F3 Knoxville

Black Friday Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Manilow (Brent Hunter)
FNGs: None
Ruck around the park
Ruck some more
Ruck back to the AO
Happy Thanksgiving!
Name-o-rama and Prayer

Thanksgiving AM at the Asylum

AO: asylum-am
Q: TRC/Crab legs , Matlock (Bill Maddox)
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Steam, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Tropicana, Snag (Matt Reed)
FNGs: None





Earn the bird and the dessert

AO: dogpound
Q: Bartman
PAX: SlideRule (Stephen Sloan), Einstein, Choir Boy, Waxjob, Monstar, I-Beam
FNGs: None

Seabiscuit. Laps around Long Island. Exercises were:
thruster merkins 10
squat jump twists x20
imperial walkers x30

Curls & OH press with pee rocks

Cash out SSH


The concept of thankfulness runs throughout scripture. We read 7-8 verses this morning. We have so much to be thankful for. One of the verses we read this morning seemed to be the most fitting:

“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬

Deck of Pain

AO: juco
Q: Dart Gun
PAX: Windex, Mailbox, Butterknife, Lt. Dan, Waffles, Wanderer, Guardrail, Dart Gun
FNGs: None
Harry Rockets IC
Cherry Pickers IC

As an anniversary of my first beatdown…we utilized Trolley’s Deck of Pain that takes us on a tour of JUCO.

We drew cards and enjoyed the consequences of moseying at a 5k pace between stops and partaking in the various exercises.

Flutter Kicks IC


Alright guys we’re going to do something a little different.

We’ll go around the circle one by one and I want you to tell me what your net worth is.

Now that you’ll all taken a deep breath and uttered ‘yeah right’ …I’ll tell you mine
– I feel wealthy because of my eternal riches in Christ!

What you probably all thought of was a monetary version, which I’ll add is temporary. Those thoughts, while important for our time on earth, are ultimately nothing compared to what we have in store after this life is over.

Assets to manage
God has given people assets to manage, and tracking net worth can help people evaluate how to live more generously

Biblical wealth
People with biblical wealth see their wealth as an opportunity to manage what God has given them, and not as something they own.

People with biblical wealth do not attach their self-worth to their net worth.

Self-worth in Christ
Jesus sacrificed for people’s sins so that they could be made whole and given life in Him.

Ephesians 3:8: Christ’s riches are spiritual and unsearchable, and they provide salvation to everyone who believes. 

Putting THANKS into ACTION

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg) , Brick, Pusher
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pusher, Brick, Steam, Tropicana, Drum Major, Rooney (Carl Whipple), MD Hammer, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Choir Boy, Gus and Hot Wire (DR)
FNGs: None
Triple Thanksgiving Q, baby! Brick got us warmed up quick… mixture of SSH, Burpees (done under protest because they are not a warmup), Baby Arm Circles small and large, and other means of torture disguised as warmup exercises.
Indian Run to the Bros’ Bowl! Keep going right up to the top. Did some dips up there. Ran back down. Battle Buddy up, run around again, doing 80 squats each somewhere along the way.
(seems like we did incline merkins at the top benches at some point too…)

Hand the Q over to PUSHER. Mosey over to Muscle Beach! Do 20 reps of an exercise at the playground (choose your own adventure). Mosey over to the new parking lot. Do 10x Merkins, Wide Merkins, and CDDs at each of 4 islands and run back. R&R but with Squats, Jump Squats, and Calf raises. Then Pusher led us on a mosey of death, up to the roundabout. Steam picked his own route, which took him past the ballfields and stranded at the base of a very overgrown and steep hill. Which he climbed like a beast and joined us. Slow mosey to the small parking lot south of the overlook. Run around the loop, doing 20 SSH at the beginning, then 10 SSH at base of stairs and top.
Turn the Q over to PELE. Short mosey to garbage cans, where a frisbee and cones were waiting. Pele congratulated his co-Qs on their well prepared portions of the workout, and said enough of that, it’s time to have some fun. Played ultimate frisbee, warm colored clothing against darker. 3 modified burpees if your team drops the frisbee. 5 modified burpees if your team gets scored on, plus a Turkey Run of Shame back to your end zone. Warm colors lost, rather badly, forcing us to do a Turkey Run of Shame back to the AO as well.

A few ab exercises to finish off.
Tons. See the Announcement channel/main channel/newsletter.
Today is obviously Thanksgiving, and the purpose of the holiday is in the name. Give Thanks. I’m very fortunate, and have a pretty long list of things I want to give thanks for today…
1. My family, including those that are no longer with us, who gave me nothing but love and support as a child and young man.
2. My friends, past and present, who have been a source of companionship, flat out fun (sometimes too much fun…), and emotional support.
3. My career. It frustrates the heck out of me sometimes, but I have a good job, which is nothing to sniff at.
4. The basics: the food on my plate, the drink in my glass, the roof over my head, my health
5. F3: you brothers mean more to me than I can articulate. You inspire me, give me hope for our communities and lift my spirits on a constant basis
6. Last but not least, a Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally, in spite of my many flaws, and who is always there as a constant presence of Peace and Good. A compass that always points me in the right direction, if I have but the patience to listen and the wisdom to follow.
So I encourage you all to take a moment to go through your own lists of what you are thankful for. BUT THAT’S THE EASY PART! HIMs are men of ACTION, not just words. So I want to challenge you to put your THANKS into ACTION! How will you show or demonstrate your love and appreciation for the blessings in your life? Here’s what I’m going to do…
1. (FAMILY) Call my brother and his family, who are on vacation in Arizona, and tell them how much they mean to me and how much I miss being with them on Thanksgiving
2. (FRIENDS) Send intentional messages to special friends in my life letting them know their value to me.
3. (CAREER) Give back to those who aren’t as fortunate by participating in the RUCKSGIVING Event, my office Angel Tree event, my church.
4. (BASICS) Take time to fully appreciate and be grateful for the fact that I am one of the lucky few in the world that doesn’t have to struggle for food, clean water, a shelter to sleep in, or a health care system that can keep me safe from disease.
5. (F3) Continue to pour in my time and energy into this fantastic organization, and to take a moment to turn and look at each and every one of you here today, and thank you for your presence, your support, and the inspiration you provide to me that I so very much need.
6. (God) All God wants, all he asks from us, is our love. I intend to spend some time today in deep consideration of appreciation of his love and presence in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.