F3 Knoxville

Cold Merkin Biscuits and Gravy

AO: brickyard
Q: Switchgrass (Stacy Clark)
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Simmons, Appleseed, Gordie, Gmail, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark)
FNGs: None
Static stretching, lbc, boogey lap

2:00 AMRAPs of 🐸 jumps, 🌐 jumps, moving merkins, minisucides, BBS, Level 2 Drills

Mini-merkin biscuit of running laps and 25x of merkins, moving merkins, planks, diamond merkins, and hand release merkins

Putting down our pride allows us to hear people’s ideas and views. In return, your giving people and value the respect they deserve. It doesn’t mean we’ll ever get along or agree with people, but it does give us the ability to listen as a tool for understanding.

A Rucking Good Time

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Stripped, Ribbed, Brick, Snowbird, Utah, Blindside, Bookman
FNGs: None
Typical Blindside-y Warm-upy Things

Take Rucks and Sandbags to the Tennis Courts. 1 Slick lap around the track.
2 Rounds of various reps for each exercise with 30 second rest in between.
12 Croc Merkins
15 Ruck Thrusters
10 Ruck Curls
10 Ruck Front Raises
Down & Back Bear Crawl
10 (each leg) Lunge Twists
10 4ct. Mountain Climbers
15 Ruck Swings or Ruck Rows
10 Slick Burpees
Ruck-on, Ruck-pace Lap

Stretching with Blindside

-Big Ball Convergence rescheduled for 2/17. See Slack for new sign-up sheet
-Escape From Haw Ridge date TBD
-Hardship Hill on Memorial Day

Don’t spend time being negative about other people. Instead, spend that time figuring out how to build up their capacity.


AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Wanderer, Love Shaq, Booster, Lil’ Spice
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Newton’s Cradle, Moroccan Night Club, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Rail Road run to Big lot where we did Bernie, Wheelbarrow (ouch), Lunge Walk, Crabl Walk/bear crawl, Sprint and Jump. Then 20 of each on a guardrail: Dips, Jump overs, Climb ups, and dirkens. Mosey to the CMU for curls and Pull Ups
MARY: Ring of Fire, then more core
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Coming up quick – Feb 17 Convergence – sign up!
COT: You are getting “More or Less”. Are you more loving to your wife? or less. Are you more transparent with kids? or less? Are you more like Jesus? or less.
Consider Eph 5:15. Look carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time for the days are evil.

Run those Hills

AO: the-farm
Q: Aladdin
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Big Red
FNGs: None

Run to hill.
Hill sprint circuit
7 min tabataish workout




Bro Love

AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Stitch, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Honeydew, Oscar Meyer, Swifty, The Situation, Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Curveball, KickFlip, Mermaid, Anchorman, Dos Años
FNGs: None
Run in circles

Side shuffle then reverse

High knees

Butt kicks

Tie Fighters X10

Cherry Pickers x5

Smurf Jacks (IC) 4 CT x 10

Stretch quads, runners, downward dog, cobra
Mosey to rock pile

Grab 2 rocks

Butterflies – 60 seconds

Twinkletoes with rocks held out – 60 seconds

Butterflies – 60 seconds

Curb squats – rocks out in front – 60 seconds

Butterflies – 60 seconds

Drop the rocks and mosey to the CMU pile
Stop halfway for 25 curb dips and 25 Merkins

CMU push pull or drag sale

AMRAP: CMU bench press, curls, rows, triceps: while 1 man drags 2 CMUs around the circle to hand off to the next guy. Modify to farmer carry if you want.

Pull-up bars and swing set pulls

One more round of 25 curb dips and 25 Merkins

Dealers choice
Slappy asked us if we really believe that God loves us. He asked us to dwell on that and what it means.
What came to my mind was my experience the day before on Sunday at church. We had communion and I walked down like we do once a month. For some reason I was flooded with a wow moment. I was just shocked and honored that Jesus wanted me to come have this special fellowship with him. I was invited to this? It wasn’t so much an “I’m not worthy shameful” feeling, but I just felt honored to be invited to his table.

So that was Slappy’s word and I really appreciated his thought provoking words.

I want to talk real quick about another love. Brotherly love. Loving your neighbor.
This group of men and what you guys display. I feel honored to be invited and welcomed into this circle of awesome dudes.

I’m naturally prone to hang back in the shadows and could easily slip away from a group. When I started to consistently show up for F3 years ago I already played it out in my head that I would probably just do this for a while and then casually slip away.

Then Judge Judy said “Hey Anchorman, when you are going to sign up to Q” I was like, oh crap, I stayed too long. Then I lead my 1st and I freaking loved it.

To further keep me from leaving I could rattle off countless men at Shamrock that consistently reached out to me and made me feel like I belonged here. I have witnessed so many examples of love thy neighbor at this location. So, thank you guys for living that out! Let’s keep it up.