F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Ab burner

AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Crawlspace, Baby Boomer, Skidmark, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), slappy, Mermaid, Stitch, Anchorman
FNGs: None
– Jog in place
– Tie Fighters – 10 – 4 ct each direction
– Cherry Pickers – 5


Mosey to turf
– Ab station – 45 seconds each

– Alternating Knee Pull

– 5 – Circles – Toes pointing

– Slow Bicycle Knees to Elbow

– Pilates 100 – Elevate back and pump arms fast

– Plank Merkin – roll down forward then back

– Side Crunch Toe Touch

– Flip it

– Plank Knee Touches – Down Down Up Up

– Fire Hydrant – Knee into chest then out to pee – right leg

– Left leg

Mosey to home gym

Diamond Merkins

Twinkle Toes

Overhead Press with 60 lbs

Blue Band – Stand straight – Dual Lawnmower pulls

Yellow Big Band – Butterflies

Red Short Band – Tricep pivot pulls – Right Arm

Yellow Short Band – Tricep pivot pulls – Left Arm

Baby Arm Circles Forward with 3 or 5 pound disks

Baby Arm Circles Backward with 3 or 5 pound disks

Mr Miyagi – Breathe in – Breathe out – with 2 – 10 pound pink weights

CMU – Curls

CMU – Bench Press
Smurf Jacks

Mountain Climbers


Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life.

99.9% of the time I do not follow the wisdom in this passage. I need this reminder daily.

The Farm “Soup Kitchen”

AO: the-farm
Q: Aladdin
PAX: Aladdin, Bartman, Choir Boy, Einstein, Lightweight
FNGs: None

2 min challenge

Four corners:
5’s Burpees
Jump Squats
Captain Thor

Superman swings
Flutter Kicks


COT: Gratitude

Pass or stay?

AO: juco
Q: Stye (Hal Phillips)
PAX: Butterknife, Booster, Guardrail, Mailbox, Stye (Hal Phillips), Wanderer, Pelican, Full Tank
FNGs: None
WARMUP: side, straddle hops, cherry pickers, windmills, tempo squats, Moroccan nightclub

THE THANG: mosey to the courtyard, 11s with dips and flutter kicks. Mosey to parking lot near sophomore Hill, a card game of friendship? Draw cards if you’re the highest you do Burpee otherwise you do reps based on card and suit.

MARY: Freddie Mercury, box cutters, hello dollies


COT: as we approach Thanksgiving, we all must remember to have a servant heart. Just like Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. We should get joy out of serving others. We must not serve only those we love or agree with, but those that may not treat us well or disagree with us, it is not enough to know God’s word we must act out in our day-to-day lives.

Turkey Trot

AO: bigball
Q: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
PAX: G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Postman (Scott Colby), Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Proposal
FNGs: None
The usual

Turkey Trot

T Merkins
Reverse Crunches
Knee Taps
Elevated Squats
Yul Brynner

Trot – Suicides

Ab circle


Give thanks in all circumstances

Good ain’t Great!

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Gordie, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Natty, Herbie, Simmons, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), DUCKHUNT2005, Jim Norris
FNGs: None
WARMUP:Thai fighters, t-plank arm circles, OH press, seal claps, OH claps, chinooks, army cherry pickers

THE THANG: run to lifehouse lot and hold plank, then tempo merkins
Run to backlot Pair up with 4 stations / 3 rounds exercises: 25 burps, BBS, Superman’s, 50 plank jacks, mkns, am hammers, 75 forward hop overs, toe taps & moguls; 100 Mtn climbers, high knees, SSH’s
MARY: gas pumps, box cutters, hello Dollie’s, Bruce lee’s

Switch on TG or run the Regal 5K with Natty and Mr. Wedgie
COT: Good is the enemy of great. 2 Peter 1:5-7