F3 Knoxville

Better late than never

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Appleseed, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Drop Zone, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gmail, Gordie, Natty, Simmons, Spellcheck
FNGs: None


Tempo squats, tempo mkns, tennessee rocking chairs, toy soldiers, OH claps, seal claps


Run to life house do 20 Bobby Hurleys

Run to back lot with 4 stations running in between each completed ex (3 rounds) Partner up

Round 1
25 burpees
50 plank jacks
75 step ups
100 Mtn climbers

Round 2
25 bbs
50 T merkins
75 toe taps
100 SSH

Round 3
25 Superman’s
50 American Hammers
75 moguls
100 high knees

Run back to AO lunging part of the way

11’s Derikins & Dips

Wall sits X 1 min
Australian nut knockers X 15

Gas pumps, box cutters, Freddy Merck’s, flutters, hello Dollie’s, Bruce Lees, boat canoe


[running] Hill Sprints

AO: running
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Erector, Tooth Fairy, Butterknife, Noodles
FNGs: None

WARMUP: 1.5 miles on camp stopping at the bottom of the large parking lot.
Sprint to pole 19 and recover back to the starting point x6

CD 1 mile easy back to the flag.

COT: see JUCO channel

Heavy Day: Now with Movement

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Ribbed, Stripped, Headgear, Bungee, Smithers, Bookman, Blindside, Madoff
FNGs: None

WARMUP: we warmed up

With Rucks on…
11s of merkins and squats at Flagpole and Playground. Slow and good form. Shuffle in between if you’re feeling spicy.

Rounds of 10 at the Bathouse:
Pull-ups (slick)
WW3 Sit-ups
Lunges (10 each leg)
Shuffle down ramp and back up R/R

Standard Ruck up Carpenter’s Hill and back to AO

SWB: Stretching w/ Blindside

Escape from Haw Ridge 4/5
GTE 4/26-4/28

Be intentional.

Throwing Dice on The Farm

AO: the-farm
Q: KickFlip
PAX: School Zone (Michael Shope), Aladdin, Einstein, Choir Boy, KickFlip
FNGs: None
WARMUP: RFTS/LIH, Willy Mays, Cherry pickers, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Mosey to the pavilion
Divide into two teams. One team rolls a die (1,2,3) and runs that many laps around the playground while the other team works down a list of 10 exercises. When the running team finishes their lap(s), switch roles. Once a team gets through all 10 exercises, they knock down a cone and start back at the top. First team through the set 3 times wins!
Exercises were;
1. 10 Monkey Humpers (4-count)
2. 15 Mountain climbers (4-count)
3. 10 Iron Mikes (10 each leg)
4. 10 Side crunches (10 each side)
5. 10 Bobby Hurley
6. 15 BBS
7. 15 Diamond Merkins
8. 15 Star jacks
9. 15 Carolina Dry Docks
10. 20 LBC (single count)

Jelly Legs: 30 sec Al Gore, 30 squats, sprint. 20 sec Al Gore, 20 squats, sprint. 10 sec Al Gore, 10 squats, sprint.

Around the circle. Dolly kicks, v-ups, boat/canoe, heels to heaven, box cutters.

Chainbreakers launches on Monday. 2 rides each week. Join the Slack channel mountainbiking

Philippians 4:8
“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

take every thought captive…and make it obedient to Christ… 2 Corinthians 10:5

Let’s work to get really good at realizing when we are daydreaming about guilt, mistakes, slights (real or imagined), and other dysphoria where I am the victim… and bounce out of that mindset. Pivot and shift to virtuous positive thinking.

[karns-otb] The 600

AO: karns-otb
Q: Smoked Pickle
PAX: Commission, Leland Robbins (Geiger), Neon, Sawdust, Voodoo, Smoked Pickle
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Side straddle hops x 25 in cadence, cherry pickers x 25 in cadence, Michael Phelps
THE THANG: The 600! Station 1- Lunges Right Leg x 25, Pike Merkins x 25. Station 2- Sumo Squats x 25, Merkins x 25. Station 3- Iron Mikes x 25, Chuck Norris Merkins x 25. Station 4- Alternating Side Squats x 25, Diamond Merkins x 25. Station 5- Lunges Left Leg x 25, Merkin Pulses x 25. Station 6- Squat Pulses x 25, Stagger Merkins x 25. x2!
COT: He Saves Us