F3 Knoxville

Brick by Brick

Big Ball

THE SCENE: Chilly and dark, 28 degrees

SSH, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Arm Circles, Little of This, Cherry Pickers
Split into two teams, each team was given a CMU that they had to share responsibility for

  • Big Ball: Each person owed ten laps up and down the stairs with 10 Merkins at the bottom and 10 BBS at the top, and each person had to do at least one lap with their team’s brick
  • Water Bridge: Each team lined up single file holding a squat while one at a time team members ran across the bridge to their team’s brick to do 10 Goblet Squats, 10 Upright Rows and 10 Chest Presses
  • Event Lawn: Each team split in half on either side of the lawn. Each person owed on trip across the field lunging and another across with Murder Bunnies. Alternated between Merkins, Squats, and BBS while waiting
  • Under the Clinch St Bridge: Each team wall sat in a line while passing the brick up and down the line, doing 5 shoulder presses each time they got the brick
  • Back at AO: Formed a circle with the bricks on opposite ends. Alternated between Flutterkicks and American Hammers while passing the bricks around the circle, doing 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses and 10 tricep extensions each time the brick came to you.


Shared again the story of GK Chesterton responding to the London Times’ article “What is wrong with the world today” by writing “Dear Sirs, I am.” Not only does this show a tremendous amount of humility and self awareness, but it also demonstrates what it looks like to live out Jesus’ command to worry more about the plank in our own eyes than the speck in our neighbors’. It’s also really important that whenever we approach any sort of situation or confrontation, even when we are confident we are in the right, we still have our own flaws and tend to bring our own sin to the table. Practicing this level of humility and self awareness will help us to continue to be High Impact Men.