F3 Knoxville

Trying Something New

THE SCENE: Humid and 64

Tempo Squats
Mountain Climbers
TN Rocking Chair


Mosey to the Anytime Fitness Parking Lot
  25 Merkins
  40 2-count Freddy Mercuries
  50 Squats
  Run around the back of the parking lot & repeat 2 times
Mosey along the back road behind Pellissippi
  Mary along the way; merkins, LBCs
Pellissippi Portable Parking Lot Stations
  10 Burpees
  40 2-count Flutter Kicks
  50 Squats
  Run around the back of the parking lot & repeat 2 times
Mosey back to the flag; Mary along the way

Imperial Walkers


Phil 3:14-15
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.
– As I grow older, I feel God “making clear to me” the need to 1) acknowledge how much more I need to learn, and 2) use that realization to try and rekindle a love for God’s Word and seek him more fully. Encourage HIMs to do this as well


5/11 Moving Weight

THE SCENE: 61 F, Cloudy and Dry

Projectivator, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Arm Circles (forward and backwards)
Divided into groups of 3 with 4 stations.  Each station had 3 exercises, but only one had a count.  Each person takes an exercise.  When the guy with the exercise with the count finishes, then the station rotates around the exercises.  About every five minutes call for the groups to rotate stations.

Station 1 – Deadlifts x 12, Figure 8 (Hold a weight at full arm extension and move it in a figure 8), Curls

Station 2 – Suitcase Squat (Hold a weight in one arm to make you off balance and squat) x 10, Fly, Dips

Station 3 – Heavy Lunge x 10 ea., Row, Derkin

Station 4 – Single Leg Pickle Pointer x 12 ea., Weighted Arm Circles, Overhead Press

Got back in time for some Mary, including Basilisks, Boxcutters, Hello Dollys, Imperial Squawkers.
Had a guest Peffercorn from F3 Spring Hill who was coming through town for work
Recounted a conversation with my sister on my 40th birthday.  We talked about the story of the Vinegar Tasters from the Tao of Pooh.  Three figure represent Buddha, Confucius and Laozi.  Each are drinking from a pot that is understood to be life.  Confucius finds it bitter, because in Confucianism life is not understandable and all you can do is follow tradition.  Buddha is indifferent since Buddhism teaches non-attachment, so you are not supposed to care about how it is.  Laozi looks to be enjoying it since life is sweet.

As we grow older, we are often told that it gets worse from here.  Things hurt more.  You can’t do the things you once could. The point from the story is that this is perspective.  The same circumstance can be viewed from a positive or negative light.  If you hurt more after exercise, you can also be happy that you CAN exercise.  If you are struggling with your family, then you can be grateful you have family you like enough to worry over.
If I did a similar workout again, I would probably try to switch around the groups some to allow people to interact with different people throughout the work out.
Talked about upcoming Hardship Hill

Better Versions of Ourselves

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

25 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 7 Twisties, 7 Windmills, 7 Cherry Pickers, 7 Pterodactyls forward and 7 Pterodactyls Backward, Little of This and That.
There will be bricks laid out by the AO.  We will split into teams of two for Doras.  While one partner starts on the exercises listed below the other runs on the road going north and east to the large shaded tree.  Do five merkins at the tree and run back.  Partners change position and the other runs.  This pattern goes on until each team has completed the following exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Triceps
  • 100  Curls
  • Rows
  • 100 Punches (both hands = 1)
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Winds Down
  • 100 Wings Out.

We will mosey with the bricks to my car in the parking lot and place the bricks behind the back of my car.  Next we will run to the steps of the Admin Bldg.  There will be a list of exercises that we will do while running around the loop.  The steps of the Admin Bldg will be 12 o’clock.  We will do the first exercise at 12 o’clock and then will run around the loop stopping to do the first exercise at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock and 9 o’clock.  The first man to finish the exercise at 9 o’clock will sweep men back to 12 o’clock.  Each time we reach 12 o’clock we will run up and down the stairs one time.  Then we will start the loop again but with the next set of exercises.  Here are the exercises:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10  Merkins
  • 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 10 Plank Jacks
  • 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 10 Box Cutters

Mosey Back to AO.

Eleven men, no FNGs.
I recently attending a video seminar that discussed people with disabilities and discrimination that can occur, even from the health professions, towards those with disabilities.  Some of the best moments of the seminar were when two men with disabilities were interviewed.  One of them, a man in his forties named Matt, was born with a very rare disease that caused his bones to be deformed.  His shoulders were awkwardly small, his hands deformed and turned inward, his legs small and crooked, and other bones deformed as well.  Fortunately, the disease had not impacted his brain and he was quite an intelligent person.  Because of his deformities, he had gone through periods of depression in his lifetime but was now a man comfortable in his own skin.  He has a career in film production.

Matt had many important things to say at the seminar but one that stuck out for me and which I want to share with you regarded his physical conditioning.  He was asked what it was like growing up and not being able to do things other kids did like play kickball, run around on the playground and climb the jumble gym. He did say it was difficult and that the inability to do the things others were doing impacted his self-esteem and mood. He commented that as a younger man he was overweight.  After all, he could not do the types of things that we do in F3.  After some time, he decided to work on his conditioning.  He said he began to realize that we cannot expect, through physical conditioning, to look like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson but we can certainly become a better version of ourselves.  So Matt began to work on his diet, eating healthier foods.  He also began to work out doing simple exercises that he could perform, like leg lifts and raising books above his head.  He could do things to raise his heartbeat and work up a sweat without jumping or running.  For a guy with the disabilities he had, Matt looked to be in very good condition.  He had some muscle tone despite the slumped shoulders and curvature in his body.  He felt good about himself and, like I said, was comfortable in his own skin.

Gents, we do not have to look like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, but we can become, like Matt said, “better versions of ourselves.”  We may not have the speed of Swimmies or the all-around ability of someone like Woodshack but we can strive to increase our physical, mental and spiritual prowess.  That’s important to know for an old geezer like me who cannot keep up with you younguns.

Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Prayers for employees at Crispr’s workplace where some things have been happening and an employee will be fired; prayer for safe travel for Drum Major and his daughter and for Dawg Paddle; prayers for Pusher’s son as he decides on graduate school; prayers for Abacus’ daughter as she prepares for graduation; prayer for all students at the end of this school year.
We will meet again to work on our Obstacles at Hardship Hill on Saturday, May 20.

It’s Gonna Be May (Metric)

Warm ups? We don’t need know stinkin’ warm ups
May Metric Workout

MARY: None
Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable). None
10 Strong
“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” Woodrow Wilson
Some HIM stuff went down. TCLAPS to Stripped and Mouthwash for changing Choir Boys flat tire. No third leg was affected.
Hardship Hill and something else.

Improv Rain Murph Prep

THE SCENE: Raging storm at the beginning, tapering into drippy wet, 60s

Projectivator, TN Rocking Chairs, Tempo Merkins, Grady Corn, Newton’s cradle

  • Mosey to the back porch and do 3 sets of modified Murph reps
    • 15 pole rows
    • 10 merkins
    • 15 squats
  • Then 2 sets of another pair, followed by 2 sets of Murph reps then a lap around the building
    • 10 Iron Mikes and 10 BttW shoulder taps
    • 10 Hand Release Merkins and 10 Flutter-Dollys
    • 10 Derkins and 10 Box cutters
  • By this point, rain had pretty much cleared, so we moseyd to the pool wall
    • 2 sets of 10 Wall-ups and 10 Bobby Hurleys
  • Mosey to playground and do 1 true Murph rep set including pull ups
  • RTF

I think we did some…

“The Big Lie in the church today is that you are nothing more than ‘a sinner saved by grace’. – John Eldredge

C.S. Lewis cautions us against the words “just” or “merely”, because they serve to exclude other possibility. To be ‘just’ saved by grace is to remain a helpless infant. You are purposed to be much more. Humanity was created in the image of God so that we would become rulers of creation. To be saved is to gain access to the energizing Spirit of the Creator of heaven and earth, but it does you no good if you don’t choose to draw from it. And the Lord delights when you rely on Him for your power.

If I fail to use my chance to grow strong from the Source, I am the least of those who suffer because of it. There is no one to fill your place in the battle line. Every man who chooses comfort or apathy or fear is a gap in the bulwark. Will the enemy win because of my lack? We are certain the answer is a resounding “NO”. But the Lord does not coddle us with irresponsibility. He respects our agency by allowing real consequences. So be assured that your choice will be respected, and all that comes with it.
Not a huge divergence from my original plan, but definitely a little tricky to adapt to the weather, which totally surprised me.
Hardship Hill, Dragon Boat, Flag handoff at Juco May 19th, Rampart May 27th.