F3 Knoxville

[virtuous-leadership] Courage

AO: virtuous-leadership
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Spellcheck, Mermaid
FNGs: None
We had a clear sky, meteors or shooting stars, and a fantastic sunrise. The discussion today was on courage, and the relationship to fear and how that balance impacts is. Each week proves to share wisdom and impact is in ways that apply daily. The application for me was for the discipline with what the Qsource calls the Queen which is the diet. Exercising discipline in this area can make you a more effective leader. For spellcheck, learning about grace , as defined in the qsource as this… when “Grace is keeping your head when everyone around you is losing theirs and blaming it on you.” This is applicable in his life presently, and the value of discussing this wisdom with Christ following men is proving to be invaluable!

IPC 2024 Recap

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Otis, Spellcheck, Natty, Gordie, Appleseed
FNGs: None
wk 0: Kalsu
EMOM: 1 minute-Every minute perform 5 Burpees then as many Thrusters as possible X 2 rounds
-Run a boogaloop-Every minute perform 5 Thrusters, then as many Burpees as possible X 2 rounds
Wk 1: Toughest 6s 10yrd apart (shortened for time)
-Thrusters & hand release merkins
MOT:Bear CrawlLungeBurpee Broad JumpRunMurder Bunnywk 2: March to the Arch
-run a boogaloop-40 merkins-MOT: Bricklayers-7 Cactus Jump Squats
-MOT: Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs
-40 Coupon Plank Jacks
-MOT: Murder Bunny
-7 Cactus Jump Squats
-MOT: Murder Bunny
-run a boogaloopWk 3: Brenton Sandwich
-MOT: Bear CrawlMOT: 3 Broad Jumps, 1 burpee. repeat
-9 of each exercise.
Burpee block Jump Overs
ThrustersBonnie Blairs (2ct)
Hand release Merkins
BBS- run a boogaloop
-MOT: Bear CrawlMOT: 3 Broad Jumps, 1 burpee. repeat
Wk 4: Mauls Backyard Burpee Beatdown
-run half a boogaloop
-perform 15 reps of exercise
-run other half-perfom burpees until everyone’s ready for next round
Exercises:Freddie MercuryPickle PoundersLow Flutter KicksPlank JacksMonkey HumpersSquatsLBCsSSH

COT: encouraging story of Eric Liddell I heard from zpack. look him up or watch the movie “Chariots of Fire”

Travel through Time

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Waffle House (Brady Greene)
PAX: Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Veggie (Rylen Huddy), lebowski, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), High Heels, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Lizzy, Double Wide, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Proton, Pusher, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Lilydipper, Jason Sutton
FNGs: 1 Jason Sutton
Triple Q Fail, triple confessions:

1) I would like to say I was following in the footsteps of my predecessor Crawdad (Robbi Dickens) and I took the week to meditate on last week’s Q before posting the backblast. But the truth is I went home after the workout and immediately started working on the yard, which I do not care about. Spent all day on it and was too tired to post this.

2) I like to get a little chatter going when I’m Qing, you know? But we went up everest and were generally on the move so much that I was out of breath and couldn’t say a whole lot. And we didn’t even get to the Jack Webb I had planned 🙁

3) I forgot our FNG’s name. Little Roll? Double Wide his potential brother in law will have to remember if/when Jason Sutton comes back.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Proton! Great October surprise

COT: High Heels (Henry Ritchie) requested prayer for his write-in campaign to become Weasel Shaker

That one with the Dora and a CMU

AO: the-farm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Bartman, Aladdin, Einstein, Oil Check, Pew-pew
FNGs: None
We did.

Dora 300/200/100
Presses, rows, Curls. – partner ran
Dora 200/150/100
Squats, BBS, Merkins – different modes of travel rifle carry, side carry, Bernie

Partner work: presses and curls- count down from 10, passing cmu to partner after each set

Ring of fire

Read newsletter
Keep everyone traveling and those hurt by the storm in your prayers

IPC week 4: the most bestest

AO: juco
Q: Haggis
PAX: Butterknife, Fetch, Booster, Data, Wanderer, Lt. Dan, Guardrail, Mailbox
FNGs: None

SSH x 20
IW x 15
Merkins x 10
Don Quixote x 10
Moroccan Night Club x 10

Week 4 IPC
Buy in 200 m run
Round 1-8 work 30 reps
200 m run
Remaining time burpees

Each rd is 5 min
Rd 1: Freddy Mercury
2: Pickle Pounder
3: Flutters
4:Plank Jacks
5: Monkey Humpers
6: Squats
8: SSH

Great work by all and awesome encouragement on the run

COT: Last week Lil’ Spice mentioned a Christian artist named Andrew Peterson. I recognized the name, not by music but by his writing. He wrote a 4 book miniseries entitled The Wingfeather Saga that tells the tale of a family of kids who must learn about life in the midst of strife.
In one chapter an idea struck as very poignant. The idea is to be the Moon in the darkness. To be a light for those who are struggling. I talked about how the moon has many phases that shows different brightness. We also reflect that same brightness, sometimes Full, sometimes waxing or waning and sometimes new and just showing a sliver. Sometimes it’s obvious that we are good men, husbands, fathers, leaders and other times when we struggle to see a way for ourselves. So when you’re bright, shine for those who struggle and when you struggle find that bright light and ask for help.
Guardrail also mentioned that the moon doesn’t provide light but gives off the reflection of the sun, so, in this metaphor, be a reflection of the Son.

Prayers for those struggling through what life has going on including cancer, health, storm recovery and so much more

