F3 Knoxville

[qsource-ao] How rest fit into unwavering, unflinching commitment?

AO: qsource-ao
Q: Borg
PAX: Spellcheck, Mermaid, Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Borg
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Chat and Prayer

4 who aspire to become better leaders had great 2nd/3rd F discussions about what unwavering, unflinching focus on commitment looks like across multiple commitments and how we apply the Sabbath principle of rest into the busyness, including who do we listen to as we balance the our commitments.
“I’m committed more, when I’m committed less.” – Mermaid

Welcome Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN) from Chattanooga who provided initial guidance on leadership Discussion groups in his region

COT: Prayer

[mountainbiking] Flight of the Concord

AO: mountainbiking
Q: Tank (Chris DeFranco)
PAX: Billy Goat, Bling, Imaginary, Tank (Chris DeFranco), Riddler, choo choo
FNGs: None
Pedal up to the downhill hub and do 20 pushups.
>From the hub, take Warning Track down and back up. Then take Knuckleball to Bad Hop. Join onto Full Count and go under the bridge. Go to Calloway Ridge loop to Claim Letter to loop to top of full steam ahead. Take it down (x2) and then take Shades along the lake to connect back to the junction. From there take Shades to black hole.
Push or ride bike back up Black Hole.
Head back to bridge. Do a game of “last to finish” (Riddler won) Go back under the bridge and take full count to Breakout. Take slow pitch up to upper deck loop. Take lockdown down and do Breakout again or go down slow pitch. Take lago around and back up to the loop to take High and Tight. After climb back up to hub and take Strike zone home.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: new time? 5:45-6 and new days…Tues-Thurs?

Phil 1 has Paul in jail and speaking of how people are preaching the good news of Christ for the wrong reasons. To gain clout or thinking they were better than Paul etc.
So what was his response?
Great! Praise God!
He knew God can use anyone to deliver his message.

He even downgraded himself.

In 1st Corinthians, Paul said, “I did not come proclaiming to you of God with lofty speech or wisdom. I was with you in weakness and fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

Does anyone know who Balaam was in the Old Testament?
He was an evil profit called upon to curse the Israelites.
God used his donkey to speak to him and have him see the angel in front of him.

So it doesn’t matter if you are not the best speaker or if you don’t have your doctorate in Bible you can still preach the gospel to those who need it. God proved that even a jackass can get his Word across!

Stay Positive

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: High Heels (Henry Ritchie)
PAX: Brick, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Lilydipper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), lebowski, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Choir Boy, Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Honeydew, Lulu (Greg Huddy), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens)
FNGs: None
Burpees – 50, Squats – 20, LACs-20, Lunges -10, Imperial Walkers – 15, Twisties – 10, Tennessee Rocking Chair – 10

THE THANG: O9 hundred, 60 SSH, 30 Merkins, 30 BBS, 9 Burpees,

DORA – 75 Merkins, 150 LBCs, 150 SSH

Over to Carkiac Hill – 60 Merkins up the hill, then ran back down, 60 Box Cutters, then ran to AO.

MARY: 20 Gas Pumps


COT: Having a positive attitude is essential to being successful in anything you do. Work, marriage, health, and family. Positive thinking does guarantee success, but negativity almost guarantees failure.


AO: the-equalizer
Q: mouthwash (Mike)
PAX: Bookman, Utah, Stripped, mouthwash (Mike), Smithers, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Cheney, Madoff
FNGs: None
WARMUP: ssh x20, rockettes x10, Tennessee rocking chairs x8, tie fighters x10 each way.

THE THANG: 7-11’s

– 7’s at bathhouse — pull-ups and v-ups
– 11’s at splash pad — derkins and monkey-humpers
– 7’s at boat ramp — no cheat merkins and flamingos
– 11’s at bball court — iron mikes and cdds


– ring of fire — squat jumps
– Captain Thor’s



Proverbs 12:25 — Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

Court Time at the Farm

AO: the-farm
Q: Aladdin
PAX: Aladdin, Einstein, Lightweight, Oil Check, Pew-pew
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers :cherries:
Tempo Squats
Arm Circles
Lap around basketball court :basketball:


2 minute ladder up
Suicides with exercises. Start with 2 and add 2 at every line:
Squat floor touch Iron Mikes
American Hammers
Bear crawl to each line, Bernie back
2 minute ladder down

MARY: none


COT: don’t let pride harden your heart