F3 Knoxville

(Some of) The 11 Ladder

AO: dogpound
Q: Blindside
PAX: Mayberry, Madoff, Aladdin, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Peacekeeper, Lightweight
FNGs: None
Typical Blindside-y Warm-up Things

Get a coupon, vest, plate, or ruck and make way to the Skatepark for the 11 Ladder.
Starting with 11 reps each, complete the 9 exercises, leave ruck/coupon/etc., run and climb over the wall (2 Burpee penalty if you go around it), and run around the Thunderdome back to the Skatepark. Drop to 10 reps for the next round, rinse and repeat.
Burpee Jump Overs
Goblet Squats
Ruck Mountain Climbers
Ruck Iron Mikes
Ruck Merkins
OH Press
WW3 Sit ups
American Hammers

No time. But she says that she misses us.

Concord Trails I this Saturday at the Cove, see Slack for details.
Big Ball Convergence rescheduled for 2/17
Escape from Haw Ridge Friday, March 1st!

“If you ask God to move mountains, expect Him to hand you a shovel.”


AO: brickyard
Q: Appleseed
PAX: Appleseed, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Gordie
FNGs: None

SSH, Little bit of this and that, windmills, tempo squats


Apple Loopy
5 Burpees
10 curls
15 goblet squats
20 Tricep curls
25 CMU pull through merkins
30 OHP
35 Bent over rows
40 squat thrusters
Apple Loop

MARY: no time
COT:. Be the ekklesia. Original Greek word for church. Be the church everywhere you go

The Marty McFly fade

AO: asylum-am
Q: Waffle House (Brady Greene)
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Bunny, TRC/Crab legs, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Mailbox, Pac-man, Rainbow, Double Wide, Hands, Tropicana, Gibbler, Love’s, WORM, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), p-nut, Newton, Wham-O, Trotline
FNGs: None
First things first, G-6 himself posted at Asylum this morning, that’s an entire backblast right there. P-nut showing up made it even more historic, so unFNGs Wham-O and Trotline were given a remarkable first time back.

Opening the mailbag: SSH, BSIA, Shoulder Blasters.

A letter from the PAX introduced a tear in the very fabric of the space-time-first-F continuum. How can you grant a request to deny all requests? Your Q was so perplexed that he left the music at the lightpole and we did many Happy Burpees accompanied only by the silence of our deep pondering.

The last hill sprint almost got some merlot out of Wham-O but he took a knee and saved the grounds crew a cleanup.

Matthew 9:2-7. Frederich Buechner, Wishful Thinking: “It is about as hard to absolve yourself of your own guilt as it is to sit in your own lap.”

So many crosswalks!

AO: the-farm
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Aladdin, School Zone (Michael Shope), Choir Boy
FNGs: None
Tempo squat
Finkle Swings
Tempo merkins
Down/Up Dog

Starting at the entrance, mosey the main drag – stopping at each crosswalk to do 5 burpees.

20 box cutters and 20 flutter kicks

At the soccer field, do kerkins at one corner, mosey and do squats at the other. Repeat with reps incrementing by 10 each set. Finished with 80 squats.

Crosswalks again – this time with 3 donkey kicks.


Round Robin w/ side crunches, hello dolly, boat Canoe, Freddy mercury.


Jesus tells us to mind the beam in our own eye instead of looking for the speck in another’s eye.

“Tolerence for others, strict for myself.” – Marcus Aurelius

“Look in others for their virtue. Look in thyself for thy vices.” – Benjamin Franklin

Gridiron Grind

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: Anchorman, LeBling, Waxjob, Mermaid, Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Tailhook
FNGs: None
Neck Stretches
Tempo Squats
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Runners stretch

Mosey to the football field and line up at the Goalline

Start a group of exercises with 25 Reps each and in between take one lap to the 50 and back…

1. Merkins x 25
2. Squats
3. SSH (4 ct)
4. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
5. Tricep Dips
6. Freddy Mercuries
7. Carolina Drydocks


PAX called out some Mary: Scissor Kicks, Jane Fondas, Side Crunches, Pickle Pounders

Mosey back to COT where we played 2 team Ultimate Football. Team 1 (Waxjob, Mermaid, Snaggletooth, Free Fall) won 9-4

About 8 years ago, I was working in retail. I was a store manager, working lots of hours, nights, and weekends. It was exhausting!

I was also in the middle of a bad marriage. What little was there in the beginning, was long gone now. We tried counseling. We tried meeting with other couples. We were going to church, had community. My relationship with God was getting stronger. I thought I was doing everything I could to show my wife love and selflessness, but it wasn’t working. We had two young children to care for, on top of that. I was tired, frustrated, alone, and felt defeated. I was at my end.

Sometime in October, my wife told me she wanted a divorce. I told my boss at work about the struggles I was having at home, and the physical stress and exhaustion I was under. I was told “I’m sorry to hear that, but you have a job to do here. It got harder. With the holidays approaching, the hours got longer. The tasks became more frequent. The expectations had risen, not decreased. A week and a half later, I was terminated from my job for an unwritten company violation.

THOSE were hard days. But, I made it through. I didn’t make it because I was strong, or had a plan, or had success at managing the stress. I made it because in that struggle, God became greater than me. I made it because I came to the end of myself. All of the effort, strength, and courage I could muster was not going to change my circumstances. Looking back, today, I am thankful for that time.

God word tells us in Romans that He will work all things together for our good, those who love him. He calls us to be conformed to the image of his son, Jesus. And, if we are conformed to his death now, in our time of grief, then we will also be conformed to His resurrected life in the end (see Phil ch 3).

My challenge today, for those walking in difficulty, is to first admit that you aren’t God. Understand that your efforts will often fail and you don’t have control over everything in your life. Second is to seek God with all your heart. Let Him know that. He’s the only one that knows what’s happening in your life and has your best interest in mind. Three: Seek out other men you can trust and be vulnerable with. There are a lot of wise men in this group. Reach out. Don’t go it alone. God calls us to fellowship with one another.