F3 Knoxville

Sk8er hops are fun


Perfectly Gloomy

Administered appropriately

Side straddle Hops,Squats,BAC F/B,Cherry Pickers, Back Stretch,Mosey


Mosey around the car parking lot a few time to confuse the PAX

We then performed a “Jeremy Scott Fitness Sunday Advanced Metcon” on a Monday.

10 inchworms w/ 2 merkins, 15 river rock squat presses, 10 spiderman steps, 15 chest flys, 5 slow monkey humpers, 50 seal jacks, 50 sk8er hops w/ toe touch. Run around parking lot. Rinse and Repeat 4x

Hello Dolly, Flutter Kicks, LBS, Heels to Heaven, 1 burpee
15 HIM
An empty LaCroix is easily crushed but a filled and sealed LaCroix can withstand at least 240lbs of pressure. As men, we need to be filling ourselves with God’s word, the right relationships, and accountability to others around us. That way when the trials of life come our way we are filled and sealed like a new can of LaCroix that is not easily crushed under the weight of the trials. I am thankful for F3 and the men that are in my life that hold me accountable to not drain down too empty.

Haw Ridge April 14th. Sign up now and get on a team.

Shield Locks starting soon at Shamrock. Reach out to me if you are interested in locking shields with a few good men and putting another guardrail in your life to keep you on the path.

Sweet Sweet Candy Pyramid

THE SCENE: Very warm compared to recent weather


  • Tempo Squats
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Wind Mills
  • Cherry Pickers


Easter Candy Pyramid

The PAX voted on their favorite Easter candy. Each candy was an exercise and the candy order determined the exercise order of the pyramid.

Exercise Order

  1. Merkin x 10 = 10 [Reece’s Eggs]
  2. American Hammers x 10 = 20 [Starburst Jelly Beans]
  3. Dips x 10 = 30 (reduced to 15 after first few rounds) [M & M’s]
  4. Burpees = 4 [Cadbury Mini Eggs]
  5. Lap around the building [Chocolate Bunny]
  6. BBS x 5 = 30 [Peeps]
  7. Squats x 5 = 35 [Cadbury Eggs]
  8. Step ups x 5 = 40 [Whopper Robin Eggs]

You start at 1. Once completed each level you start over and complete the next level. (1,2) Next start over and do 3 levels (1,2,3). After completing level 8, start over and complete 1-7 dropping a level each time till you’re completed a single level 1.

Most made it through level 8 and several made it several levels further.


Crunches for the last minute.


Little Known Facts About Laziness #6

Let’s review the facts…

Fact #6 – The lazy way is the hardest way

Prov 15:19 – The way of the lazy man is like a hedge of thorns: Those who are lazy may not see it in themselves.

We often choose the lazy way because it seems easier. But it’s not! It’s like a hedge of thorns. I was recently reading about the Barkley Marathon. It’s a super hard marathon and it’s hard for many reasons. But one of those reasons is it takes place through the smoky mountains which are full of briars. You’re fighting through thick brambles and thorns that are tearing at you. It’s incredibly tough and miserable. This is what the lazy way is like.

Prov 18:9 – He who is slothful in his work Is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.

This is not a gentle rebuke. This is a serious issue. Being a little slack is the same as walking in with a sledge hammer and taking everything down.

Prov 12:24 – The hand of the diligent shall bear rule; But the slothful shall be put under taskwork.

Prov 10:4 – He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich

It’s amazing how many verses deal with laziness. It doesn’t seem to be a really big issue in the world but apparently Proverbs thinks overwise. Consider yourself and where you are lazy.

Sign up for Escape from Haw Ridge. Still room on teams.


THE SCENE: It’s warming up… Steamy today


SSH x 10

Chuck Norris Merkins x 5

Tempo Squats x 10

Projectivators x 10

Shoulder burn: LBAC-F, LBAC-B, Moroccan Night Clubs, Chatty Cherry Pickers

Knoxville Cherry Pickers x 5

Willie Mays Hayes x 8




  • 10 Merkins
  • 22 Ruck Single Arm CMU Row (11 each arm)
  • 11 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 6 CMU Reverse Lunges
  • 13 CMU Swings
  • Mosey to Rampart Sign

3 minute Roulette Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury’s, LBC’s


On March 10th, 2010 ISAF directs U.S. Forces, Afghanistan to develop a Cultural Support Team.

7 CST teams deploy to Afghanistan from 2011-2014

10/22/11: CST Ashley White killed in Kandahar Province while supporting 2/75th Ranger Regiment

10/6/13: CST Jennifer Moreno killed in Kandahar Province while supporting 3/75th Ranger Regiment

So as you think about sacrifice consider Romans 12:1


“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

How do we live as a sacrifice? 


“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.””

Matthew 22:3740

Welcomed our Project Brothers, Mathlete and Biohack for encouragement to attend Esape from Haw Ridge,

Huge welcome back to Foghorn Leghorn, and welcome FNG Shanghai Dave.
Escape from Haw Ridge, Hardship Hill, GoFund Me for AED, CPR training

Y-12 LA-LA

THE SCENE: Beautiful, high 50’s.

15 SSH
12 Seal Claps
12 SSH
12 Imperial Walkers
5 K-Town Cherry pickers
12 Morrocan Night Clubs
Taylor Phelps it out
Mosey to the new course, “Y-12”.

Start at the bottom of Y-12, run to the next light pole and do the exercise on the card, rinse repeat:
There are 12 light poles to the top.

  • L – Lunge Walk to first light pole
  • A – 20 Merkins
  • L – 20 Ballerina Squats (Squat up to tiptoes)
  • A – 20 Freddie Mercuries (2-count)
  • L – 20 Monkey Humpers
  • A – 5 4X4’s (Burpee with 4 Merkins and 4 Mountain Climbers)
  • L – Karaoke to the next pole
  • A – 20 LBCs
  • L – 20 Calf Raises
  • A – Side planks (20 seconds each side)
  • L – 20 Jumping Lunges
  • A – 20 High, Slow Flutter kicks (2-count)
  • LALA at the Top – 20 Smurf Jacks, 20 Hand Release “Chuck Norris” Merkins, 20 High Knees, 20 Oblique crunches (10 each side)
  • Run back to the bottom and repeat until time is up.

Four minutes o’ Mary in doses of 12 reps.
Matthew 7:16. “You will know them by their fruits.” Fruit takes time to develop and show. Watch your fruit.  Watch the fruit of those you let into your inner circle or are getting close to. Watch the fruit of those who are motivating you to do something – is the motivation using your desires out of line or building on God’s desires for you?
Praise report and request for prayer from Bobbitt about progress on a liver transplant for J***e.
Lots of good chatter about Escape from Haw Ridge – everyone at The Project has an assignment, see Slappy.


THE SCENE: 48 degrees and dry… And a little salty no one picked up the Q.

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Tempo squats
Cherry Pickers
10 Windmills in cadence
Mosey around the lot where we meet.

  • Grab a CMU
  • 20 Curls
  • 10 single arm rows each side
  • 20 tris

Mosey to the large lot and line up

  • Bear crawl to the next line
  • Lunge to the next line
  • Flutter kicks
  • Rinse and repeat across the lot

Mosey to Sophomore Hill

  • Bernie up the hill

Mosey to the Pull up bars

  • 5 pull ups / 20 LBCs x2

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Grab a CMU
  • 20 Curls
  • 10 single arm rows each side
  • 20 tris

Mosey back to the flag stopping for core exercises along the way.

Rifle carry and Murder Bunnies to wrap it up.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The warrior ethos (AKA Jedi Training) consist of 13 pillars: commitment, honor, respect, prepared, faithful, fighter, hungry, humble, lover, teachable, firestarter, truthful, and generous.
Each one is tied to a Bible verse.

Today I’m discussing the 12th pillar:
The verse for this pillar is 1 John 3:18

“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”
1 John 3:18 NLT

Love this! Actions speak louder than words. Be that example for others. Don’t sit around and wait for someone to ask for your help, Just Do! This is how you truly lead.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Betty will be out to discuss Shield Locks with the crew this Friday!
Sign up for Escape Haw Ridge 4/14