F3 Knoxville

Getting the week started right!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

5:30 COT

  • Windmill x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers X 20
  • Arm Circles x 25 each way
  • Burpo’s – 10

Mosey Lower Parking Lot and grab CMU’s – Partner up

Partner Shuttle Run 3 Times

  • Partner 1 – Squats, Merkins Rows Alternate exercise every time you reach start.
  • Partner 2 – Run to 1st open area and completes 1 burpee and runs back.
  • Repeat above with an increasing number of burpees at each opening.
  • LBC or Plank until PAX complete Shuttle.
  • After PAX completes all 3 Shuttles. Superman x 10

 Mosey to Hill

 Forties – High rep version of 11’s. Always add up to 40 subtracting 5 each time:

Merkins and Curls

       –     30 Curls, Devin Hester 10 Big Boys

  • 25 Curls, Devin Hester 25 Big Boys
  • 20 Curls, Devin Hester 20 Big Boys
  • 15 Curls, Devin Hester, 25 Big Boys
  • 10 Curls, Devin Hester, 30 Big Boys

Cash Out

  • Squat hold to Burpos – Called out x 5


  • Flutter Kicks x 30

 Take Every Thought Captive

 If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. —John 8:36

 God pays no attention to our natural individuality in the development of our spiritual life. His plan runs right through our natural life. We must see to it that we aid and assist God, and not stand against Him by saying,

“I can’t do that.” God will not discipline us; we must discipline ourselves. God will not bring our “arguments…and every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)— we have to do it. Don’t say, “Oh, Lord, I suffer from wandering thoughts.” Don’t suffer from wandering thoughts. Stop listening to the tyranny of your individual natural life and win freedom into the spiritual life.

Shake n’ Bake

The Scene: 30 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

COP – LBAC IC – 10 forward, 10 reverse

Run to the coupon pile and grab a pair
Coupon SSH x 10 IC
Buddha Tempo Squats (arms outstretched holding rocks) x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to the race track (hockey rink)

Battle buddy up
– 4 stations at the corners
– partner A does reps while B runs the loop, shoots past A and slingshots B out of the station and into his own loop. A stops at the next station to do reps
Station 1) coupon curl-press-tri-reverse
Station 2) 50 Merkins, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats

When the numbered reps are done, to the center for family dinner

FAMILY DINNER: first man there starts the cycle and everyone else joins as they arrive
30 Mountain Climbers
30 SSH

Time trials – do it again, faster!

Back to the AO – 8 minutes of abs
– superman
– ab cycle
– boat canoe

The Least of These
– yesterday I was meeting someone for breakfast and as I walked in the Cracker Barrel there was a man who was obviously homeless wandering around looking for a place to be seated. He looked at me as if to approach me and then turned away. A few minutes later a waitress had him seated, she was very frustrated, and he began to look at the menu. Without thinking much I asked my waitress if they would feed him and let me pay for it.

Later I was reflecting on how simply and easily that came to do a good work in chair for someone who is destitute. As I was in the middle of patting myself on the back, I recalled the scripture Jesus talking about doing things for “the least of these.”

The next moment feel the Lord saying to me “Good job. That came very naturally and it should. But why is it so hard for you to care for people that you know?”

Your little brother who can’t seem to figure out life. Your boss or coworker who drives you insane. That life-sucking remora that you always seem to run into after church. Your spouse when they are getting on your nerves.

Can you show as much compassion and grace to them that you would show to a homeless man you’ll never see again?

The least of these isn’t just the destitute, it’s also those not experiencing the love of Jesus. Show them that love


It was downright cold today. The men pushed hard and pushed each other and got better together. We stayed in a fairly tight pack today which was great. With a really broad range of fitness levels and everyone got a good beat down. Nice work gentlemen

Frogger on the Tennis Court

F3 Disclaimer & Welcome

Mosey to the Tennis Court


Run to the pooper
Kettlebell Figure-8
Around the world

Kettlebell Lunge Press – single arm one way other arm back
Kettlebell High Pull – 20 reps (10 each arm)
Bear crawl down and back
Kettlebell windmill – 20 reps (10 each arm)
Bear crawl down and back
Kettlebell Russian swing – 20 reps (10 each arm)
Frog jump down and back
Kettlebell single-arm shoulder press – 20 reps (10 each arm)
Frog Jump Down and back
Kettlebell Squat – 20 reps
Crab walk down and back
Power to the People – 20 reps (10 each arm)
Crab walk down and back
Kettle bell push ups – 20 reps (10 each arm)
Sprint down and back

Repeat with ½ court and half rep!

Dealer’s choice

Count-Off and Name-o-Rama
(No FNGs)


Burpees for Bandwagon (MIA)

The Scene: Lower 40s and Early
SSX x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO
Squat Jumps x 10 IC

The Thang
Partner Up and Grab one Cinderblock between the two
Mosey to parking lot
One partner starts with 10 squat to shoulder press with cinderblock while the other starts with 10 merkins on the other side
Run to the other side and do 10 burpees halfway across and do opposite exercise at the other side
Run back and do 10 burpees again then 9 merkins until you get to 1 of each exercise

110 Burpees Total

Mosey to Cardiac Hill
Start at very bottom 20 little baby crunches at bottom and run to top and do 20 dips
Repeat 3 more times

Finish with 10 burpees at top

Mosey back to AO

1 Timothy 6:6-12

“6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Being content. What does that look like in today’s world? Why is it so hard to get to a place of contentment in our society? Everything is telling us the opposite, we deserve a bigger house, nicer car and the best of the best. Look around us and see people recently in Gatlinburg that have lost everything and we are still not content with what we have. BUT this is our human nature we are broken and we can not find peace in what we have here on this earth. The only way to move closer and closer to that contentment is to strive daily for a personal relationship and love of Jesus Christ.

Great workout as the 21 PAX that made it out as everyone grinded through the burpees and cardiac hill. Nothing better than seeing Dimples cramping up while trying to keep up with Edit getting up Cardiac. Hopefully it was a good enough workout for everyone as we missed all those fartsackers that were dreaming of sheep. Great to see DuckPond back out!

Hot Pinto Beans on a Cold Night

The Scene: Low 20’s and cold

SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
180 Jump Squats x 10 in each direction
Merkins x 20

The Thang
Mosey to football field
Full Field Suicides x 5
Go 1/4 way and reverse, 1/2 and reverse and to the end at end do 10 burpees at the beginning do 10 jump squats
50 burpees and 50 jump squats total

Mosey to playground with coupon (paver)

20 Big Boy Sit-ups with paver
20 Bicycle
20 Plank to Dolphin
20 Jack Knife Sit-Ups
20 American Hammer
20 InchWorm Pushups
20 Flutter Kicks
20 Hello Dolly
20 Canoe/Boat

20 Dips 20 Decline Merkins
15 Dips 15 Decline Merkins
10 Dips 10 Decline Merkins

Mosey to Pull-Ups in the Dugout
10 Pullups x 2

Mosey back to AO

BOM- Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

In this assurance that we know without a doubt that our wounds have been healed through His death on the cross. This brings us the ultimate peace and gives us comfort in knowing that He has done it all for us.

It was a great night out with Pinto really crushing our core. Included 3 grizzly veterans with three 50+ respecters showing everyone who is boss.