F3 Knoxville

What an interesting life, to be a Leader

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Abacus (Erik Ella), Steam, Lilydipper (John Neece), Pusher, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Brick (Chris Tittle), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Tenderfoot, MD Hammer (Jan Michael Carrillo), Glamper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Lizzy, Gridiron
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, BACs forward/backward, Grady Corns, Hamstring stretches on benches, Cherry Pickers, Plank Jacks

Due to the rain, we met under the PAV-A-LON and did most of the workout there. Tabata style, mixture of arms, legs, and Abs, a bit Spirit-led. When the rain let up for a bit, we moseyed to the parking lot for some more spirit-led activities at the four corners, making sure to get our fronts and backs wet (hand release merkins and LBCs). Back to the PAV-A-LON to finish out the Tabata workout.
MARY: Wall sits until time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Backblast Ap, F3 in the Nude a week from Saturday, 2nd F at Abacus’s that same day, FORGE coming up late September. Prayers for the Macon PAX and the family of our brother that fell there this week.
COT: Showed a Coach K video from the show The Bear that talks about leadership. Unfortunately , the video was too soft to hear, but the takeaways were as follows: 1. Success requires you to CHANGE YOUR LIMITS. NOT EASY!!
 Expect there to be bumps in the road. Failure.
 Don’t accept that Failure as your final destination. Change and adapt and get back at it.
 There’s definitely a fear factor here.

2. TEAMWORK. You can’t do it by yourself. Surround yourself with people that will help you succeed, not drag you back.
 Don’t confuse criticism (designed to help you improve) with negativity (holding you back)

3. LISTEN. Don’t just talk. CONVERSE
 Collaborate to find solutions. Not only will you be able to draw on others for ideas, but when you ask for and incorporate their advice, they become more invested too.

4. What an interesting life to be a leader. EMBRACE IT.

Rampart ’23 January/July Metric


  • 15-SSH
  • 10-Tempo Merkins
  • 10-Mtn. Climbers
  • 10-Tempo Squats
  • 10-LBAC Forewards + Backwards
  • 10-Morroccan Night Club
  • 10-Bobbit Pickers
  • 10-Knox. Cherry Pickers
  • 10-Willie Mays Hayes
  • 10-SSH

July Metric from January

150 Curls; 125 Heavy Squats, 100 OHP, 75 CMU Swings, 50 Thrusters, and 25 Blockees. Do 25 reps, run 25 yards, preform 2 burpees and return, Rinse and repeat keeping up with your rep count.

Short mary for time
4 HIMS Crushed last years scores!!
In January Skeletor challenged us to examine our faith and relationship with God. Today I asked the group if we have grown spiritually as we have physically and challenge us to examine ourselves as we continue our day, our relationships, if we are shining through our life more than the lord.

T-Claps to the gentlemen on their progress. Welcome Airborne as Ramparts 2nd F Q. Patch ruck coming up on Saturday in downtown Harriman.

Ruck+: Two X One

THE SCENE: Nice out, rain on the horizon

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

SSH, KCP, WMH, TSQ, TMK, LBAC – F & B, ruck to track


ROUND 1 – 21/15 /9




ROUND 2 – 21/15/9





added third round including ruck curls, overhead ruck lunges and merkins

Three rounds of choose your own adventure


The Lord our God hath shewed us his glory.”


God’s great design in all his works is the manifestation of his own glory. Any aim less than this were unworthy of himself. But how shall the glory of God be manifested to such fallen creatures as we are? Man’s eye is not single, he has ever a side glance towards his own honour, has too high an estimate of his own powers, and so is not qualified to behold the glory of the Lord. It is clear, then, that self must stand out of the way, that there may be room for God to be exalted; and this is the reason why he bringeth his people ofttimes into straits and difficulties, that, being made conscious of their own folly and weakness, they may be fitted to behold the majesty of God when he comes forth to work their deliverance. He whose life is one even and smooth path, will see but little of the glory of the Lord, for he has few occasions of self-emptying, and hence, but little fitness for being filled with the revelation of God. They who navigate little streams and shallow creeks, know but little of the God of tempests; but they who “do business in great waters,” these see his “wonders in the deep.” Among the huge Atlantic-waves of bereavement, poverty, temptation, and reproach, we learn the power of Jehovah, because we feel the littleness of man. Thank God, then, if you have been led by a rough road: it is this which has given you your experience of God’s greatness and lovingkindness. Your troubles have enriched you with a wealth of knowledge to be gained by no other means: your trials have been the cleft of the rock in which Jehovah has set you, as he did his servant Moses, that you might behold his glory as it passed by. Praise God that you have not been left to the darkness and ignorance which continued prosperity might have involved, but that in the great fight of affliction, you have been capacitated for the outshinings of his glory in his wonderful dealings with you.

Todays cot was a reminder brought on by Wingman on Monday. He looked back 6 months ago to compare our position and feelings on where we are physically and spiritually. Have we advanced or given up ground. Let’s look beyond the temporary, and to the eternal. Our suffering is for His glory.

– F3 in the Nude, July 29th, 7 AM Concord park

– F3 Dad’s Camp.  Aug 11-13 at YMCA Camp Ocoee.  Time is drawing near if you’re interested.

PAXMiner is coming soon, tentatively July 24th. Videos will be released to show you how to create the Backblast right in slack. Super easy.

Heavy Day Battle for the Ghost Flag at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Gloomy, but not too humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done 

Basic Blindside-y warmup things: SSH, LBAC each way, This, That, tempo squats
Sometimes things change. Because it was a heavy day, the Q was expecting a lower number in attendance. What he forgot was that the Ghost Flag was in attendance… so we had visitors.

Quick Mosey to Picnic Table near the Tennis Courts and partner up. Each group will draw a card from the deck, multiply the number of the card by 10 (all face cards are “10” and Aces are “15). Each group is in charge of completing that number of reps of each exercise represented by card suit. Jokers are automatically 25 squats with either the 40# or 60# sandbag on shoulders.

  • Spades: Lunges and Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Clubs: Merkins and 2 count Shoulder Taps
  • Diamonds: BBS and American Hammers
  • Hearts: Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollys

After all the cards were taken, each group were asked to “give up” their highest, lowest, and one other card of their choosing back to the pile.

Once time was called, all of the Shamrock & Asylum PM combined their cards into piles and played a game of WAR. After one round, Shamrock ended with 23 cards and Asylum PM ended with 6. Each group did that # of burpees. Equalizer guys joined in to help.

Asylum PM grabbed the Ghost Flag having 5 guys at the workout!

Not Enough Time.
15 HIMs, 0 FNGs, and a certain number of Ruckers (unknown to the Q)
“Only the guy who isn’t rowing can rock the boat.”
F3 in the Nude –> Saturday, July 29th
Ghost Flag –> Taken by ASYLUM PM

GPS Art F3 Juco take 1

THE SCENE: 70° and comfortable

Get ups, tai chi warriors, Reach for the stars, Let it hang, Butt kicks, SSH, High Knees, Mountain climbers
A campus tour spelling “F3 Juco” as GPS ‘art’. At each turn there were excercises.
Starting with 10 SSH, then introducing some new excercises
Flip flop merkins, Shuttle run the lower bar of F
Bernie up to the top of the F twice, then 10 Gorilla Humpers (wide monkey)
Finish the F with a shuttle run to flutter till the 6 arrives.
Straight to the Railings for 20 underdogs
Draw the “3” with Hello Dolly, kick throughs and monkey humpers along the way.
Then to the top of the J to carry some of each others weight on a pole.
One legged SSH and “James Bond” made the U, the C was hand stand merkins (or burpees) and dips.
We finished the O with a rope run around a tree.

LBC is about all we had time for
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us

I want to focus on the word endurance. On a Wed, we have runners who know about endurance. I used to think of Endurance as just working hard and harder. But it is a lot more about pace than it is any one hard step.
Ask yourself, are you making forward progress?
Do you have a plan? Do you know where you are going?
Have you removed the sin in your life that weighs you down?

Your race is your race. Your journey to become more like Jesus is not identical to anyone else, but it is not meant to be done alone.
Get into a community of believers, find a Church home, F3 is great, but it is not a church.
A church needs all ages, men and women, worship, communion, baptism, giving, accountability and all the pains and joys that come along with all that.
Then make sure Jesus is your motivation, source of energy and Goal.
And consider your pace. Yes, take breaks but ensure forward progress. Guys who get up before 5 to work out tend to want to push hard, but don’t burn out.
And God gave us the gift of (warning, unpopular word) the Sabbath. It got abused in Jesus’ time, it gets forgotten entirely now, but Sabbath was made for man.
That weekly day of rest, change of pace and focus on worship and serving will allow you to Run the race.
Maybe you step back from formal serving for a season, but you still run the race – stay involved, make others a priority, show up, care , pray
Endure to the end.

F3 In the nude coming up July 29.