 6 exercises, performing 6 reps at 6 stops.
4 lines (lined field or cones). Start at first line, sprint to second and do 6 reps, then to
third and do 6 reps, then to fourth and do 6 reps, back to third for 6 reps, back to second for 6
reps, back to start line and complete 6 reps. Hold Plank until all finish.
Wide Arm Merkins
Freedom Twists
[Use time between sets to pick up morale; work in personal story]
[Cut it short if you have to; you need 5­10 minutes in COT to explain Q­101]
8. Mosey to COT
After Count­O­Rama and Name­O­Rama, go over the importance of “how to call an exercise”
and “how to count.” Explain why you did what you did in the workout. Explain duties of the Q, and
how the focus has to be on the Pax. Explain command voice, demonstrate
Take questions if there are any.
9. BOM