F3 Knoxville

Lunge/Leg Day

THE SCENE: Very nice, think it was in the 70s maybe?

Tempo Squats
Mt Climbers
Flutter Kicks
Freddy Mercuries
Rocky Balboas
Moroccan Night Club


Mosey to new math building
Dips on the side and the stairs
Mosey to the large parking lot opposite the Duck Pond
20 Merkins, Lunge to the next parking spot, 20 Flutter Kicks, Bernie to the next parking spot
Do the above 10 times
Mosey to Welcome Way, use the light posts as markers
Lunge to the light pole, 20 Merkins, Bernie to the next light pole, 20 Carolina Dry Docks, repeat all the way to the back of the campus
Do everything in reverse (large parking lot workout, and new math building)

Time for Imperial Walkers


Song of Songs 7
How beautiful your sandaled feet,
    O prince’s daughter!
Your graceful legs are like jewels,
    the work of an artist’s hands.
2 Your navel is a rounded goblet
    that never lacks blended wine.
Your waist is a mound of wheat
    encircled by lilies.
3 Your breasts are like two fawns,
    like twin fawns of a gazelle.
4 Your neck is like an ivory tower.
Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon
    by the gate of Bath Rabbim.
Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon
    looking toward Damascus.
5 Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel.
    Your hair is like royal tapestry;
    the king is held captive by its tresses.
6 How beautiful you are and how pleasing,
    my love, with your delights!
7 Your stature is like that of the palm,
    and your breasts like clusters of fruit.
8 I said, “I will climb the palm tree;
    I will take hold of its fruit.”
May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine,
    the fragrance of your breath like apples,
9     and your mouth like the best wine.


Really take time to enjoy the wife of your youth


Epiphanies of the Everyday

THE SCENE: On the warm side, but low humidity! About 85 degrees, no wind.


-SSH (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Windmills (4-ct, IC)

– 20 Moroccan Night Clubs (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Steve Earls (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct, IC)

– Little of this and that


MOSEY to the mulched path south of the AO, to the corner where it turns to join the main path.

JINXY’S FOUR AND A QUARTER.  Start at turn, run down to main path and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position.  R&R 4 times, totaling 100 of the exercise.

  • Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
  • Round 2: LBCs (single count)
  • Round 3: Lunges (single count)

MOSEY to Bottom of Everest.

Three points of contact w/ pain stations: 1. BASE, 2. BASE OF SUMMIT, 3. TOP OF SUMMIT

Do 20 reps of three exercises at each location.  Run down to bottom and do 20 LBCs/20 flutter kicks until 6 arrives. Stay at top after Round 3.

Three rounds:

Round 1: Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Grady Corns

Round 2: American Hammers, LBCs, Box Cutters

Round 3: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Plank Jacks—Ran out of time, so just ran to base of summit did 25x each, and ran back up.


A lil’ bit of stretching.
14 Strong! (Twitch not tagged, 2.0 of Caveman)


I studied a bit of art history when I was in college, and ever since then I’ve had an appreciation for painting, especially from the Renaissance period until the 20th century.  One artist that I’ve always appreciated is Jan Vermeer, who was a Dutch artist active in the 17th century.  He is best known for his paintings of scenes that are quiet and still (i.e., “genre” paintings).  Two of his most famous works are Girl With a Pearl Earring— which shows a woman with her head turned part way towards the viewer, a blue towel on her head and a large pearl earring dangling from her left ear—and The Milkmaid, which depicts a woman, pouring milk into a bowl as light streams through the window.  There were other artists of his time that were more technically proficient, who painted more exciting scenes (Biblical scenes, historical battles, profiles of the rich or powerful!!), who used bolder colors and more elaborate compositions.  But the effect that Vermeer’s paintings have is sublime.  Such quiet and still scenes are rendered into beautiful depictions of everyday life.  In The Milkmaid, for instance, the room the scene takes place in is very plain, as is the woman, the earthenware vessels, and the clothing.  And yet there is such a sense of peace, of airiness, even of loneliness as this woman goes about her chore alone and in silence.  And the objects in the room look so real, you feel like you can almost taste the milk, and feel the dry crust of the bread.  The end result is more than a sum of its parts, and the beauty of the painting when you take a few moments to appreciate it is incredible.  The beauty of the simple.  Vermeer was a master taking these little, mundane moments and turning them into Epiphanies of the Everyday.

I can’t help thinking about the analogy of how God works in our daily lives.  Although I believe miracles can and do happen, the beauty and love of God is often much more subtle.  The kindness of a stranger, the perfect sunset over our AO as we enjoy a Board meeting, the phone call or text from a friend during a time of loneliness or hardship.

We’re often so busy that we’re oblivious to the little moments, the small windows of our Heavenly Father’s beauty and kindness and love that is hiding in plain sight.  Take a moment this week to pause and appreciate an Everyday Epiphany that our Lord and Father provides for us.  Just take a moment, breathe, and be grateful.  And even better, take the opportunity to BE that Epiphany for someone else.  Perform a random act of kindness to a stranger, reach out to a friend, family member, or F3 brother that you haven’t heard from in a while, share your gift of music, humor, or good nature with someone who may not be expecting it.


Sign up for the Volunteer work day at Asylum a week from this Saturday, 9 am – ??.  Send Me shirts still on sale!

Bricks and Ropes

THE SCENE: cool 64

The PAX did little baby arm circle forward and backwards, some hallelujah, Chattanooga Cherry pickers and Gradie corns
Mosey to the recruiting center and had some small bricks and the CMU. The PAX did these exercises ( OHP, Heavy little baby arm circle, heavy hallelujah,  heavy Gradie corns. America hammer,  Freddie mercury,  curls, derky turkey,rows, Renegade Rows)one man  rotated to the rope circuit

  • 20 side wave
  • 20 side to side wave
  • 20 alt lateral squats rope waves
  • 20 kneeling waves



Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8‭-‬9 ESV

Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes who we are. So just wanted to encourage you all to fight keeping the 🏰 of your mind clean of sin by replacing with Christ 

Tri till you Curl Up Jucomajaro

THE SCENE: 64°, dry and a bit too bright out

SSH, Reach for the sky, Let it hang, Cherry Picketers, Mountain Climbers, Windmills
Mosey to the Guardrail behind the strip mall for 20 Dips, 20 Triceps, 20 Curls, then run around the building with the rocks.  More Triceps and Curls (30 each) then mosey to the base of Juco.

Ran 2 lines, then animal moved (Duck walk, Bear crawl, Crab walk, Bernie)  Did some core at the top of the hill.  Mosey down with some squats on the way.

Back to the CMU pile for Tri’s and Curls and some CMU merkins.  Core on the way back to a ring of fire and some more core.


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
I need to let you all know that my cousin, Doug died Sunday night.
We have prayed for him for a long time and his last days were horrible.  This isn’t the way we would want it.  He was only 42 and throat and mouth cancer spreading everywhere meant he died of not being able to drink or swallow. He lost most of his ability to speak a few months back.
His only expression of faith I know of, one I believe to be genuine, was by text message with my mom.

So we can learn a few things from Doug
1) Never smoke or dip – it is not worth it. Don’t let your loved ones do it either.
2) Express your faith while you still have a voice and breath
Expressing that is a gift to your family and what God wants.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27
God knows them. He isn’t letting anyone slip through the cracks
Not the sheep know Him. He knows the Sheep.
We are the sheep, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart
Some will hear his voice and mistake it for Thunder
Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven: “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.” The crowd that stood there and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to him.”
John 12:28‭-‬29 ESV
There are so many competing voices, but he way the Secret Service handles counterfeit.  You study the real thing till you know it so well, it is easy to distinguish the real thing.

Prayers appreciated for my family – Wake and Funeral are Friday and Saturday in Chicago Burbs.

Dragon Boat festival coming up soon!

Heavy Grumble, Grumble Part 2

THE SCENE: Muy Muy Bueno

Given and received

  • SSH: 10 x 4 IC
  • Tempo Merkin: 5 IC
  • Mountain Climber: 5 x 4 IC
  • 4 count cherry pickers
  • Tempo Squat: 5 x 4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10 x 4 F & 10 x 4 B
  • Moroccan night club 6 x 4 IC


Carry heavy things as a team or individually to each post.

  1. Mosey to dugout 1
  • 1/2 group “peoples chair” as long as it takes for the other half to finish 20 squats
  • 1/2 group 20 heavy squats

Switch Rinse repeat until everyone gets 100 squats

2. Mosey to track dump heavies

  • @ track 5 burpees
  • @playground 5 burpees

Rinse and repeat to 4, 3, 2, end at 1 on the track.

3. Mosey with sandbags to top of track

  • 5 merkins
  • 5 big boys

Rinse and repeat to 4,3,2,1

4. Mosey with sandbags to bottom of track

  • 5 – 4 count American hammers
  • 5  – 4 count flutter kicks

Rinse and repeat to 4,3,2,1

Lap #2

5. Mosey to mid field with sandbags

  • Pax in a single file line, plenty of space between. 1st man deadlifts the 60# sandbag and toss over head for the next man, then drop to plank the heavy bag travels to the end of the line. When all men are in plank, drag 40# sandbag under your body with opposite arm to the next man.
  • Recover, rinse, repeat. Modify to hold Al Gore, and drag the bag back up to first man between the legs of each man. 



That was a hard thing gentlemen. THANK YOU FOR GIVING YOUR ALL. Most men are still asleep waiting to face the day. You have already went to battle and won. The COT today is brought to you by the Apostle Paul.

Key verse Eph 5:20

Eph 5:18  And do not get drunk with wine, for that is excess, but be filled with the Spirit,

Eph 5:19  speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;

Eph 5:20  always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;

Eph 5:21  and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.

It’s easy to have a melody in your heart singing to the Lord when things are all good, but when things go wrong our flesh desires to rebel. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your situation, thank the Lord for your trials and trouble.

I love the closing thought in verse 21 as well. How do we as brothers ensure that we are holding this standard of giving thanks to the Lord? Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. That’s accountability right there. That’s why F3 exists to be a helper for your brothers.

Rom 8:35  Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?


Rom 8:37  But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.

Give thanks to Him for the good, for the bad, for the mundane, for the Joy. He alone is worthy. THANK YOU LORD.

This was a repeat of my VQ, still an honor to Q at Rampart. Looking forward to many more.

welcome back Ride along!

pathfinder ruck training beginning soon

F3 in the nude?? What’s that about? 

Q calendar openings have been filled, thank you men.