F3 Knoxville

CMUs and Stairs

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack (Brian Brockman)
PAX: Lizzy, Secret Garden, Trip, Dr. Seuss
FNGs: None

Abe Vigodas
Baby Arm Circles and Backards
Michael Phelps
Tricep, Shoulder Stretch
Tempo Merkins IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Lap around church

1st Parking Lot
1 CMU OH Press 45 sec
2 CMU Curls 30 sec
3 Decline Merkins 30 sec
4 Flutter Kicks while pressing CMU 45 sec
5 CMU Squats 30 sec

Fast walk to stairs with CMU.
Go up stairs while carrying CMU 3 times.

2nd Parking lot – repeat 5 CMU exercises.

Fast walk with CMU to other set of stairs. Go up with CMU 3 times again.

3rd Parking lot – repeat 5 CMU exercises.

Return to AO meeting spot.

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ruck to Big Ball on Aug 26
COT: Show Up
There’s an old quote that I think has some truth, “80% of life is just showing up.” At F3 we talk about being high impact men. So we gotta show up to do that. I want to encourage you that you did show up today. I’ve heard it many times during a work out, “At least you got out of the bed and came out to the workout.” Its hard sometimes to show up and we have to balance the different spheres of our lives. We have jobs, families, church responsibilities, etc. Sometimes we spread ourselves too thin, bite off more than we can chew, and we have to step back and adjust our schedule. But, I think its better to bite off more than we can chew and fail at something rather than not show up to whatever in our lives. This is how we grow l. Like here and now each workout we show up for, if we are regular, then we grow. When we show up opportunities will present themselves. So, be intentional and show up and see what happens. This word is probably more for me than anyone else here.

Rucks and Coupons

AO: shamruck
Q: Betty (Tyler Alexander) , Betty (Tyler Alexander)
PAX: Oscar Meyer (Brett Harris), Blindside (Davis Bodie), Eliza (Kevin Parrott), Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Betty (Tyler Alexander), Dumpster Dive, Tonka (Andrew McDonald)
FNGs: None
HIM’s set out on a ruck with normal packs but we also brought along 5 coupons (20,30,40,60,80 lbs). With 7 men we rotated coupons every 0.25 mile. 5 guys working with coupons and two guys with just their rucks. We covered 2.25 miles and there was sufficient grumbling by everyone that encountered the 80lber.
We then took a lap .44 without any coupons to speak of for recovery.

Fun was had by most, suck was embraced by all.
No Time
Don’t let anyone outwork or out-hustle you for your dreams. We drew a parallel of certain people who will do just about anything with an end use in mind. Don’t let them work harder on their goal than you are working on yours.


AO: rampart
Q: Wingman (Maverick Gregory)
PAX: Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), (Binks) Caleb McDaniel, Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Gloria
FNGs: None
10 SSH
10 Tempo Squats
10 Willie Mays Hayes
6 Cherry Pickers
100 blades + Samson
10 LBAC (Foreward+Backward)

Gross 12 Excercises 12 Reps PAX choose

Burpees, Diamond Merkins, TN rocking Chairs, Lay down Pull-Ups, One arm rows, dips, step ups, mosey, monkey humpers, lunges, big boys, burpees

Love is patient and kind; lately I’ve been struggling with finding patience for my children. But if we look back at Jesus, his first reaction was always love. No matter what he may have been going through he was always patient and showed love before anything.

What Gets Us Emotionally

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper (John Neece)
PAX: Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Tenderfoot, Slabs, Simmons (Justin Creasey), Pusher, Lizzy, Abacus (Erik Ella), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Brick (Chris Tittle), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Crash Dummy, F6 (Tim Pope), Appleseed (Jon Smith), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Glamper, Lilydipper (John Neece), Bunker, Owen Smith (Bruce Lee), Konnor Glass (Splat)
FNGs: 2 Owen Smith (Bruce Lee), Konnor Glass (Splat)
WARMUP: 20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Twistees, Run to Tree and Back, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Tennessee Rocking Chairs, Run Down Steps by Bat Cave and Back, 10 Burpees, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, Little of This and That
THE THANG: Mosey to Steps of Admin Bldg. 20 Merkins and Calve Raises
Mosey to Circular Drive Area Southeast of Admin Bldg. 20 Carolina Dry Docks and 20 American Hammers.
Mosey across field to the Caribbean Parking Lot. Do three sets of 15 Merkins at any time on the way. Those getting to Caribbean Parking Lot first circle back to pick up the six.
We will go the following counterclockwise around the parking lot:
• Sprint for three islands, then do 20 Big Boy Sit-ups.
• Bernie for two islands, then do 20 Hello Dollies.
• Karaoke Right for two islands, then do 20 Flutter Kicks
• Karaoke Left for two islands, then do 20 Freddie Mercuries
• Mosey back to start.
• Rinse and repeat.
Mosey to the shaded parking lot across the street from ball fields parking lot. We will run counterclockwise around the lot stopping at each corner to do 5 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders)
Mosey to the Haslam Rock. We will have a 20 second gander at the river and mountains.
Mosey to Shady Tree. We will do 20 Squats.
Mosey to AO, then go down steps by bat cave, run to summit of Mt. Everest, run up and then head back to AO.

MARY: 10 V-Ups, 20 Box Cutters, Stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be looking for another chance to serve with clean up at Asylum.
COT: Prayers for Curveball’s father who has a variety of serious health issues as well as Curveball and his family. Prayers for Curveball’s friend, Mary, who has breast cancer and will require a double mastectomy. Prayers for all students starting into college and their parents such as Abacus’ daughter, Abacus, and his wife. Prayers of praise for the healing of a long-term rift between some of Tenderfoot’s family members.

Short Circuit

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Jonathan Woodall (GUMP), Butterknife, Parkour, Commission (Adam Wilson), Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), Booster (Les Fout), Wanderer (Dave Staab), Guardrail (Brandon Brown), MC Fraud (Chris Trice), 5K (Derren Burrell), Windex, Fetch (Joel Moran), Mailbox (Chip Keim), MessyHobbs, Stye (Hal Phillips), Incoming (Rodney Pointer), Soot (Daniel Anders), Sparkler (Brian Pitstick), Hallmark
FNGs: 1 Hallmark

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Bear crawl in shake hands crawl bear out
1 burpee oyo
Cherry Pickers
10 Windmills in cadence


Fighter Merkins
5 Sledge Hammer swings on the tire
Flutter kicks
Mountain Climbers
Jump rope
Run stairs

Hello Dolly x10
Flag handoff at Equalizer
Q101 workshop at the Project

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭19-20‬