F3 Knoxville

The cards will decide!

THE SCENE: Weather was so nice there was no gloom.

Side straddle hop, Body stretch, Merkins, Tempo squats, Little baby arm circles, Chattanooga cherry pickers, Knoxville cherry pickers

The Q separated a deck of cards into two groups.  Number cards 2-9 and 10-Ace.  10 through Ace also had a red joker and a black horsehead joker.  Each number card was assigned an exercise.  The PAX would hold Al Gore while a card was pulled from each group.  The exercise was determined by the 2-9 cards while the number of reps was determined by the 10-Ace deck.  10=10, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=14, Red Joker=25, Horsehead=50.

Pax completed 3 exercises in a location and would then run 200 to 400 meters to the next exercise location.  The PAX completed 6 stations while also running a 1/4 mile Indian run.  The PAX finished at the original starting point with a CMU MARY that lasted 6 minutes until 6am arrived.

Exercises: Flutter Kicks, Merkins, Tempo Squats, Mtn Climbers, Burpees, CMU arm curls, Sit-ups, Side Straddle Hop, Dips


As we are continually bombarded with information concerning local, state, National and international news, we need to consider the following.  How do we decide what we are going to believe.  Are you getting the right wing perspective by watching Fox all day or are you swinging left by viewing MSNBC.  Either way, you are not getting the truth.  You are getting a slant of what the truth actually is.  We as leaders of our families, and influencers of friends and co-workers have a responsibility to seek the truth before we make important decisions.  How do we do this.

Lets take an example from a person that was making the most important decision that we will ever make.  Was Jesus Christ the Son of God, a perfect sacrifice and our risen King or was he a fake, just a prophet or a guy who died and his body was stolen from the tomb by his disciples.  Luke had to make this decision.  Once he made his decision, he told his friend what he believed and why his friend (Theophilus) should also believe in Christ as the Savior of the world.

Luke 1: 1-4 reads  Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.  Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write and orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Luke had a decision to make and instead of blindly following a crowd, he researched everything he could to determine the truth about Jesus Christ.  The eyewitness accounts, the story of the Roman guards losing the body to the disciples (a penalty of death), the apostles and other disciples losing their lives for the gospel.  This lead him to make his decision concerning who Christ was and it lead him to follow Christ’s last command to spread the gospel throughout the world.

We need to also fully investigate who Jesus was and make the most important decision we can make for ourselves and also for our friends and family.  But with that said, we need to use the same criterial for this decision as well as other decisions (political, moral, legal) to make sure we are finding out what is the complete truth so we can inform and lead others.

Escape from Haw Ridge (get signed up), Hardship Hill (get signed up), AED ($870 collected so far)

Queen for your Queen

THE SCENE: Cool and Clear, brisk for Spring but totally perfect, waning gibbous overhead

  • Hairy Rockettes
  • Cheerleaders
  • Moroccan nightclubs
  • Grady corn
  • Cherry pickers
  • Mountain climbers
  • Tempo merkins
  • Pickle pounders
  • Pickle pointers


  • Mosey to the Friendship Bell
  • Bicycle race 3:04
    • 20 4-ct freddies, 5 rowboats x5
    • 10 4-ct mountain climbers, 5 pickle pounders
  • Another one bites the dust 3:37
    • Mucho chesto at songs pace
    • 10 Catalina wine mixers
  • Hammer to fall 3:40
    • 20 4-ct American hammers
    • 20 imperial squawkers
  • Headlong 4:33
    • 20 drydocks, run
    • 20 basilisks, run
    • 10 dive bombers, run
    • 10 speed skaters, run
    • Repeat to end of song
  • Breakthru 4:09
    • 20 squats
    • 20 Lunges
    • 20 step ups
    • 20 dips
    • 20 hello Dolly’s
    • Repeat to end of song
  • Flash 2:48
    • Indian run around the loop
  • Mosey to the pool wall
  • I want it all 4:01
    • 6 Wall ups
    • 6 BttW shoulder taps
    • Wall sit until they say “I want it all”
  • RTF

No time, and I had Bohemian Rhapsody all ready to go…


In F3, we spend a lot of time talking about working out, but there is another part of fitness that we rarely talk about, what I would call the silent majority of fitness, the queen. Exercise is awesome, but without the right supplies, it won’t make the change we are hoping for. Trouble is, there are so many different aspects and topics and controversies that can muddy the water. So I just wanted to touch on some of the basics that I think are generally agreed upon.

  • You can’t out-king your queen, or another way I have heard it said, you can’t outrun your fork. There is not an amount of exercise you are capable of doing that will allow you to eat whatever you want. Your ability to consume calories Completely outpaces your ability to burn them
  • In – out = accumulation. That’s it. There are no tricks to understanding your weight. If you eat more than you burn, you will accumulate.
  • Drink water. Signals from the body can be confusing, and it common to try and address thirst by eating! Before you eat, drink water to make sure you are actually hungry. Also, you will feel way better and it will help manage the stunning amount of salt in the American diet.
  • Quality protein. We 90s kids were raised in a world that seemed to think protein was outdated, so we have bad habits about eating primarily carbs. An exercising man should eat about 1 g of protein per 2 pounds of body weight. That’s more than the nutrition facts imply, unless you weigh less than 100 lbs. Try to center your meals on a food that is high in protein, which my rule of thumb is 25% or more of the calories from protein. If you don’t want to do the math, more grams of protein than fat is a good place to start and pretty much avoid things made with grains.

Something different for each song was kinda fun, but it was too much briefing. Shoulda made a sheet or something.

Part of Your World

THE SCENE: Cool, but Spring
SSHs,Tempo Squats,Tempo Merkins, Gradycorns, Cherry Pickers
Insert information about the workout.

Circuit 1 (12 minutes) 12 reps each, rotate through
CMU Chest Press
CMU Overhead Press
Block Merkin
Shoulder Taps
Rest (1 minute)

Circuit 2 (12 minutes) 12 reps each except LBCs, rotate through
Goblet Squat
Murder Bunnies
LBCs 25 reps
Rest (1 minute)

Circuit 3 (12 minutes) 12 reps each except LBCs, rotate through (Made it around 7 due to time check)
CMU Curls
CMU extensions
American Hammers

Flutter kicks for a minute
Be compassionate


EFHR Friday 4/14 8p-12a

Blocks, the Sequel


Crisp, clear, 45 degrees


1. SSH 2. Morrocan Nightclubs 3. Imperial Walkers 4. Tempo Squats 5. Burpees OYO


Football Mosey – Run and Pass duos with drops to do 2 Burpees (both), around Career Path Way to CMU pile.

Grab a CMU and walk to the base of Stadium Hill. 6 sets of 50 Reps (broken into 2 sets of 25). Between each 25, take one lap up Stadium Hill and back.

1. OHP (25 Reps x 2)

2. Curls (25 Reps x 2)

3. Tricep Press (25 Reps x 2)

4. Bench Press (25 Reps x 2)

5. Lawnmower Pulls (25 Reps x 2)

6. Skull Crushers (25 Reps x 2)

Rifle carry CMU’s back to pile.

Everyone finish with 10 Burpees.

Football Mosey (with burpees) back to COT with 1 stop for Mary (Flutter kicks)

Back at COT, we got in some Hello Dolly, Hover Crunches (not the name), Box Cutters, Freddie Mercuries


12 HIMS, including 7 RUSHers



I’ve always struggled to listen intently to others. A few years ago, I was really put to the test when I went to work for a bank, taking on the role of a “Personal” banker! I was going to have to start listening to people. I was going to have to listen intently to their story and provide solutions that fit their individual needs…not mine. I was going to have to start putting THEM first.

If you call yourself a Christian, it’s important that, more often than not, we put others before ourselves. In Philippians chapter 2:3-4, Paul challenges us to be Christ’s example and “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,…”
We have to look different because of who we serve and because of the One who served us.

I’ve recently talked about the importance of relationships and forgiveness, and then I thought and read about ways we can start to have more meaningful conversations with others:

1. We should be present with them. It’s not easy today but it’s very simple. Give someone your full attention. Put away your phone and other distractions. Be in the moment!

2. Ask Questions. Ask open ended questions. “What is most important in your life right now?”, “What struggles are you having at home?”, or simply “What do you mean by that”? This will help gain understanding and make it less likely that we’ll misrepresent them. They will feel valued and heard. Questions are also disarming and can help break down some walls.

3. Be honest! Allow yourself to say you don’t know. It’s okay to not know everything. This can lead to more questions and show honest humility about your own knowledge. People will see and remember this about you.

4. Last and this goes back to the beginning of my story. Listen intently! Go into the conversation with a genuine interest in getting to know them, even if you disagree about something. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey says, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. We might ask a question but then not really listen to the response. We’re already having a conversation in our head while they are still talking. I say that because that I do it! Listen intently.

Remember that all people are created by God, bearing His image. This makes them worthy of our time and attention. So let’s follow Christ’s lead and start working on our conversations today.

Escape from Haw Ridge – this Friday


THE SCENE: Clear and 40 degrees F



Rockettes *10

Tempo squat *10

Cherry pickers *5

Grady corns *25

Baby arm circles *15

Reverse baby arm circles *15


Mosey to bathhouse


Hanging V Ups at bathhouse

Slow Decline Merkins at splash pad

Hold decline merkin plank until 6 is up


Slow Incline Merkins at splash pad

Pull ups at bathhouse

Hang until 6 is up


Curls at rock pile

Lunge up hill

Squat jumps at bathhouse


This Easter, I’ve been thinking about forgiveness, and the significance that some of Jesus Christ’s last words were “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

In Holland during World War II, the Casper ten Boom family used their home as a hiding place for those hunted by the Nazis. This was their way of living out their Christian faith. Four members of the family lost their lives for providing this refuge. Corrie ten Boom and her sister Betsie spent horrific months in the infamous Ravensbrück concentration camp. Betsie died there—Corrie survived.

In Ravensbrück, Corrie and Betsie learned that God helps us to forgive. Following the war, Corrie was determined to share this message. On one occasion, she had just spoken to a group of people in Germany suffering from the ravages of war. Her message was “God forgives.” It was then that Corrie ten Boom’s faithfulness brought forth its blessing.

A man approached her. She recognized him as one of the cruelest guards in the camp. “You mentioned Ravensbrück in your talk,” he said. “I was a guard there. … But since that time, … I have become a Christian.” He explained that he had sought God’s forgiveness for the cruel things he had done. He extended his hand and asked, “Will you forgive me?”

Corrie ten Boom then said:

“It could not have been many seconds that he stood there—hand held out—but to me it seemed hours as I wrestled with the most difficult thing I had ever had to do.

“… The message that God forgives has a … condition: that we forgive those who have injured us. …

“… ‘Help me!’ I prayed silently. ‘I can lift my hand. I can do that much. You supply the feeling.’

“… Woodenly, mechanically, I thrust my hand into the one stretched out to me. As I did, an incredible thing took place. The current started in my shoulder, raced down my arm, sprang into our joined hands. And then this healing warmth seemed to flood my whole being, bringing tears to my eyes.

“‘I forgive you, brother!’ I cried. ‘With all my heart.’

“For a long moment we grasped each other’s hands, the former guard and the former prisoner. I had never known God’s love so intensely, as I did then.”

My invitation to you is to free yourself of the burden of holding a grudge.  Embrace this season of Easter and springtime and fresh starts.  Realize that sometimes the grudge you need to free yourself from is toward yourself, for previous unsuccessful fresh starts.

I have learned for myself that healing comes through the power of Jesus Christ—that power is real.  Hope comes in and through Jesus Christ.  Lasting, joyful change can come through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ lives!  Forgiveness, fresh starts, and new life are always possible through Jesus Christ.