F3 Knoxville

Birthday Burpees for Another Trip Around the Sun

AO: asylum-am
Q: Code Brown
PAX: Sawdust, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Charmin (John Willis), Cosmo 2, Hot Tub (John Muller), Bunny, Gibbler (Tim Basch), Woodpecker, Breaststroke (Will Duncan), Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Potter
FNGs: 1 Potter
WARMUP: 52 SSH & various stretching and slow activation merkins, squats to decrease joint viscosity.

Circuit timer with 25sec of each interval then 10 sec rest. 4 sets. Set to a medley of mostly 70’s and 80’s rock.
1. Merkins
2. LBC
3. Table Row
4. Box Jump Or stepup
5. Dips
6. Lunges
7. Mountain Climbers
8. American Hammer
9. Shoulder Taps
10. Plank (Hold Proper form)
Between sets run around AO then do 13 Burpees

COT: Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.
Steven Covey: To parents don’t spend all your time trying to make copies of yourself rather focusing on loving and doing what is important with your kids. Jesus speaking on anxiety…
Matthew 6:33-34[33] But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.[34] “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

[karns-otb] Week 3

AO: karns-otb
Q: Voodoo
PAX: Roy Nicaud, Kevin (Miss Piggie), Betty, Munge, Sawdust, KickFlip, Power Wheels
FNGs: None
-Harry Rockettes
-Up/Down Dog
-M Phelps

Dora Style
-50 dirty hookups
-100 flamingos (ea/leg)
-200 flutter kicks

Partner mosey around field house

-t merkins (each side)
-100 snow angels
-200 side lunges (100/per)

Partner mosey to parking lot and back

-flutter kicks
-box cutters

Week 4 next Wednesday, same time and place

Spent time talking through the F3 mission and core values.

Farmer Digger

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Natty, Simmons, Spellcheck, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gordie, Drop Zone, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Dilbert
FNGs: None
Side Straddle Hops Toy Soldiers
Cherry Pickers Claps: OH, Front
Arm Circles Merkin Jacks (split at the bottom)
The Thang
Series W/ CMU – 4 rounds
10 Grave Diggers IC on 4 count
10 lunges out OYO Single count
Bear crawl back
run a lap, light mary waiting on 6
Dora: Exercises & Farmer Carry
125 Presses (standing)
250 Rows
500 Bench Presses (lay on back)

CMU Side Bends J-LO
Flutter Kicks CMU OH Merkin Manmakers (pull CMU through)
2.0 W/O this Saturday. bring them young boys if you got em. we’ll split after the warm-up and come back together for the COT.
“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.” -Steve Prefontaine – He was an American long distance runner who set every distance record between 2k – 10k meters between 1973 – 75. Died at age 24 after driving home from a party. Colossians 3:23 Bible Verse Sign | Whatever You do, Work at it with All Your Heart, as Working for The Lord, not for Men.

Blocks and Form

AO: the-project
Q: OBrother
PAX: Ocho, Erector, Comfort Zone, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), Tom Tom, Munge, Papa Lock
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Tempo Squats, Moroccan Nightclubs, Projectivators, Cherry Pickers

THE THANG: Ran to the concrete blocks, started with some Good Mornings

Went through exercises explained the form and answered questions followed by a 1 minute work , 15 sec rest, 1 minute work, 15 sec rest, 1 minutes work of each exercise. Exercises done were:

Goblet Squat
Upright Row
Deadlift (with extra weight provided by Black Betty and John Henry to feel the form)

Run break for some Cardio between Row and Deadlift

COT: Discussion of Courtesy. I was a Boy Scout ages ago and I always wondered why the Scout Law listed that a Scout was both Courteous and Kind. Aren’t those the same thing. Now that I’m older, I see that Courtesy is how you treat someone and Kindness is why you treat someone that way. You can be courteous without being kind (see the Southernism ‘Bless your heart’) and kind without being courteous (Papalock used the example of the old man in the movie Gran Tarino). Courtesy helps people interact without misunderstandings. I used the example of the internet as an area where Courtesy can be lacking and it be source of contention and strife. Ocho pointed out that both Courtesy and kindness can be viewed as proceeding from viewing everyone as made in God’s image and worthy of that respect.

Card Shark Time

AO: asylum-am
Q: Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey)
PAX: Pac-man, TRC/Crab legs, Hands, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Sawdust
FNGs: None
Unconventional Good Mornings

Dealing of cards with reps by value and exercises by suit:
– Hearts = Hand Release Merkins
– Diamonds = Dips
– Spades = Step-Ups
– Clubs = Crunches

COT: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

1 There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every [a]event under heaven—

2 A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
3 A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4 A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
5 A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.
6 A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7 A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent and a time to speak.
8 A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace.