F3 Knoxville

Lazy River around JUCO

AO: juco
Q: Data
PAX: Guardrail
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Mosey around JUCO – 1 lap
THE THANG: Mosey around JUCO – 1 lap
MARY: Mosey around JUCO – 1 lap
COT: Continuing to pray for Mike’s lung transplant, Kris’ cancer, and Todd’s attempt to start F3 BG.

The Project January Metric Make-up

AO: the-project
Q: Erector
PAX: Flying Dutchman, Munge, Mathlete, OBrother, Ocho, Mo Rocka (Joshua Miller), Tom Tom, Erector
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers
THE THANG: January metric workout. Run 2 miles, 8 laps around the single loop gravel path on the side of the park where the Friendship Bell is. Then, perform 2 minutes of merkins, big boy sit-ups, and squats. Partners helped ensure good form was maintained on the merkins and BBSs. Squat form was ensured by using the concrete bench as a marker for a near 90 degree squat. Everyone did awesome!
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Escape from Haw Ridge and Hardship Hill coming up.
COT: We use workouts like these metrics to establish a baseline by which to compare future fitness levels. Humans tend to like comparisons: in our professional roles, perhaps as families to other families, or maybe as leaders in our families. This is not all bad; however, when it comes to spiritual matters, we don’t have to be compared with each other. We are told in scripture that we are “all one” in Christ (Gal. 3:28). One of us is not more important than another because we all serve a role in God’s kingdom. ‭‭Ephesians 4:15-16 NASB1995‬‬
[15] “but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, [16] from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.”
Here we are instructed to strife to grow in all aspects of our life to be as Christ-like as possible. Christ is our spiritual baseline to which we should measure ourselves. We will never measure up completely because we are imperfect, but we are to try our best. It is also important to note that we are not to do this on our own. Every member of the body contributes to its function. In the same way, we can serve and encourage each other so that we may build each other up to be better men.

Gotta Tabata

AO: asylum-am
Q: Tropicana
PAX: Charmin (John Willis), Code Brown, Hands, Grandslam (Trey Leake), Matlock (Bill Maddox), P3, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), TRC/Crab legs
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH in silence. Cherry pickers in silence.
THE THANG: Tabata on the Cloud
40/20 (4 rounds each)
1st Half
Alarm clocks
Step ups

Halftime at the Pavalon
Partner up
45/45 balls to the wall/wall sits
2 rounds

2nd Half
Jump squats
Decline merkins
Courtesy lunges
Suicide planks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: GrowRuck NOW! Charity Golf Event
COT: Service
The gloom, the grunting and groaning, the glad handing, these groups of men. We don’t do this for vanity or ego. We men of F3 do these things to be better and stronger together as SERVANTS of God and God’s children anywhere we encounter them.

Can you HEAR the music?

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Pusher, Brick, CRISPR, Switchhitter (Tony), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Drum Major, Mailbox, MD Hammer, Tenderfoot, Z-Bone, Crash Dummy, Glamper, Title IX (Christian Prescott), Kung Blue, Sparkler, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Pele (Jon Lindberg), La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Lizzy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: -20 SSH (4-ct IC)
– 10 Windmills (4-ct IC)
-10 Grady Corns (4-ct IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct IC)
– calf stretches
MOSEY up Baby Cardiac and to the open area next to the road.
JINXY’S FOUR AND A QUARTER. Start at bottom of hill, run to top of slope and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position. R&R 4 times, totaling 100 of the exercise (all single count).

Round 1: Bottle openers

– Round 2: Squat Jumps

MOSEY to Colosseum
Run around OUTSIDE circle, doing exercises at the Four “corners”

15 Big Boys (or 30 LBCs), 15 American Hammers (2-ct)

Blue cones on Corners, Orange Cones on sides (one side has blue cone in middle). Sheets will tell you what to do and how to get to next Blue Cone. Rinse and Repeat. First one done yell RECOVER.
1: Do 20 Iron Mikes (10 each leg). Suicide using orange cones to next
blue cone.
Corner 2: Do 20 Plank Jacks, Bear Crawl to next Blue Cone
Corner 3: Do 20 Big Boy Situps, Bernie to Blue Cone ½ way down.
½ Way Cone: Do 10 PRISONER GET UPS, Bernie to next Blue cone
Corner 4: 20 Shoulder taps , EL CAPITAN to next Blue Cone
Mosey to rock pile, AMRAP with curls, presses, rows, and triceps.
MARY: Flutter kicks, E2Ks, Homer/Marge
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Camping this week-end, various Ruck events, Hiking workout in early March, tune in to Slack.
COT: Quote from the movie Oppenheimer: “Algebra is like sheet music. The important thing isn’t can you read the music, it’s can you HEAR it” . Faith is similar. You can check all the boxes of the rituals of your faith, but the goal is to hear the music of your Sky Q’s love in your heart and soul. It may take a while for that to happen, and it’s not necessarily connected to how may boxes you check, but it’s an incredible feeling hearing that song in you once you attune to your God. “During the quiet moments, when I still my mind and my body, I can hear the song of His love in my heart and in my soul.”

nothing special

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Fabio (Joe Hamilton), KickFlip, The Situation, Blindside, Eliza, Mermaid
FNGs: None
just miles…
We did the old faithful route, and a lap around campus. We talked a lot about the upcoming GTE. The total mileage was around 3.5.

Our COT focused on a rough quote I picked up at Winter Jam over the weekend. It was something the band New Song said. Since I don’t have the exact quote, this is the paraphrase.

You don’t realize how much you need Jesus until you realize that Jesus is all that you have. Upon that realization, you learn that he is all that you really ever needed.