F3 Knoxville

Not Meant To Arrive!!

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Wanderer, Windex, Data, Commission, Mailbox, Butterknife, Dart Gun, Lil’ Spice, 5K, Trash Panda (JUCO), Fetch, Booster, Miss Fire, Love Shaq
FNGs: None
Side straddle hop in cadence  20
6 Windmills in cadence
10 squats
5 sparring merkins
Line up in the curb. Run 2 lines do a burpee.
Run back to the start do a burpee. 3 x’s
10 Slow Freddy Mercury’s (opposite shoulder to opposite knee)


Run two lines and do 5 sparring merkins (opposite knee to opposite elbow). Repeat across the lot.

Run two lines and do 10 single count slow Freddy Mercury’s (opposite shoulder to opposite knee). Repeat across the lot.

Run two lines and do 5 Peter Parker merkins. Repeat across the lot.

Run two lines and do 20 single count flutter kicks. Repeat across the lot.

Walking lunges to first line. Leap frog to the next. Bear crawl to the next.
Repeat across the lot.

Mosey to the top of JUCOManjaro with the person in the back sprinting to the front.

20 flutter kicks
20 BBS
10 ct stargazers 💫

Mosey back to the flag. Jailbreak in the parking lot.

Crunchy Frogs 🐸
Sidestep lunging side to side and reaching for your toes.

NMTA Not Meant To Arrive
There are 4 Pillars of arrival:
Can’t arrive. This is a negative mindset. You don’t believe in yourself and we need to fix that immediately.

Has arrived. You’ve made it, now what?
You’re not trying anymore. Afraid to take chances, because you might lose the title. Do not stop. Continue to set goals!

Will arrive. Once XYZ happens, then I’ll be happy. There are people sitting in nursing homes right now, still waiting on XYZ.

Not meant to arrive. This is where we should all strive to be! Become the next best version of yourself. Enjoy the journey just as much if not more than destination.
My development has no end. There is always more to learn, always more to do, and you can learn from every situation and everyone.

Be “Blissfully Unsatisfied!” Brothers!

”Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

52 Card Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Lizzy, Gmail
FNGs: None

Flamingo Stretch
Abe Vigoda
Cherry Pickers IC
Michael Phelps
Baby Arm Circles IC
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Run Panda Express

♥️ – Burpees
♦️- Decline Merkins
♣️ – Lunges, single leg
♠️ – Step Ups, single leg
Ace – run a lap around park
Jokers are wild.

The number on the card drawn equals the number of reps. Jack is 11 reps, Queen is 12 reps, King is 13 reps.
We made it through most of the deck including 3 laps around the park, which is about 1 mile, total.

no, ran out of time

Convergence at big ball on January 20. Quacken guys need to plan the pre-ruck

Examine your life.
We talked about roles, goals, planning and the brevity of this life. This was encouragement for us all to be intentional in the spheres of our lives. We can do this by planning and and examining our priorities. What is God calling you to? Let’s keep pushing and continue to grow as HIM in 2024.

Pavilion dry workout tabata dicey

AO: the-farm
Q: Gibbler , Waxjob
PAX: I-Beam, Mayberry, Waxjob, Gibbler, Monstar
FNGs: None
WARMUP: stuff to stretch
THE THANG: recycled cardboard workouts and random dice rolls while listening to classic rock.
MARY: stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pablo Escobar is dead and had hippos that are invasive to Columbia. @mayberry has opinions about a lot of songs.
COT: be good to others

Plunging Into the New Year

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Lilydipper , High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Charmin (John Willis)
PAX: OnStar, Rainbow, F6, High Heels, Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Choir Boy, Dung Beetle, Gibbler, Charmin (John Willis), Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, lebowski, Tropicana, P3, Scully, Honeydew, Tenderfoot, Lilydipper
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Charmin had us doing all kinds of things that unnerved us before even getting to The Thang.
THE THANG: Charmin took us to three different pavilions where we were crushed with his mesmerizing and crushing exercises. We took CMU size boulders to the first pavilion and he made us raise and swing those things around until are arms could no longer take it.
High-Heels took over after the third pavilion of exercises by Charmin. High-Heels took us to the Caribbean parking lot where we ran from 6 o’clock counter clockwise to 9 o’clock stopping at 3, 12 and 9 o’clock to do various exercises. We did this about a million times until we were barely breathing. Lilydipper took us from there back to the 1st Pavilion to grab those doggone boulders that Charmin wore us out with. We had to go to the AO parking lot and team up for Doras. Partners did exercises with the dagnab boulders while the other ran around the parking lot, a heaving and a bursting with air until partners traded places. We weren’t done after we put the boulders back. Lily made us run various sprints (Bernie, High Knees, etc.) until we had stumble to the pavilion for the BOM.
MARY: We were so beat down what we didn’t have the time nor ability to do the Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Big Ball on January 20!!
COT: Message: Plunging Into The New Year
Why do we this F3 Thing for another doggone year
1. It is completely stupid
2. It involves community.
3. It is a line of demarcation.
4. It is acceptance of pain.
5. It is release.
6. It is invigoration.
7. It is celebration.
Also, prayers for F6 on vocational search, prayers for those heading back to school or college, and praise for the health of Matlock’s nephew, John.

Frozen fingers

AO: shamrock
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Crawlspace, Oscar Meyer, Tailhook, Voodoo, Mermaid, Waxjob, slappy, Stitch, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Commission, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), KickFlip
FNGs: None
-Ankle Taps?
-Lunge Switch?
-Predator Jacks
-Merkin Jacks?
-Mosey to the blocks

Carry a block to the first speed bump. Do 5 exercises, rifle carry to the next speed bump, run to the end of the road and back, then do exercises again. Repeat until the end. First bump is 10 reps each. Each successive speed bump the rep count goes up by 10.

Form 2 teams. Shuttle run to steal a tennis ball from the other team’s box and drop it in your team’s box. Repeat until Snaggletooth had enough and just blew the whole thing up.

Return the blocks. RTF.

Plank. Each man tries to guess if the next card in a deck will be red or black. If he is right, we stay in high plank. If he is wrong, we switch to low plank (or one arm up, etc.) until a man guesses correctly – then back to high plank.

Upcoming Shamrock 2nd F opportunities.

Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional. Any growth that you want to experience this year – in your fitness, fellowship, faith, leadership, etc. – will NOT happen by accident. Let’s be intentional. The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. James Clear says, goals don’t determine success. Systems determine success. Goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress.
Here’s a template for building a system.
1. Have a super clear description of what success will look like.
2. Develop your plan: What and when, and how. Pro tip: make changes small, obvious, and automatic.
3. Eliminate distractions (that includes good things that keep you from great things).
4. Obsess about the process, not about the results. Committing to the process is what makes the difference.

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”
Proverbs 21:5