F3 Knoxville

Bag toss

AO: rampart
Q: Lucille (Austin Williams) , Skeletor
PAX: GoDaddy (Zack Williamson), Jeremy Hester, Lucille (Austin Williams), Skeletor
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 15SSH, several Knoxville Cherry pickers, 6 WMH, 10 tempo squats, a few hairy rockettes, 10 Tennessee Rocking Chairs, shoulder burn.
THE THANG: Forward toss given bag up each amphitheater step with a step up to each level. Go up and down. Then do a lateral from the hip toss up with a box jump/ jump squat up and down. Third time up down over head behind the back toss with one burpee for each level. Between each set do various an exercises. Toss bag in style of your choosing all the way up hill to the fort. Heavy wall sits, heavy step ups, heavy clean and presses, heavy lunges, heavy curls, heavy extensions, sandbag get ups, heavy shoulder presses. All around ten reps each.
MARY: It was hard enough
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Family corn maze ruck next weekend, Brolympics November 4th, Mock Growruck December 2nd, Stsrfish convergence/ROCO flag planting December 9th. Talks of a thanksgiving beatdown/patch opportunity.
COT: Why was this man born blind, and how does that relate to our troubles?

Birthday contraptions

AO: brickyard
Q: Spellcheck , Appleseed (Jon Smith)
PAX: Appleseed (Jon Smith), Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Spellcheck, Z-Pack, Natty, Dilbert, Bruce Lee, Strings, Thread, Gmail’s 2.0 / “Hatchet” 🪓
FNGs: 1 Gmail’s 2.0 / “Hatchet” 🪓
Side, straddle, hops, tempo, squats, Ty, fighters, seal, claps, overhead claps,


The 2.0 Q by Appleseed…

1. Run one lap around track
2. Simon Says: SSH, seal claps, overhead claps, BBS, flutter kicks etc. mess up and do 3 burpees
3. Run a lap
4. Red Light/green light: person calling out red light green light does plank.
Those moving bear crawl. If you get caught move back to start.
5. Run a lap
6. Merkin Tag: one part of field. Kind of like freeze tag except if you get tagged. Do 10 merkins before you get back up.


10 AMRAP Centers /w 2 man makers between each.

2 1min Rounds…
CMU curls
CMU forearms
Log run
CMU tug-of-war
CMU shoulder shrugs
Pull-ups & push-ups
CMU squat thrusters
Medicine ball throw
Battle ropes
Sandbag squats

1 30sec round just for fun without man makers

20 LBC
10. Superman.
20 Freddie Mercury
9 more Man Makers. (49)

Bro Olympics coming up!

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭5‬ ‭ESV‬
Everything ends, workouts, and workdays. Everything but Christ. We rushed through life to get finished, to be done, to retire, and we missed the life in between! Life is hidden in Christ look in him to find it! Don’t miss what he’s doing constantly right in front of us!

The Big O (No)

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Bookman
PAX: Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Gobbler (Andrew Cox), Podium, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Stripped, Bookman
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, lap around the track to the tennis courts

A couple Agassis
Mosey to splash pad parking lot
3 side shuffle suicides
3 “karaokes” suicides
Mosey around Stonehenge to pavilion
3 rounds 20 count step ups
3 rounds 29 count mountain climbers
3 rounds of Big Os or now known as Christian Brothers (should be retired)
Mosey to Flagpole
20 4-count SSHs
1 lap around the track
10 4-count American Hammers

Baba O’Rileys (great song, awful exercise) looks it up on the Exicon

Brolympics, #TheBiggestLoser, praise for BMS soccer for winning District!
Work to get better everyday!!!

Stand up

AO: rampart
Q: Skeletor
PAX: Lucille (Austin Williams), Wingman, Outnumbered
FNGs: None
WARMUP: standard series of SSH Merkins squats tennessee rocking chairs projecto-vators shoulder burn
THE THANG: shred the legs, start off with an exercise targeting quads, go for 1 minute
Migrate to the middle and hold an honest al gore for 60 seconds, back to outer square and get another quad destroying exercise for 60 seconds, keep repeating this cycle until we can barely stand.

Jump squats
Iron Mike’s
Nancy kerrigan’s
Pickle pointers
Single leg pickle pointers

Migrate to the shed platform
Single leg squats
Step up’s
Toe squats
Single leg toe merkins
Toe merkins

Switch to some core and upper body

Incline merkins

Get a couple laps and come back for some core

MARY: back to the square for a couple rounds of karaoke’s both ways, then some pass blocking work, finish with a 60 second plank
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10/21 leconte hike, 10/28 corn maze ruck, 11/4 bro lympics, 12/2 Knox ruck basic event
COT:pointed prayer, I pray for the man to my left, he prays for the man on his left and so on.