F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Perfect morning – mid-sixties, no rain.

Some running. Static stretching: neck, shoulders, chest, ABS, back and legs.

Gym set up – a variety of basic strength and cardio exercises performed in counterclockwise rotation:

Squats with 10lbs dumbbells, pull ups, over-the-truck climb, lawnmowers with 60lbs dumbbell, bench press 90lbs, up and down plank hold, American hammers, arm extensions with 12lbs dumbbells, jumping rope, ladder climb with 5lbs dumbbells with superman-bananas in between.


Luke 16:10-14

“Whoever can be trusted with small things can also be trusted with big things. Whoever is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in big things too. If you cannot be trusted with worldly riches, you will not be trusted with the true riches. And if you cannot be trusted with the things that belong to someone else, you will not be given anything of your own.” [Luke 16:10-14]

Your body and spirit were entrusted to you. Therefore, take a good care of your physical body and your mental state. Do not be afraid to seek for help. Do not face your problems alone. Be brave to admit and to recognize your issues. Be honest to yourself.

Escalator by the sun

AO: bigball
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Postman (Scott Colby), Swanson, vanilla, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), PDA (Joe Mynatt)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: (All in cadence)
15 SSH
10 Baby Arm Circles
10 Rockettes
10 Hillbillies
10 Seal Claps
Michael Phelps OYO

@Sunsphere Stairs
Do the following exercises OYO with a run up the stairs in between:
10 pull ups
20 Burpees
30 MTN Climbers 4 ct
40 Flutter Kicks
50 T Merkins
60 Big Boys
70 Squats
80 SSH

Each Pax led favorite ab exercise:
Pickle pounders
Hello Dollies
Flutter Kicks
Right Center Left Center LBCs
Static stretching
G6 is going with a group from the cross to Pikeville KY Fri- Monday and asked for prayer

Wedding Singer has toe surgery next week and will greatly miss being able to exercise for the next 6- 10 weeks.

September Metric

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Herbie, Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Simmons, Spellcheck, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Drop Zone, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Gordie, Lizzy, Appleseed (Jon Smith), Strings
FNGs: None
SSH. Cherry pickers . M. Phelps , tempo squats and merkins.
September Metric – see September Newsletter
Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollies
“Maintain a margin of safety. If your life is designed only to handle the expected challenges, then it will fall apart as soon as something unexpected happens to you. Always be stronger than you need to be. Leave room for the unexpected.” – James Clear

No Accident

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Wanderer
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Twisties, Tai Chi Warrior
THE THANG: Broad jump across Hardin Valley to Award Winning hill climb for 10 Kick throughs at each light pole, repeat with 10 Merkins, then Catch me if you can across the top for some ab work while star gazing. Return to campus for some guardrail dips and bear crawl, then hunted down Booster and caught up with him.
MARY: Planks, L & R, Imperial Walkers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T-Shirts! Fill the Q calendar. Lots of guys carrying a lot things right now. Reach out.
COT: Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.1 Corinthians 10:12

Tucker Blakely, 29 years old. Killed in the line of duty. News says Matthew Rose got in a domestic fight with his wife, cops get called, he shoots Officer Blakely, gets killed himself. 5 yr old son left fatherless.
Tragic. Close to home and it should wake us up.
This was no accident. Accident is tripping on the sidewalk or falling at soccer and needing stitches.
There are 2 ditches we can fall in as we process this.
1: It will never happen to me 2: Thinking there is nothing we can do to prevent it… a 3rd would be ignoring it.
Don’t think that you are above accountability, needing some guardrails or that we can go alone.
Speculation, but Matthew didn’t get there overnight – this wasn’t the first fight or outburst.
Don’t think you can just have a pet “socially acceptable” secret sin.
Take heed; know your own brokenness; share that with a Brother
Invite a neighbor to F3, to your church, to your backyard – and love them enough to tell them hard truths.
let yourself feel sad about this but don’t stop there. be a HIM to someone who needs it.
But Jesus doesn’t call us to live in fear of “an accident” He walks with us through temptation
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

[karns-otb] OTB 1

AO: karns-otb
Q: Betty
PAX: Appleseed (Jon Smith), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gmail, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Dumpster Dive, Mermaid, Honeydew, Tractor, KickFlip, Voodoo, Eliza, Ocho, Baby Boomer, Sawdust, Commission, Noodles, Power Wheels
FNGs: 1 Power Wheels
SSH, Cherry Pickers, Inch Worms, Tempo Squats, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Willy Mayes
Mosey to the Kindergarten Pickup Line for some 11’s
Top Half of a Burpee (some debate was had)

Mosey to cafeteria doors for a 4 corners workout
Corner 1- 10 Hand Release Merkins/10 4-count flutter kicks
Corner 2- 10 4-count SSH/10 Inch Worms
Corner 3- 10 Squats/10 4-count mountain climbers
Corner 4- 10 Iron Mikes/10 4 count shoulder taps

Mosey to the hill behind the tennis courts
At the bottom: 15 big boy situps
Bear crawls up the hill
At the top 5 burpees
Crawl bear down the hill
Repeat 2 # of times

Exploration mosey around the field house with some stairs and a kickflip pushing a voodoo on a sled. Also, some bear crawls were had.

No time, back to flag just in time
The next OTB will be next Wednesday 10-11-23
“Don’t ever prejudge who can and cannot make an impact on your life. Even the most unlikely of people can turn out to be instrumental in your journey.” -Cameron Hanes

A nice tailgate coffeeteria was had after with some great mumble chatter. See you all again soon.