F3 Knoxville

Mortenson’s Big Question

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Curveball, Eliza, Waxjob
FNGs: None

-back rotation stretch
-wine mixers
-tempo merkins

Running back and forth between the school entrance cover and the stadium entrance cover. Do 2 of the 20 listed exercises 17 reps each. Keep moving the whole time. Go back and forth between covered areas until Mary.

Yup. Core stuff till times up

-lunch Friday
-Escape from Haw Ridge sign up & t-shirt order

Chris Mortenson died earlier this week from throat cancer. He was known as a classy and likable NFL journalist. He was entertaining, interesting, and players trusted him. He broke many important stories over the years, Such as the retirement of Peyton manning, and covered 33 NFL drafts. I found an interview that he did and I found his respons

“The one question (s) you should ask is-is there a God? Is Jesus who he said he was? What does that mean for me?”

Nothing about going for greatness. Making the most of life. Reaching for dreams. What it takes to be successful. Nope not that..

Just…”is Jesus who he said that he was?”


No Time for Pull-Ups

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Lightweight, La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Mayberry, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Aladdin
FNGs: None
20 SSH
10 Rocekttes
10 Tempo Squats
5 Knoxville Cherry Pickers
10 Open the Gates
Run long way to restaurant stairs

3 Rounds – 45 secs + 15 secs rest
– Burpees
– Mountain Climbers
– High Knees
– Plank Jacks
– Squat Jumps
– Merkins
– Willie Mayes Hayes
– LBCs

Fellowship Mozy back – along the way did Lemur Jumps between light poles and then mozy back to AO

10 Inch Worm to T release Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks
10 Froggy Crunches
10 v-Ups
3 Tempo squats with a 4 sec hold

ANNOUNCEMENTS: See newlsletter

COT: Shared story about my kids and looking for the emotions underneath a conflict to get to the root.

Staying Alive With 5

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Lizzy, Tenderfoot, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Down Under, Abacus, Lilydipper, Brick, CRISPR, Title IX (Christian Prescott), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Crash Dummy, Blindside, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Whitey Titey, 0
FNGs: 1 0
– 5 man-makers
– 5×4 cherry pickers
– 5×4 squats
– 5×4 merkins
– 5×4 rockettes (slow and high)

(1) 5 Laps Of 5
– 5 POC: Top of the stairs, bottom of the stairs, bottom of the next set of stairs, bottom of the Summit, top of the Summit
– There will be an X on the cone at each POC
– Everything is 5 reps on a 1 count
– 5 rounds = do cone 1, run all the way around the loop back to cone 1
– Then do cone 1, cone 2, and run all the way back to cone 2
– Same with cone 3-5
– (Do one practice lap together with all of the Xs before starting)
– 1: SSH
– 2: Merkins
– 3: BBS
– 4: Imperial Walkers
– 5: Squats

(2) Wall 2 Wall
– Get a battle buddy
– 2 walls: this one and the one up there
– All Xs will be done down here
– Start with 5 reps each X, then run up and touch the wall
– Rinse and repeat 4x, adding 5 reps each round
– 1: 5
– 2: 10
– 3: 15
– 4: 20
– 5: 25

– Mosey back to the flag with a new battle buddy and do 2 things:
– Find out something that has been challenging in their week so far
– Find out something that has been good in their week so far
– ATMs

Your Non-negotiable 5

The theme for the day is 5, obviously being the 5th of March. You see the number 5 in a lot of places such as books, articles, media, studies, and more:
– The 5 love languages
– 5 voices of communication
– 5 steps to living a healthier life
– 5 investments to increase your portfolio this year
– We have 5 fingers and 5 toes on each hand/foot (well, most of us)
– The song Mambo #5 (might not be a great example)

Humans clearly are drawn to the number 5 to remember things, to do things, to activate things in life, etc.

I’ve shared this before:
1% of your day = 15 minutes. When broken down into 5-minute increments of focus (example: 5 minutes of silence, 5 minutes of prayer, 5 minutes of reflection), can be a powerful way to purposefully take ownership over 1% of your day.

We’re in week 10 of 2024 – the 1st week in March. How are those New Year resolutions doing?

So while tapping into the number 5, the challenge is this: identify your non-negotiable 5.
– This week
– This month
– This year
– Your life?

Non-negotiable = not open for discussion or modification
– If there aren’t any non-negotiables in your life — everything is up for discussion or modification
– With others, sure, but also with yourself

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.
– 1 Corinthians 9:27

10 Things That Take Zero Talent

AO: asylum-am
Q: Cinco (Scott McGuire)
PAX: p-nut, Bunny, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Charmin (John Willis), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Coolio (Greg Fox), Double Wide, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Gibbler, Love’s, Matlock (Bill Maddox), My Precious (Hunter Dance), P3, Pac-man, Rainbow, Sawdust, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Wham-o (Charlie Greene), Woodpecker, 0
FNGs: 1 0


Side Stratal Hops
3/4 Mile Run
Up Everest Once


Round 1

Calf Raises
Jump Squats
Run (Bump Next Group)
3 Times

Round 2

10 Pull-ups
25 Merkins
20 Big Boy Sit Ups
3 Times

Round 3

4-50 yd Sprints
Hello Dolly’s
Switch with partner


Canoeing with Cat Gut!!!



Determination / Perseverance

The operational definition of determination is “purposing to accomplish God’s goals in God’s time regardless of the opposition.” Determination is having the resolve to know God’s will and the follow-through to do it, undeterred by competing desires, distractions, or resistance.

10 Things That Take Zero Talent but do take Determination & Perserverance

1. Being on time.
2. Work Ethic
3. Effort
4. Body Language
5. Energy
6. Attitude
7. Passion
8. Being Coachable
9. Doing Extra
10. Being Prepared

3X3’s at JUCO

AO: juco
Q: Wanderer
PAX: Lt. Dan, Mailbox, Stye (Hal Phillips), Commission, Butterknife, Data, Guardrail, Fetch, Windex, Booster
FNGs: None

Side Straddle Hop
Thai Fighters (left/right)
Reach for the skies/let it hang
cherry pickers

Mosey to the coupon pile…


3×3 – Complete a circuit and run a lap. Repeat each circuit 3 times.
3 Circuits 3 Times = 3×3

Circuit 1
– CMU Curls x 15
– Diamond Merkins x 10
– Mountain Climbers x 30 (2 ct)
– Heavy Hammers x 20

Circuit 2
– Merkins x 10
– Skull Crushers x 15
– V-ups x 10
– Burpees x 10

Circuit 3
– Thrusters x 10
– Werkins x 10
– Rainbow Drops x 15
– High Knees x 30




> Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

A simple reminder of our standing with God if we have accepted Jesus. Something unshakable we can rely on in uncertain times.