F3 Knoxville

Disc Golf in the Gloom – A Shot in the Dark!

THE SCENE: July in K-town
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered. None of this “F3 in the nude” nonsense happening. (also no SSH’s happening)

Neck circles – 5x each way (CW, CCW)
Overhead clap (10x)
Hip circles – 5x each way (CW, CCW)
Good morning – 10x slowly
Cherry Pickers – 5x slowly IC
Tennessee rocking chair – 10x IC (increasing 7 thru 10)
Seal clap squats 10 x IC
Ankle circles – 5x each ankle, each way (CW, CCW)
Calf raises – 15 x IC
Forward lunges 5x each leg
Side lunges – 5x each leg

5 Burpees (for fun)


Mosey to the Cheatsheet parking lot for parking space 11’s:
10 Merkins
Bear crawl across 2 parking spots
1 Squat
Lunge back
9 Merkins

Turf work:
Disc golf basket.
Complete the phrase in golf: Drive for show… putt for (dough).
Disc golf putting competition. Pair up & split. Two lines – every line is a set of exercises. You do those exercises until the PAX on your team makes a shot. We are going to 30 yards so BE Careful!
5 attempts each line (2 discs each)
Cones at 5 yards
1. Burpees (wide merkins)
2. Squat jumps (squats)
Cones at 10 yards
3. Merkins (Modified merkins)
4. BBS (LBC)
Cones at 15 yards
5. Squats (quarter squats or good mornings)
6. Calf raises (if you need a modification for these just rest more or do ankle circles
Run 1 lap around the field. Rest 1 minute if your team is done.
When both teams have completed 1 round we’ll take a break.
Round 2 Repeat
Round 3 Repeat

Row-row-row your boat (“Life is but a dream” edition by Waxjob)

12 PAX

Sometimes we can feel trapped and like we’re taking shots in the dark. That we don’t know what to do or that we can’t succeed when we do. (example – round 3 all from 20 yards if we do that)

Today I’m going to tell a story that is a continuation from Osteen’s sermon yesterday at our church on Psalm 42 & Psalm 43 that talks about the counsel from God’s Word about depression. I’ll link you to the sermon, but the illustration is worth a read (From BannerOfTruth.org)

[In August 1969 Dr. (Martyn) Lloyd-Jones was the principal preacher at the summer Institute of Theology in Pensacola. People today who were there still talk of the nine messages they heard him preach. They were the cream of his sermons, messages he had taken with him around the UK preaching to packed churches. They have now been reprinted, and the following is one of his memorable illustrations in a sermon on the road to Emmaus from Luke 24.

I remember preaching in my homeland of Wales one Sunday in the early 1930s. I was preaching in a country place at an afternoon and then an evening service. When I finished the service in the afternoon and had come down from the pulpit, two ministers came up to me. They had a request to make. They said, ‘We wonder whether you’ll do us a kindness.’

‘If I can,’ I said, ‘I’ll be happy to.’

‘Well,’ they said, ‘we think you can. There’s a tragic case. It’s the case of our local schoolmaster. He’s a very fine man, and he was one of the best church workers in the district. But he’s got into a very sad condition. He’s given up all his church work. He just manages to keep going in his school. But as for church life and activity, he’s become more or less useless.”

‘What’s the matter with him?’ I asked.

‘Well,’ they said, ‘he’s got into some kind of depressed condition. Complains of headaches and pains in his stomach and so on. Would you be good enough to see him?’

I promised I would. So after I had had my tea, this man, the schoolmaster, came to see me. I said to him, ‘You look depressed.’ He was like the men on the road to Emmaus. One glance at this man told me all about him. I saw the typical face and attitude of a man who is depressed and discouraged. I said, ‘Now tell me, what’s the trouble?’

‘Well,’ he said, ‘I get these headaches. I’m never free from them. I wake up with one in the morning, and I can’t sleep too well either.’ He added that he also suffered from gastric pains and so on.

‘Tell me,’ I said, ‘how long have you been like this?’

‘Oh,’ he said, ‘it’s been going on for years. As a matter of fact, it’s been going on since 1915.’

‘I’m interested to hear this,’ I said. ‘How did it begin?’

He said, ‘Well, when the war broke out in 1914, I volunteered very early on and went into the navy. Eventually I was transferred to a submarine, which was sent to the Mediterranean. Now the part of the navy I belonged to was involved in the Gallipoli Campaign. I was there in this submarine in the Mediterranean during that campaign. One afternoon we were engaged in action. We were submerged in the sea, and we were all engaged in our duties when suddenly there was a most terrible thud and our submarine shook. We’d been hit by a mine, and down we sank to the bottom of the Mediterranean. You know, since then I’ve never been the same man.’

‘Well,’ I said, ‘please tell me the rest of your story.’

‘But,’ he said, ‘there’s really nothing more to say. I’m just telling you that’s how I’ve been ever since that happened to me in the Mediterranean.’

‘But, my dear friend,’ I said, ‘I really would be interested to know the remainder of the story.’

‘But I’ve told you the whole story.’

This went on for some considerable time. It was a part of my treatment. I said again, ‘Now I really would like to know the whole story. Start at the beginning again.’ And he told me how he had volunteered, joined the navy, was posted to a submarine that went to the Mediterranean, and everything was all right until the afternoon they were engaged in the action, the sudden thud and the shaking. ‘Down we went to the bottom of the Mediterranean. And I have been like this ever since.’

Again I said, ‘Tell me the rest of the story.’ And I took him over it step by step. We came to that dramatic afternoon — the thud, the shaking of the submarine.

‘Down we went to the bottom of the Mediterranean.’

‘Go on!’ I said.

‘There’s nothing more to be said.’

I said, ‘Are you still at the bottom of the Mediterranean?’ You see, physically he was not, but mentally he was. He had remained at the bottom of the Mediterranean ever since. So I went on to say to him, ‘That’s your whole trouble. All your troubles are due to the fact that in your own mind you are still at the bottom of the Mediterranean. Why didn’t you tell me that somehow or another you came up to the surface, that someone on another ship saw you, got hold of you and got you on board his ship, that you were treated there and eventually brought back to England and put into a hospital?’ Then I got all the facts out of him. I said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me all that? You stopped down at the bottom of the Mediterranean.’

It was because this man was dammed up in his mind that he had suffered from this terrible depression during all those years. I am happy to be able to tell you that as the result of this explanation that man was perfectly restored. He resumed his duties in the church and within a year had applied for ordination in the Anglican Church in Wales.

Now I tell you this story simply in order to show you the condition of these men on the road to Emmaus. There they are: ‘We had thought . . . but, oh, what’s the use of thinking? They tried him and condemned him unjustly. They crucified him. He died, and they buried him. And he’s in the tomb.’ They are so certain of this that they have become oblivious of everything else and blind to everything else. And I have a fear, my dear friends, that that is the trouble with so many of us. We are so aware of the problems, so immersed in them, that we have forgotten all of the glory that is around us and have seen nothing but the problems that lead to this increasing dejection. That is my analysis of these men on the road to Emmaus.

So the question remains for us: Are we at the bottom of the Mediterranean? Is Jesus in the tomb? Neither do you have to remain or think that you are still taking shots in the dark all alone. And if you feel this way, walk and talk awhile with Jesus like the two disciples on the road to Emmaeus. After all, He is the Light of the World (John 8:12), and He will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path so you don’t stumble.

First Q since 2022
Good to be back in the gloom.

The Impossible Mile

Shamrock 7/14/2023
See picture above
80 degrees at 0530 with humidity around 96%, some would call it terrible

3 very slow cherry pickers
SSH to around 15
The workout was simple, but due to the Ghostflag, we had two well represented groups from Juco & F3 Smokies vying to take it home.  We chose to host a competition, and the first group with 3 to finish the workout below took home the flag.
The workout was as follows:
The Impossible Mile
400 M Run
100 Merkins
400 M Run
100 Squats
400 M Run
400 M Run

Following that sweat fest, we moved over to the Jesus statue and found a battle buddy.  One partner held a wall squat while the other partner did 50 dips.  After both partners completed the exercises, we switched one partner held a balls to the wall while the other partner did 50 step ups.  Once both partners completed both exercises, we moseyed back to the flag for a Mary.

The Mary was very popular today.
10 snow angels in cadence followed by 10 merkins
20 Flutters in cadence followed by 10 merkins
13 Shoulder taps in cadence followed by 10 merkins
finally 7 more burpees

Today we talked about the Golden rule and simply treating others the way that we want to be treated.  Especially making a hard workout for those trying to steal the Ghost Flag because I expect a hard workout if I want to steal it back!!
Prayer requests:
Mailbox’s mom in the ER
Cheat Sheet as a caregiver and for prayer regarding his ongoing parenting plan.
F3 in the Nude on 7/29
A workout with no shoes, shirt or gloves required that will take place in and out of the water at the Cove with breakfast provided by the Dog Pound boys.



SSH Temp Squats
Cherry Pickers Claps: OH, Front
Tempo Merkins Side Lunges
The Thang

Partner up
Catch Me If You Can
Partner 1 performs 5 Bobby Hurley , and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards. Teams complete 3 laps around track

12 – Manmakers

AMRAP while partner runs, then switch, then next exercise.
OH claps
Mountain Climbers

irkins and dips
10 ManMakers


Flutter Kicks Hello Dollies
LBCs Superman

“Life rewards action, not intelligence.
Many brilliant people talk themselves out of getting started, and being smart doesn’t help very much without the courage to act.
You can’t win if you’re not in the game.” – James Clear
July 15 – help Andrea Phelps move
July 22nd, 7:30AM – 2.0 workout at The Project
July 29th, 7:00AM – F3 in the nude

Aug 11-13 Dad’s Camp

Heavy day


Unseasonably cool


  • Cherry Pickers
  • Tie Fighters
  • Tempo Squats
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Down Dog


Grab a CMU and rifle carry to big parking lot. We setup with the following list.

  1. 40 Tricep Extensions
  2. 35 Goblet Squats
  3. 30 Curls
  4. 25 Rows
  5. 20 Derkins
  6. 15 Thrusters
  7. 10 CMU Swings
  8. 5 Blockees

After completing the list, suitcase carry your CMU to the first parking lot line, return with it in opposite hand.
Repeat the list dropping the first row (start with #2). After all is complete, carry to second line.
Rinse and repeat dropping an exercise and carrying to a further line.
Last cycle would be 5 Blockees and carry 8 lines.

Workout credit: kick-flip

20 flutter kicks


I’ve been memorizing verses recently using an app called fighter verses. https://www.fighterverses.com/ Check it out if interested.

One of those verses is Deut 10:12-13:

12 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?

— Deut 10:12-13

Two things I’d like to share.

  1. One is a reminder to obey God. These verses do a good job of fleshing out what that looks like.
  2. Two is a reminder it’s for our good. It’s amazing that God would set it up that obeying him is not just for him but also for us. Obey! and rest assured it’s the best thing to do.


Shamrock Gymstacle

THE SCENE: Beautiful summer morning! Low 60’s. Perfect!


Yoga style! Deep arm stretch, runners pose, downward dog, cobra etc..
Shamrock “gymstacle” – a hybrid of a gym and an obstacle course. The soundtrack for the beat down has a “wild artist” (same principle as a wild card). Every song of a “wild artist” doubles the amount of reps for everyone! Today’s “wild artist” – Justin Bieber!  The workout: 30 twinkle toes with CMU’s; Pull ups; Merkins, American Hammers with a heavy ball; Jumping rope; Bench press; Heavy pants; Truck climb; Hand-Elbow plank; Side jumps; Lawnmowers with 60lbs dumbbell; Dumbbell squats. Repeat!

No time
12 men! Anchorman, Base Salary, Betty, Le Bling, Mermaid, Oscar Meyer, Rubber Duckie, Skid Mark, Slappy, Voo Doo, Tailhook and a FNG – Jar Jar!
For most of us helping others is a natural tendency. However, there are situations when it is better to let someone finish his or her task without interfering by offering help. Because it might be important for this person to complete his or her task without any assistance.

F3 has a new member! Jar Jar! Welcome!