F3 Knoxville


AO: brickyard
Q: Appleseed
PAX: Appleseed, Gordie, Gmail, Natty
FNGs: None

Cherry pickers, wind mills, tempo squats, little bit of this and that, LBAC


Mosey to track
Exercise in each corner of track: Squats, merkins, BBS, rows. Start at 5 and increment reps up by 5 every lap. Run to each corner on track. Go till times up.
Mosey to AO


Australian snow angels
Box cutters
Hello Dollies

ANNOUNCEMENTS: I can’t remember

COT:. Remember to be grateful daily

Wet & Gloomy

AO: juco
Q: 5K
PAX: Guardrail, Wanderer, Fetch, Love Shaq
FNGs: None

Tempo Squats
TN Rocking Chair
Tie Fighter
Carolina Dry Docks
Tempo Merkins

Mosey to the quad

– 100 Derkins
– 200 Squats
– 300 LBCs

Mosey to Sophomore Hill
IC 5 corners
– Hello Dolly
– Merkins
– Pullups
– American Hammers
– Flutter Kicks
Mosey back to Flag (doing 52 Freddy Mercuries along the way)

– Tempo Squats, Imperial Walkers, Big Boys

While this may not be my last Q, I wanted to express to you my observations about JUCO.
“Romans 12:10 ESV
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”
“1 Peter 2:17 ESV
Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”
F3 is not about you. It’s not what you can get out of it. If a workout is the only reason you’re here then you are missing out on the best blessing you can get at 5:30AM. Workout is great, but it’s so much more than that…you guys mean so much to me. Accountability, friendship, loyalty. I encourage you to outdo one another in showing honor. I encourage you to love the brotherhood. Commit to the brotherhood, and grow the brotherhood.

Heart Healthy Start to Valentines Week

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Pac-man, Love’s, Cinco (Scott McGuire), P3, Rainbow, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Wham-o (Charlie Greene)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers (to watch @Pac-man), Windmills, Rockettes (@bunny Style – IYKYK), Bobby Hurley Suicide Sprints, Peter Parker Pickle Pounders at the base of Baby Everest, Bernie halfway up, a Man-Maker at the summit, Mosey to the Large Pine and 5 Burpees to end the warm-a-rama (because a Burpee is not a warmup)

THE THANG: Ran a 4 Station Ladder Circuit with Pictionary –

Station 1:
1. Bobby Hurleys
2. Pickle Pounders
3. Freddie Mercurys

Station 2:
1. Sumo Squats
2. V-Ups
3. Iron Mikes

Station 3:
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Junk Science
3. X-Factors

Station 4:
1. TN Rockin’ Chairs
2. Lt. Dans
3. LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at #Big_Ball on Saturday 17-Feb-24 at 0700 Hours

COT: Read Hebrews 12:12-17. Do not let a bitter root take purchase. Seek His path for us and do not squander the grace he has given.


AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: Aladdin, School Zone (Michael Shope), Big Red, Choir Boy, Brick, Bunker
FNGs: None

THE THANG: Mosey to Da Club to pick out a coupon. Mosey to the small pavilion for some EMOMs. 1st round – 5 merkins, 5 incline merkins, and 10 chest presses (on your back using the coupon) for 10 minutes. Lap around the playground. 2nd round – 10 curls, 10 dips, 10 LBCs for 10 minutes. 3rd round – 10 overhead presses, 10 squats (with the coupon), and 10 flutter kicks (4 ct). Return the coupons. Mosey back to the AO.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on 2/17 at Big Ball at 7:00 am. Clown car meeting at Kroger at 6:10 am for anyone wanting to car pool.

COT: Be thankful for the opportunity to get old.

Toby Keith Tribute

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Mermaid, Curveball, LeBling, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao)
FNGs: None
10 project-o-vators
10 Grady corns
Cherry pickers
10 Tempo squats
10 Tempo merkins

Ran around the building and came back to the school entrance cover. About 25 cards w various exercises were space out in a big circle. We started on a different card and went around the circle doing 10 of each. After round 1 we ran around the building and started round 2. We flipped the cards to find new exercises to do. Same thing again. 10 of each then ran around the building. Final round was 5 each of whichever side you preferred then pick up the card for clean up. Then mosey back to flag. We listened to Toby Keith’s greatest hits the whole time. I forgot to bring Red Solo cups for a prop. Next time I’m gonna do this.

1 min plank hold till 615

-Big ball converg this weekend
-Escape from Haw Ridge 4-5-24

Toby Keith died last week of stomach cancer. He had become one of my favorites over the past 20 years or so. He was big, fun, and talented. He loved America and Soldiers. Go listen to the greatest hits, he was fun. He will be missed.

I was moved by the way his daughter responded to his death. She of course recognized his talent and that they would miss him badly. More importantly she was thankful to have a dad that was always there and present for her and she took comfort in knowing that because of his faith he is now with Jesus.

So with this in mind I asked what will your legacy be? Will your legacy of a father, husband, son, or friend be appreciated or regrettable? Do you leave a legacy of faith in Jesus for others to follow? Death appears to be all around us and it’s coming for us all. What will people say about you? What are the most important things?