Q: Sawdust , Betty
PAX: Betty, Sawdust
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Plant the :shovelflag:
THE THANG: Ruck for 1.5 Miles
COT: Get ready for Rougarou
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
THE THANG: Ruck for 1.5 Miles
COT: Get ready for Rougarou
THE THANG: mosey to smokehouse, grab CMUs, carry to Pavilon. Rotating minute long exercises while one person keeps time by planking.
MARY: stretches
COT: Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.
Our sermon this past Sunday was on real joy and how real joy is being filled with the presence of God day by day. So I have been thinking about that some and want to share a few excerpts from an article I found. It states:
According to the Bible, joy is not an accessory to the Christian life, a perk for shiny saints who can turn their frowns upside down. Rather, joy is tenacious. It fights. It grips the promises of God and won’t let go. And joy is not a mere good mood; it is ballast in our boats, an anchor in our storms, an immovable rock to stand on when the waves of life threaten to flatten us.
Despite what our culture tells you, real joy is not found in listening to yourself; it’s found in listening intently to God. It’s found when your “delight is in the law of the LORD” (Ps. 1:2), when your happiness is tethered not to circumstances but to promises, when you can’t get enough of your Bible.
I’ll end with this from John 15:11 ESV, Jesus says “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
2:00min power exercise followed by 1:00 of cardio.
Run around basketball court
More exercises
Run again
Listening to Beast Mode music
Listen for the Holy Spirit.
1st round:
Run across parking lot and complete 1 merkin.
Run back and complete 20 CMU squats, overhead press and curls. Each time we run increase one merkin until we reach five and decrease five reps for the CMU exercises until we reach 5 reps for each exercise.
Next exercise:
Farmers cary with merkins half way through.
Next exercise:
Ring of fire with squats.
2nd round:
Repeat first round but replace CMU exercises with CMU dumbbell swings, thrusters and lunges.
Next exercise:
Farmers carry.
Ab exercises.
The Way of The Warrior. In a world where there is so clearly a lack of peace we are called to rest and put our hope in the Lord who is the only way we will ever obtain true peace. We cannot control the environment around us, but with the Lord’s help we can control how we respond and the choices we make. Peace is intimately connected to hope. Through the hope we have in Christ we are able to truly find rest. A reminder is that in our many struggles and battles, we have the Lord on our side who can calm the sea yet also provide for the birds. Therefore, we can have the confidence that he is always in control and will provide the peace that we long for and that is needed to navigate our battles.