F3 Knoxville

[mountainbiking] Tuesday at Dirty South

AO: mountainbiking
Q: Imaginary
PAX: Hootie, Gru Petr Hanousek, Imaginary
FNGs: None
WARMUP / ROUTE: Sycamore Loop warm up. Red Bud Crest, Victor Ashe, Hickory, Flow, over Burnett Ridge, up and out Floyd Fox. Great evening for a ride. Thought I got a picture but apparently not with my glove pushing the button :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Let’s fill up the Q calendar. Attendance is dipping.

Not Competing: …bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3

The only qualification required by God is to want to be with him. None of us is substandard. Each of us is invited to come higher, not in wealth or power or position, but in humility and love. We are not competing for this prize but helping each other get there.

Heavy on the merkins

AO: the-farm
Q: Bartman
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Einstein, Mahoney, Mayberry, Pew-pew
FNGs: None
WARMUP: normal stuff


BLIMPS with curb merkins at the halfway point

Two trips up & down the hill with squat jumps, dry docks, calf raises, big boys

11’s: pull ups & merkins between tables

Flutter kicks

Brolympics coming up soon


Matthew 6: Seek first the kingdom of God.

[genesis-ruck] GORUCK BFF Test Prep

AO: genesis-ruck
Q: Steam
PAX: Mermaid, Blindside
FNGs: None
– Merkin: 10×4
– Squat: 10×4
– High Knees: 10×4
– Gate Openers: 5×4
– Gate Closers: 5×4
– BAC – B: 10×4
– Ankle Circles: 10×4


1 Miler Ruck Run/Shuffle
– Route: footpathapp.com/routes/8eeb5ddb-9db1-48fe-9e1c-84683d2ef472
– Shuffle .25
– Walk .25

“Whether you’re completing the 1 Miler with 100lbs on your back, or 20lbs, the important thing is making sure you meet the weight requirements. You can either stuff it all in your ruck or split the weight between your ruck and sandbag. Doesn’t matter how you get there, just pick what is right for you and reach the weight.””
2 Minutes Sandbag Burpees
– No ruck
– Round-Based Break Down
– Round 1: 10 merkins, 10 sandbag squats (front carry), 10 presses + drops
– Round 2: 15 merkins, 15 sandbag squats (front carry), 15 presses + drops
– Round 3: 20 merkins, 20 sandbag squats (front carry), 20 presses + drops

“First thing: do NOT use your ruck. This event is meant to test yourself on your speed. To be the most successful, you have to make sure your gear is set up right. “”

“”Start with the handles on your Sandbag 2.0 facing up towards you, pull up and throw the sandbag right over your head. When you hear the thud on the ground behind you that = 1 count. Overall, this event is supposed to be really simple to judge, don’t overthink it or make it harder on yourself.””

“”If you have a Simple Sandbag:””
“”The main difference between the Simple Sandbag and our Sandbag 2.0 is that you won’t have handles wrapped all around the sandbag. But that’s not a problem. The main trick to this: get into the cadence of recognizing how the sandbag is going to fall and always look for the two handles. You’ll continue to gain efficiency as you learn how to control the sandbag (that comes with more sand training). You’ve got 2 minutes, get after it.””
200m Suitcase Carry
– Introduce the 200m route on The Circuit Court
– Start point: Corner of the courts
– End point: middle court
– Do 1 lap
– Suitcase carry down all 3 courts
– 5 burpees
– Suitcase carry back down all 3 courts
– Rinse and repeat 2x
– Round 2: Rifle carry rucks
– Round 3: Bear hug carry rucks

“Never do math in public, but the first thing to get done is measure out your 200 meters (100 meters out, and back). Since a suitcase carry is an asymmetrical load, it’s great for your core. This is a true test of being able to stabilize yourself, while having a weight on your back.””

“”If you have a Simple Sandbag, check out the video for the ideal way to carry it for this event.””
– Ruck The Trade Route

– Monthly Long Ruck: 11/2/24
– Check the mountainman25 or ruck channel for more info
– GORUCK BFF Test NEXT Monday: 11/4/24
– I’ll get a pre-blast out for this soon.
– 9 Year Anniversary Convergence: 11/16/24
– Check out the announcements or 9year-convergence channel for more info

What are you planting, growing, and serving this week?
– We’re always planting things, growing those things, and serving those things – whatever “those things” might be
– Leaders should be able to have candid conversations with one another and hold each other accountable to the standard of being a HIM (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, etc.)
– I want to purposefully help co-create, maintain, and protect a standard of excellence at the Genesis Ruck AO.
– The consistent level of intensity of working hard, all the way to engaging in mumblechatter and how we speak and conduct ourselves as men and leaders.
So the question this week, then, is what am I (knowingly or unknowingly) planting, growing, and serving?

Push forward this week men — well done :muscle:

Murderworm makes an appearance

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, DoorKicker (Jud), Tiny Dancer (Josh Duncan)
FNGs: None
Warmup stuff

Partner up

Round 1
Partner 1 does a NASCAR lap
Partner 2 does CMU curls

Round 2
Partner 1 does Murderworm for 25 yds, rifle carry back
Partner 2 does blockees
Move on from that mess

Round 3
Partner 1 does Murderbunnies for 25 yds, rifle carry back
Partner 2 does CMU side bends

Round 4
Partner 1 bearcrawls 25 yds and back
Partner 2 does CMU thrusters

Round 5
Sprint Drag Carry, 25 yards
Sprint there and back
Drag 80# bag there and back
Lateral shuffle there and back
Carry two CMUs there and back
Sprint there and back

Sit on a CMU and wheeze a little bit

Convergence at Asylum 11/16

Thermostat vs Thermometer
Thought stolen from Magic Mic’s COT a while ago. Thermometers and thermostats both sense the temperature. However, thermostats work to change it. Be a thermostat in your groups, families, and workplace today.

[the-pulpit] Hills and 11’s

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Betty
PAX: Leland Robbins (Geiger), Betty, Ike, Smoked Pickle
FNGs: None
Cherry pickers

Mosey to the hill
Bear crawl 10 paces – 10 squats repeat all the way up
Run down around the corner
Bear crawl 10 paces- 10 squats, 10 merkins

4 laps around GSM 1 mile
Stop at far corner every lap for shoulder taps

Heels to heaven
Plank ups on curb



Discussion about being in the world not of the world sparked by a conversation with a 6 year old.