F3 Knoxville

Smurfjack Smackdown aka I Blued Myself

THE SCENE: 37 and clear.



SSH x20 IC
Smurfjacks x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Smurfjacks x10 IC
LBAC x10 forward/backward IC
Smurfjacks x10 IC
Smurfjacks x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC


High spectrum w/ low spectrum
Middle spectrum together
To the Coupon pile – get a big rock
To the Thunderdome
5 circles – 250 reps (combined) of each while the partner runs the outside.
Rock Merkins
Weighted squats
Stocky balboa
Bent Over Rows
Break: 10 Smurf jacks together, then the other.
Audibled the Merkins and CPT to 200.
deposited the coupons back in the rock pile in time to recover


I Blew It…in fact, I keep doing it.
Some of y’all have heard this term before, but I want to introduce you to the idea of a marriage building opportunity. Many of these come about by one of us first being an idiot, then needing to come to his senses and reconcile. Sometimes these come about because our wives are afraid of something, or we have not explained something well. Sometimes these arise because our extended families are challenging. There are many reasons for disagreements, arguments, hurt feelings, etc. Paul has an interesting take on this.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬-‭29‬ ‭ESV‬‬
For most of the last 2000 years preachers (and husbands) have focused on the first part. The whole idea of submission. If you haven’t learned it yet, you need to know that submission is not about inferiority, it is about trust and love and respect. Submission is service.
We should focus so much more on the second exhortation. LOVE your wives as Christ did. He didn’t Lord himself over the church, he didn’t manipulate the church or lie to the church to get his way. He didn’t neglect the church, or pressure the church, or ignore the church’s wishes. He does not make fun of the church, or expose its flaws in front of people. He GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR HER. That is what we are called to. Perhaps, just perhaps, we’ll stop blowing it so bad when we stop trying so hard to get what we want and instead give ourselves up to love our wives. You’re still going to blow it, but you’ll probably see why faster…and know when to being home flowers!

It felt colder then the thermostat said, but the PAX worked hard and got a good burn on.
Prayers for Google’s mom who had stents placed last night and for Earmuffs and his M as they finish their first Childrens book.

BlackJack BeatDown

THE SCENE: A cold invigorating gloom

15 side straddle hops, 15 mountain climbers 10 squats,15 American hammers, 8 count motivators,10 BBS, 7 merkins
We gathered around a deck of playing cards, cardboard cards, and a speaker as the rules were explained

Each suite had an exercise associated to it, there were four separate exercises a suite could use, however only one at a time on the cardboard card, each suite usually followed a body part theme. The amount of reps would be determined by the number on the card. Face cards followed suite however numbering followed J-11, Q-12, K-13. Aces and Jokers were laps, 1 and 2 laps respectively. 5-6 minutes for each set of exercises before cardboard was cycled. Each member of PAX drew a card for involvement and motivation. Due to nature of AO and day, CMU’s were used, however were not integral to exercise. Rapid luck of the draw fun, with great music accompanying.

I was ignorant to Gods word for most of my life, passing it off as nothing I could use, having not been raised to value it like I should have, I never read the bible, I never went to church, and I never prayed. When my mom passed away, I was told that this was part of God’s plan, and that’s not what I needed to hear at the time, and it ended up turning me away from Him entirely. When my Dad passed away, and I went to live with Waxjob (Joshua Brady) and his family, I saw how they were able to find comfort through Christ, and it opened me up more and more to the idea of God, and I started seeing God in my life more and more, I noticed Godly people and Godly things. Eventually I was able to conclude that God is real, Jesus died on the cross for us, and being able to look at things through eyes of benevolence instead of random chaos, it made dealing with my past traumas so much easier, and I felt myself become a better person because of it. Most recently Cardinal passed away, and when I heard the news I had to sit down and cry, especially when I learned that he had two children, and feeling what they felt, it broke me, seeing Cardinal Jr at the Rampart convergence, and seeing him cry because he missed his dad, he missed those memories he’d never have, he missed his voice and his love, I cried because I missed those too, and that hug I gave Cardinal Jr I hope was what he needed, because it’s what I needed. He’s got this, his sister’s got this, I pray they can find comfort in Christ the way I did.
This was my VQ, and it was certainly a special one, I find it went well and the PAX enjoyed it, thank you to everyone who came out and showed their support and worked out with me, I hope to lead more in the future, and I’m excited for what that future holds. Take care, stay safe, stay hydrated.

Rain and the Cardinal 100

THE SCENE: Not the best. 40ish and rainy



All IC,
SSH 20 count
Hamstring Stretch

Lil bit o this

Lil bit o that

Somma these

Somma those

1 lap around the park (approx. 1/3 of a mile for those of you counting)


Set up shop in the pavilion for some Doras. 1 guy runs a lap and 1 guy does the exercise. Continue until exercises are complete. 1 team of 3.

100 Merkins

150 LBCs

200 Squats

Approx 1-1/2 rounds complete until time called

YHC spoke a short reminder about Cardinal and his efforts to complete Make America Burpee Again, or 100 burpees a day for each day in January.  Reminder to pray for his family and to make our days count.

The Cardinal 100 is 100 Burpees divided by the number of PAX in attendance. Each PAX did 20 burpees for a group total of 100.

YHC originally miscalculated the number to be 25 each but was quickly corrected.

5 PAX : Frizzles, CntAltDel, Lizzy, Z-Pack, FixerUpper

Do you love people or do you love what they can do for you? YHC shared an experience where he chose the latter of those two but found “grace upon grace” with his M.


Z-Pack’s father

Lizzy prep for GORUCK Tough in February

Presented Lizzy with a gift of reflective bands for his ever-present ruck

February 13 – 18 VQ week! Step to the center and lead. We will always support you in this. Start thinking about it now, and I am glad to co-Q with you. If we have more than 1 VQ pending, we can do a workout on Friday 2/17 rather than a ruck.

Q-Signup App – available in Slack

Link to how to Q https://f3knoxville.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Q101.pdf

February Accelerate workout – pending – do a workout, set the baseline, do it again 6 months later, have some data to evaluate your fitness.

F3 Open House – One workout in the evening, every evening for a week. Purpose – to lower the bar for entry into / experience with / enthusiasm for F3. In the planning phases. Penciled in for North Hills in early March.

In Tents Rain

THE SCENE: pouring rain, 40°

Grasshopper, Baby Arm Circles, Harry Rockets, 8 Count merkins (not as good as Butterknives counting Monday)
Quickly ran for cover in the ‘circus’ tent behind the building that makes an appearance in nearly every picture.

While one HIM did a farmer carry around the building (lap 1), around the tent (lap 2) and rifle carry down the stairs and back) the remaining HIM’s did rounds of the following

Since last week there was so much moaning about abs, we did more:

Cross Knee Planks, Heavy American Hammer, Torture Tucks, Heavy Big boys. CMU paddleboats, 1 Up 2 Down (Really slow, really big flutter)

Then Legs: Heavy Squats, Wall Kicks (minus the wall), Bonnie Blair, 4 Way lunge

Then we switched to Arms: Curls, Merkins, Dry Docks, Donkey Kicks

Finally we rolled some 8 sided dice for more core, arms and legs.

No time for it and it was really dang wet.


I am not a professional …. and that applies to this topic as well.  I am NOT a therapist.
I’m not good at Loss, Lament or Listening.  But we are out here to get better where we are weak.  No man left where he is, right?

We are good at some aspects of grief – I’m so proud of how F3 Knoxville has collectively mourned the loss of Cardinal.  We are good a doing grief. 170 show up for a memorial workout. GoFundMe climbs to 100k in a week.  We buy t shirts. Make videos.
But we are not good at verbalizing grief.  First to God. out loud. Nor are we good at sharing it with brothers.
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”
Psalm 55:22 ESV

Next Level: be more like David.  Have the courage to ask questions we can’t answer and ask them with someone hurting.
“Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
Psalm 10:1 ESV
Can it get awkward?  Yes.  Lean into that.
What if I say the wrong things? What if I forget? that information is a burden. What if I can’t carry it?
What if I don’t have the right response – (they are not looking for a response – they are looking for connection.)
What if I make them cry? What if I cry? How do you hold it together? YOU DON’T!
We have that point of connection in Christ. Sin keeps us from being able to connect… but as we journey closer to Christ, less obstruction, more connection, more healing.
I don’t know what “science” says about growing your EQ… but in Christ, your ability to Empathize will grow. We have the Holy Spirit.
It’s what I want to work on. By God’s grace we all can become better listeners. Better at Loss and better at Lament with one another.

Continued prayers for Andrea, Cardinal Jr and Evie.  Prayers for Jen and Rob as they have 9yr old John’s funeral Thursday

VQ from Trash Panda on Friday!

Q Source Groups and Poopatorium

Temp: cold, 27 degrees


10 SSH
1 HR Burpee OYO
5 Cherry Pickers
2 HR Burpees OYO
10 Tempo Squats
3 HR Burpees OYO

Mosey to Poopatorium
3 Rounds
10 Derkins
10 Box Jumps
10 Dips

Mosey to Lakeside Driveway
5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to Matterhorn
10 Rounds
5 Merkins
10 BBS
15 Squats
Run to Backbone – 3 pull-ups

Mosey to Lakeside Driveway
5 Burpees OYO

Mosey back to AO
Ab Cycle
15 Hello Dolly
15 Flutter Kicks
15 Reverse Crunches


This week’s Q-source study is about Groups. F3 is a workout group. It is explained that there are three distinct groups, Organizations, Communities and Teams. This morning we gather as a Team which is the basic form of the group. A Team’s main purpose is to do something. Considering F3’s mission, this team is meant to invigorate male community leadership. We cannot lead our communities without first learning to lead each other. The best way to do this is by leading a Q.

This is often easier said than done. For some, leading a Q is simple, for others it’s daunting. Still more, it’s another commitment in a long line of commitments.

I challenge each of you today to sign up for a Q slot. I’ll be the first to offer help writing a workout, co-leading the workout or preparing the BOM.

Don’t let the opportunity pass by to step up and step in. We all need you.