Q: Sawdust , Gibbler (Tim Basch)
PAX: Hot Tub (John Muller), Matlock (Bill Maddox), bluebird, Jack-Jack, Rugby
FNGs: None
COUNT: 5.2
THE THANG: 4 Mile Ruck with the dawgs.
COT: Met up with the regular AM crew at the AO for Cinco’s name-o-rama & BOM.
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
COT: Met up with the regular AM crew at the AO for Cinco’s name-o-rama & BOM.
Calf Raises 10 count in cadence
Calf Stretch 30 second count on CMU
Full Squat Hold 30 sec count
Gorilla Walks 30 seconds
Crab Walks 30 seconds
Lean-to’s Hold (Natural Leg Extension/Lean Back) x10
Standing Straight Leg Stretch (Hamstring) 4 count x10/side
Hula-Hoops x5/side (hip rotation)
Lying Butterflies
Chicken Wings (Thoracic) 10 Count in Cadence
Baby Arm Circles Forward 10 count in Cadence
Baby Arm Backwards 10 count in Cadence
Scalp up/Down (Scalpula) in Cadence x10
Scalp Forward/Back (Scalpula) in Cadence x 10
THE THANG: 3 Points of Pain
3 Cones in a Triangle- Press ups to one, murder bunny to the next, lunge to the last w CMU. X5
MARY: Volunteer
COT: no FNG’s
We rucked to Dunkin on Broadway from the AO and grabbed some coffee. Then we crossed Broadway and meandered through residential streets, making a loop route back to the AO. There was good fellowship while we rucked and sipped coffee. The ruck was about 2.5 miles
FixerUpper had one but I forgot what it was, sorry.
We took prayer requests and lifted those up. We also thanked God for our health that allows us to ruck and workout.
The COT was short and sweet. A verse from the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (NIV) Or translated another way, Happy are people who are humble, because they will inherit the earth. (CEB)
All that to say, this is a behavior of Jesus, and modeling his role should be a goal for all of us.