F3 Knoxville

Brickyard Gloom Track, Field and COP

THE SCENE: getting warm out thar

SSH, Temp Squats
Temp Merkins, Claps: OH, Front
Tie Fighters-Arm Cirlcles, Few Manmakers Mosey to track & field
Partner up
Catch Me If You Can
Partner 1 performs 10 Bobby Hurley , and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards. Teams complete 2 laps around track

Bropees here and there
Performing a burpee with a “bro” simultaneously so that on your squat jump up you execute a most excellent high ten.
here and there (40yrds)/ Exercise count decreases : 5,4,3,2,1
Method of travel: Wheelbarrow – switch as needed

Mosey back to shovelflag

Circle of Pain
Reps & Retribution
Reps: 100 Push-ups (adjust reps w/ time left if close)
Retribution: 25 SSH for breaking form
Finishers call out total, Pax responds w/ rep count
then finisher partners w/ lowest # to contribute.
but if one breaks form both do SSH

Aust. Snow Angels
JLOs , Imperial Squat Walkers

We are asked to have compassion: Col 3:12 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Empathy should lead to compassion / grace How do we show Compassion? Pray, listen, help, financially. Put yourself in their shoes, speculate – maybe their home life is rough/ abusive. hurt people hurt people – lets show some grace. Jesus sets us an example: John 11:32 Now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet, saying to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. 34 And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus wept. Hebrew 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Escape From Haw Ridge

Early Easter Egg hunt at Rampart

THE SCENE: Cloudy with temps in the mid 40’s


Side Straddle Hop: 20-4 counts, Beach Body Stretch: 5-rotations, Merkins: 10-4 counts,Tempo Squats: 10-4 counts, Willie Mays Hayes: 6-4 counts, LBAC: 10-4 count (forward), LBAC: 10-4 count (Backwards), Chattanooga cherry pickers (5-4 count)


The Easter bunny made an early trip to Rampart just to help in the mornings fun. As we followed the Q’s instructions, the PAX found Easter Eggs.  Once and egg was found, it was opened and the PAX was rewarded  with a surprise.

Light jog to the sign.

Egg 1= each person will do 15 squats with the provided 75 lb CMU. While you are waiting your turn you will hold either a high plan or a low plank until everyone has completed the squats.

Medium run to the jungle gym.

Egg 2= Each person will do 20 squats with the provided standard CMU. While you are waiting your turn, you will do flutter kicks until everyone has completed the squats.

Mosey to the track

Egg 3= Group will pair off in teams of two. Each 2 man team will carry the provided 75 lb CMU from point A to point B and back (appx 50 yards). While they are doing this, the other teams will rotate doing 10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers and 10 side straddle hop until each team has completed the team block carry.

Jog to the bleachers:

Egg 4= Each person will do 15 dips and then go up the bleachers to the top and then come down the stairs. This will be done 5 times. Once completed, the team will go to the track and hold Al Gore until all PAX’s have completed the task.

Mosey back to the track

Egg 5= The team will then begin an Indian run around the track back to the sidewalk.

Egg 6=  HIM’s cut into two groups of 6.  Each HIM takes a track lane and completes the following sprints:

1st sprint=  40 yard sprint, back peddle sprint back to start-  Second team does the same.

2nd sprint= 40 yard sideways leg crossover sprint then back to start- Second team does the same.

3rd sprint= 40 yards lunges then sprint back- second team does the same.

Mosey back to the COT


@Bobbitt (Kevin Gray), @Skeletor (Tyson Canup), @ Binks (Caleb McDaniel), @ Feeny (Josh Banken), @ Ride Along (Steve Brooks), @ Wilbur (Jimmy Munsey), @ Lucille (Austin Williams), @ Runaway Bride (Seth Strahan), @ Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), @ Fridge (T.J. Seiber), @ Laces Out (Andy Spellman), @ Olive Oyl (Will Burgess), @Skewer (Stephen Anderson)

Yesterday I received this text from my daughter concerning my grandson.  “B. just told me the world is filled with bad people and someone blew up three people and one person died. I am sure he heard if from one of us talking. If you hear him saying this try to reiterate that people are good. Also, try to not talk about that stuff in front of him. He is too little to know about people killing people outside of his pretend superhero’s. It seemed like it worried him and I don’t want him to be scared of life.”

It seemed like it worried him and I don’t want him to be scared of life.

We are talking about a 4 year old boy but when I thought about it more, how many of us go through stages like my grandson where we can be (scared of life). As adults, we all know the world if filled with difficult times and evil as well as good but how often do we let the evil put us into a mental state that makes us scared of life.

John 19:28 records Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, I am thirsty. A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, it is finished. With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

It is finished. Those 3 words should give us great comfort when we fall into the trap of being scared of life. We cant control the evil and hard times that we will face during our life. Whether its a death in the family, a sickness or the spin of Fox or MSNBC concerning the world news, an active shooter situation in a Nashville school or a shooting in Midtown, we cant hide from the hard times and evil of this world. With this said, we have the blessing that when Jesus made the statement “it is finished”, he completed the last step that was needed for us know that as believers, we are assured an eternity in the presence of The Father.  This was due to a perfect sacrifice we did not deserve. Don’t let this world make you scared of life. Always remember, the requirements for our salvation was finished by Jesus on the cross.  We don’t have to be scared of anything!


We need 2 to 3 more members for Hardship Hill Rampart team.  AED and life support training is scheduled for April 13th (contact Wilber for questions).

A ruff ladder to the top of the world put us in a good mood on the double

THE SCENE: It was a real humdinger



  • Grady Corns IC | Windmills IC
  • SSH IC


Mosey to home base. ascending Ladder.  Do 1 station, run back to start, do 2 stations, run back to start, etc.

  1. Crunches
  2. Squats
  3. Lunges
  4. Single Leg Bridge
  5. Imperial Walkers
  6. SSH
  7. Flutter Kicks
  8. Monkey Humpers
  9. Box Cutters


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: yelp for help

A Kiss

THE SCENE: Wet on ground, windy, but the rained stopped right as we were beginning the workout.  Temperature about 60 degrees.

Bernie Sanders around the parking lot, 20 Plank Jacks, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Twisties, 10 Dive Bombers, 10 Cherry Pickers.
Mosey to the pavilion to do 20 Bench Dips.  Then divide up into teams of two.  Mosey to the trailer behind my car in the parking lot across the street from the AO parking lot.  Each team grabs two bricks out of my trailer.  Mosey back to the west end of the AO parking lot.  We will will be doing Doras. While one partner on a team of two runs to the other end of the parking lot and does 10 Rocky Balboas (both legs = 1) and runs back, the other partner works on the exercises listed below.  Then partners switch off.  Here are the exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Triceps
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Punches (where both hands = 1)
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Wings Down
  • 100 Wings Out

Mosey back to the trailer to put the bricks away. Bernie Sanders one time around the parking lot.

Mosey to the AO parking lot again.  We will be doing a Kraken.  We will be doing the exercises at each of the six cones set up in the parking lot.  When finished with the exercise at one cone, each man should do a full circle of all cones before going to the next cone.  Here are the exercises:

  • Cone 1:  20 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Cone 2:  10 Burpees
  • Cone 3:  20 Box Cutters
  • Cone 4:  20 Diamond Merkins
  • Cone 5:  20 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)
  • Cone 6:  15 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1)
  • Those finishing first rinse and repeat until the six has finished all six sets of exercises.

Mosey back to the parking lot across the street with the trailer.  We will be running up the Dragon, stopping at every other light post to do 10 Merkins.  When men reach the parking lot at the end of the Dragon they will run to the street and then go down Mini-Cardiac to the parking lot with the trailer.  They will then Bernie Sanders around the parking lot. 

Mosey to the parking lot near the nice restroom.  We will go from one curb to the others in the following manner:  Hop 15 times, Bear Crawl for 30 paces, then Bernie Sanders to the curb.  We will then go back to the other curb in the following manner:  Do 25 El Capitan’s, Bear Crawl for 25 paces, then Bernie Sanders to the curb.

Mosey to the Playground.  We will do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to the AO.

25 Hello Dollies (4 count), 25 Flutter Kicks (4 Count).  Then we will do a minute of stretching.
9 Men, no FNGs.
I am not a University of Miami Hurricanes fan.  But, I do like their basketball team’s coach, 73-year-old Jim Larranaga.  It wasn’t until recently that I knew his name.  When I watched Miami win games in last year’s March Madness and this year’s March Madness, I just called him the “Old Man.”  I have since learned that he is an amazing coach who has won all kinds of awards coaching for different colleges.  He was the coach of that 11th seeded George Mason team who got to the Final Four in 2006.

Now he has the Miami Hurricanes in the Final Four and his team will be playing against Connecticut today.  I saw the Old Man interviewed on the basketball court amidst the hoopla after Miami beat number 1 seeded Houston to get to the Elite 8 this year.  One of his players, Nijel Pack, was asked to be interviewed after the coach.  What did the Old Man do before he went off to the locker room?  He leaned over and kissed Nijel on the side of his head.  I love seeing that kind of affection between coach and player.  Later, in the locker room, the Old Man was seen dancing with his team, all of the players laughing and hooting at their 73-year-old coach with obvious love as he was doing the old man shimmy. It was a funny and heart-warming thing to observe.

A major reason I love F3 so much is that we also have that heart-warming affection amongst us.  One of our new members, Voltage, joined our brotherhood less than two weeks ago.  I talked to him after the workout.  He has lived in Knoxville a number of years and, being from another country, has been a bit lonely.  He has been looking for a group of friends that he can be a part of.  I told him he has found it with F3.

Gents, I don’t want to embarrass you, but a reason why we come to F3 here in Knoxville is to get the kind of affection from other men that is similar to that kiss the the Old Man laid upon the head of Nijel Pack.  How does that affection reach us?  In all kinds of ways.  It’s as simple as bros yelling out “Hey Pusher” or “Hey Drum Major” when they show up for the morning workout.  It’s Crawdad teasing me about having dope in my veins and you guys persistently mentioning I must have my stimulator with me when I am somehow able to keep up with you on the mosey.  It’s the ribbing Swimmies gets every time he shows up late for a workout.  It’s us getting on High-Heels for getting through 25 rounds of whatever exercise in ten seconds.  It’s whoever is on Q making sure we do Dive Bombers when Choir Boy is around or doing Cherry Pickers because we know that Crawdad hates them.  It’s us groaning at Pluto’s puns.  It’s us knowing that Waffle House is going to wear those crazy yellow mittens in the winter or that Pele is going to leave his circular sweat of integrity around his feet at the end of a summer workout.  It’s giving Jinxy hell when the employees at Panera Bread screw up another one of his orders.  It laughing at Lebowski with his crazy robe and Matlock leaving those hilarious posts on Slack.  We are a team, a band of brothers, dropping those idiotic displays of affection on one another.  I thank God for it.  Now, where did I leave that stimulator.?

Prayers for the people of Nashville and those impacted by the shooting at the school.  Prayers to those in Arkansas impacted by the tornadoes last night.  Prayers for safety Pusher’s youngest son who just got his drivers license.  Also, prayers for Pusher and his wife as it can be stressful to see one’s child go off driving alone for the first time.
Shovel Flag making at I-Beam’s house today.  Haw Ridge coming in two weeks.  We need to start working on making obstacles for Hardship Hill which will be on Memorial Day.

Finish the Work

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and recovering from the storms the night before

10 reps each of:  SSH, tempo squats, LBAC (forward/backward), tempo merkins, TN rockin chairs, Moroccan night clubs, mountain climbers, OH claps, WMH, Imperial Walkers, end with projectovators.
Mosey to middle light pole in parking lot (short mosey).

  • 6 rounds
    • 50 Squats
    • 25 Merkins
    • Run “approximately” 100 meters (to sign)
    • Bernie up to ball field fence
    • Run “approximately” 100 meters
  • Modified to 4 rounds and went back to circle
  • Using 2 dice:
    • 1st roll determined exercise: 1=Burpees, 2=Merkins, 3=Squats, 4=LBC, 5=Bench Dips, 6=SSH
    • 2nd roll determined reps x 10:  6=60 as an example
    • Everyone rolled around the circle of 9, made sure we did every exercise at least once.

Shoulder Mary for 4 minutes:  Chattanooga Cherry Pickers, Seal Claps, Drummers, and held Sampson for 1 minute 15 seconds
9 PAX including 1 FNG that was later named “Spare Key”
Text to meditate on as we move into the Easter season:  John 19:30 “When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished.” Then bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.”

Jesus was given direction to complete from his father.  He made sure that he accomplished his work before dying.  We, following his example, as HIMs should strive to complete our tasks in the same way.  Whether in our home life, our jobs, our personal walk, or in the community.  High impact men strive to finish what they start.

Prayer requests for those impacted by the storms, Bobbit’s friend Jamie, those on DL or DR.
Discussed Q schedule over the next week.  Invited HIMS to join Hardship Hill team.  Discussed Shield Lock Alpha group and when Bravo will start (after Easter).  Named FNG and got that pic.