F3 Knoxville

You are not number one

THE SCENE: a little cool for April, but perfect for a real grinder at the Project.

15 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers, 10 tempo merkins

The Workout: April metric

Part 1:  RUN

10 minute timer

  • Start the timer, then…
  • Run from Line 1 to Line 2 (~10 yards) and back to Line 1
  • Run from Line 1 to Line 3 (~20 yards) and back to Line 1 
  • Run from Line 1 to Line 4 (~30 yards) and back to Line 1
  • That is 1 rep
  • Rinse and repeat as many times as you can in the 10 minutes.
  • 1 minute rest

Part 2:  AMRAP

3×2 minutes timer

  • Count the total number of reps (cumulative, not individual)
  • Start the timer, then…
  • 2 minutes AMRAP SSH
  • (no rest)
  • 2 minutes AMRAP High Knees (count 1 leg)
  • (no rest)
  • 2 minutes AMRAP mountain climbers (count 1 leg)

Now…REPEAT the full routine – starting over with your rep count

Submit four scores: Round 1 run reps, Round 1 AMRAP reps, Round 2 run reps, and Round 2 AMRAP reps.

The workout ran long so no time for Mary.
7 PAX finished strong this morning.
The You versus You workouts are all about competing against past self and working hard to become better men overall. We can all be commended for wanting to better ourselves as long as our focus is not solely on serving ourselves. Here are a few relevant scriptures to consider.

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:3-4 NASB1995

And He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:37‭-‬40 NASB1995

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, – Ephesians 5:25 NASB1995

These are just a few passages of scripture that remind us that we should always be more concerned with serving others over ourselves. We are called to put others desires before our own; love God and then our neighbors; and love our wives such that we are willing to die for them. For example, if we go into an argument with our wives with a mind to win, we have already lost because we are not following God’s will.

You are not number one; you are last.
Poor execution of the warm-up, location of the thang, and timer issues from YHC led to the workout running long. My apologies.
Planning for Hardship Hill is in full swing. Reach out to Mathlete or Biohack to see how you can help.

The Rule of Lurches

THE SCENE: Cool spring morning, don’t get much better. Waxing crescent

  • SSH
  • Hairy Rockettes
  • Imperial Squawkers
  • Tempo Lunges
  • LBACs
  • Grady Corn
  • Moroccan night clubs
  • Cherry pickers


  • Mosey to the recruiting center, grab a block
  • CMU pyramid (5, 10, 15, 20, 15 10, 5)
    • Curls
    • Lunges (each leg)
    • OHP
    • Squats
    • Extensions
    • Rows (each arm)
    • 1/2/3/4/3/2/1 pull ups
    • 1 Irkie Dirkie
    • Stopped at 0600
  • Grab a battle buddy and a log
    • Lurches – together, lunge step forward, at the top golden arch to the other shoulder
    • To the top of the parking lot
    • 5 power merkins each
    • To the bottom of the parking lot

We definitely did a little

I would like to propose a few types of rules that people live by

Rule of War – Do it to them before they do it to us

Eye for an eye – Don’t do worse to them than they did to you

Silver rule – Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you

Golden rule – Do unto others what you would have them do to you

God’s rule – Love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 9:18)

Jesus new commandment – Love one another as I have loved you (John 13:34)

Now, if I were a preacher, this could be a whole sermon series, but since I am not, I just want to hang out around last step. When one reads “Love your neighbor as yourself”, it lands as the highest demand that you could make on someone. In fact, I think most people don’t really distinguish the top three tiers of this list. But I think there is actually a lot going on up here at the top.

My eyes have been most opened to this as, over the past ten years, I have attempted to be a father to my son. Being a father has demanded from me an enormous amount of growth, which I frankly didn’t think I needed before I started. When I was married without children, I pretty much had the whole “love your neighbor” thing down. I was a pretty charismatic guy who knew how to steer a situation toward good outcomes, and pretty much did right by all, at least on a comparative scale. And having a baby made it tougher, cause it was exhausting, but I had served on a submarine, so sleep deprivation was kinda normal already. But then the boy turned two and things went downhill. For some reason, he didn’t obey my every word, in spite of my very good imitation of the way good parents act on TV. As the years went on, I descended into a mindset of figuring out how to force my son to behave, and as my methods escalated, I started realizing that I didn’t like the path I was on. But I was caught in a mental trap, on one side an intense responsibility to “raise him right” and an intense reality of how things were actually going.

Eventually, I arrived at the realization that the difference was the rule. For most people, I lived in the golden rule zone, treating them the way I wanted to be treated. But with my son, I was operating on the next level up, I was loving him as myself. Trouble is, I didn’t love myself very well. While on the exterior I was all relaxed and friendly to others, internally I was a slave driver. My son had the unfortunate experience of actually being loved by me more. Pride played a huge role in this, leading me to have low expectations of others while demanding more and more of myself, primarily in the form of external performance. But with Paul, I expected everything, even more than myself because he had the full attention of potentially the greatest dad ever born.

And that’s the genius of Jesus’ new commandment. Rather than allowing my own, twisted internals to set the standard, the expectations are nailed to a cross. I need to stop trying to make a better version of me and start acting like Him.
Ran out of time for my planned work at the wall. Maybe next time.
Hardship Hill, Forg3, Dragon boat race

Big Ballers Leg Blasters

THE SCENE: Cool and gloomy. Perfect for a beatdown

SSH, Arm Circles, ‘Round Towns, ‘Round-the-Worlds, Temp Merkins, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers, Don Quixotes
Insert information about the workout.

    • 100 Merkins
    • 200 Squats
    • 300 Flutter Kicks
  • 7s
    • Dippy Birds
    • Star Jacks
  • Ring-of-Fire Squats to 7

Shaking out the lactic build up in our legs.
Soot, Vanilla, Fixer-Upper, Walrus, Stout (downrange from F3 Davidson)
We need to exercise our skills, wisdom, and leadership. Get out and grow!
Pray for PAX and families who have recently experienced the loss of loved ones.

Dora and Ducks

THE SCENE: 39 and chilly, but clear

Tempo Squats
Diamond Merkins
Mountain Climbers
Diamond Tempo Merkins


Mosey to the Courtyard – Dora up
100 Diamond Derkins
200 2-Count Flutter Kicks
300 Squats
Mosey to the Duck Pond
Burpee half-mile; 1 small lap around the pond, stopping 5 times to do ~10 burpees
Mosey back to flag for Mary


Freddy Mercuries
Hello Dolly
Imperial Walkers


Eccl 4:9-10
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!


– Great to have the fellowship of brothers to lift you up…I appreciate the great prayer and support since my mom’s passing


Get Rid of It

THE SCENE: Beautiful day, temp in 50s.

25 Side Straddle Hops, 30 Second Squat, 15 Iron Mikes, 30 Second Plank, 10 Rockettes, 7 Twistees, 5 Rocking Chairs, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward.
Mosey to the parking lot on the other side of the playground.  We will Bear Crawl for 10 paces then lunge for 20 paces and alternate between that pattern to the end of the parking lot.

Mosey to the Lily Pad.  We will line up on the south curb.  We will then run to each large light post and do 10 Hello Dollies, the run to the next light post and do 10 more Hello Dollies, etc. until we reach the south curb of the parking lot.  We will Bernie Sanders back, stopping at each light to do 10 Big Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to the perimeter trail just south of the Lily Pad Pavilion.  We will run south and then west for 10 lights. Whoever gets to the tenth light first will circle back to the six.  When reaching the six, then all men do 10 Merkins.  We will continue this pattern until we have reached the open area near the transformers.

Each man will pick a boulder from the boulder pile.  We will do the first exercise listed below with the boulders, then set them down to run to an area about fifty yards away, then run back to do the same exercise, then run to the picnic tables to do 15 bench dips.  Then run back to the boulders to do the next exercise and repeat the same running pattern.  Here are the exercises:

  • 15 Overhead Presses
  • 15 Curls
  • 15 Chest Thrusts
  • 15 Rows
  • 15 Squats with Boulder at Chest

We will mosey back to the Pavilion by running ten lights and circling back to six, then stopping to 10 Merkins.

We will return to the south curb of the Lily Pad.  There we will Sprint again to each light to do 10 Lunges then run to the next light until we get to the north curb.  On the way back we will Bernie to each light and do 10 Backwards Lunges until we reach the South Curb.

Mosey to the curb by the roadway that heads back to the AO.  We will do 20 Bench Dips.

Mosey to the Parking Lot that is south of the Playground. We will Hop for 10 paces and run for 20 paces to the end of the parking lot.

Mosey to the AO.

13 men, no FNGs.


Get Rid of It

Have any of you ever known any hoarders?  A hoarder is someone that keeps all kinds of things that they could easily give away or throw away.  They will have piles of things that they haven’t used laying all over their house, taking up space.  I formerly had a client I saw in my therapy practice whose mother was a hoarder.  Her parent’s house had piles of junk that took up space all over the house.  The house was difficult to walk through.  My client was upset about it but became more upset when her father’s problematic lungs worsened.  The clutter in the house was only worsening his breathing issues.  My client, her husband, and siblings purchased a used trailer home.  They cleaned the entire house of the clutter and since her mother did not want anything to be thrown away, they put everything they cleaned into the trailer home that was located on the property so that their mother could “find her precious things” if she needed them.  Within a year my client’s mother was already cluttering her home with new junk.

I bring this up because we, as human beings, often clutter our minds with useless junk.  That junk can come in the form of a multitude of things such as sinful thoughts (e.g. envy, improper lust), of past regrets that we cannot let go of (e.g., some sin we committed long ago), of old harmful messages that we heard when we were younger (e.g., you are a poor student, you will never make it in life), of mental “shoulds” that leave us feeling worthless or at least below par (e.g, I should make more money, I should spend more time making my yard perfect even though I hardly have time for it), and of harmful comparisons we make between ourselves and others (e.g, I never stack up).  This garbage clutters are minds and leads to poor health, just like the physical clutter led to poor health for my client’s father AND mother.  Some of the clutter comes in the form of false myths we have about God such as “I can’t pray to God because he wouldn’t like me” or “God looks down on me.”  We have got to get rid of that trash.  Give all that clutter to God.  He is willing to be your trash man.  Do you think a loving God wants you to be weighed down by all that trash?  Do you think He wants you to be hurt by that crap?  Do you think he wants you to live in a miserable lie?  Give it up.  Ask God to take it from you.

My challenge to you this week is to think of one thing impacting you mentally that you need to throw away.  Write it down and throw it in the trash or burn in if you want to.  Ask God for help in keeping it off your mind.  God is willing to take it from you.


Prayers for Matlock’s nephew, John, who has been having seizures.  Doctors will possibly doing surgery on brain.
Knoxwork, a community of people of different worship communities involved together to help the City of Knoxville are having an annual meeting at the Knoxville Coliseum this Tuesday at 7 pm.  All are invited.