F3 Knoxville

Learn to Bloom Where You Grow

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Steam, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Lilydipper, Brick, Crash Dummy, Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Rooney(Carl Whipple), Guppy, Shogun
FNGs: None
WARMUP:-MOTIVATORS (5 count descending), TENNESSEE ROCKING CHAIRS (4 ct, IC), 10 Windmills (4-ct IC)
-10 BAC forward and backward (4-ct IC)

THE THANG: Four cones spaced about 25 feet apart, go around all four cones to complete a round, then run to the stop sign at the base of the Circle Drive and back and complete rounds 2 and 3. Each cone has a pair exercises for each of the three rounds that must be completed twice to move to the next cone. The timing worked out surprisingly well…

MARY: A few minutes for some LBCs, Smurf Jacks, and stretching.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship hill coming up on Memorial Day, obstacle unloading this Saturday! Also, Thunderhead mountain hike this Saturday, flag planting at the Veteran’s Cemetery on the following Saturday following the morning workout. (9 am), Pluto organizing.


The Grinder (with an “E”!)

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Toretto, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Mr Jinxy, Lilydipper, Pusher, Steam, Glamper, Drum Major, CRISPR, Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg)
FNGs: None






AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: CRISPR, Pac-man, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Brick, Sparkler, Lilydipper, Dung Beetle, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Lizzy
FNGs: None
Disclaimer + Intro
– Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
– My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this evening
– A few things before we begin:
– I’m not a professional
– You’re here on your own volition
– You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
– 5 Core Principles of F3
– F3 is free of charge
– F3 is open to all men
– F3 is held outdoors
– F3 is are peer-led
– F3 always ends in a COT
– F3 Credo — Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.
– The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

– Willie Mays Hayes: 4×4
– BAC: F 10×4
– BAC: B 10×4

– 3 Man-Makers
– 25 SSH (1-count)
– 25 Imperial Walkers (1-count)
– 3 Man-Makers
#2ForTuesday — Run it back

(Mosey to the rock pile closest to Lyons View Pike)
– Stop Signs = 25 butterfly sit-ups

(1) Rock Work
– POC: rock pile and tree
– Round 1
– Rock pile: Curls
– Cone2: Chest presses
– 11+1, 10+2, etc
– Modified about halfway through for time: ran between the POC without the rock and executed Hallelujahs instead of presses
#2ForTuesday — Run it back
– Round 2
– Rock Pile: Alternating hand on rock merkins (both hands = 1)
– Tree closer to the rock pile: dips
– 10 reps each POC x2 rounds

(Mosey to the base of the Summit)

(2) Up + Over
– Bottom: 10 Imperial Walkers (1 count)
– SPRINT to the top of the Summit as fast as you can go
– Top: 10 Apollo Ono lunges (5/leg)
– Mosey to the :shovelflag:

1 more round of the Cash-In Xs — Cash Out
– 3 Man-Makers
– 25 SSH (1-count)
– 25 Imperial Walkers (1-count)
– 3 Man-Makers

– Willie Mays Hayes
– Twisty

– GTE — knoxville-gte-2024
– It’s not too late to participate and/or volunteer!
– Saturday Convergence asylum-daybreak on 4/27 — 6:30am – 7:30am

“Back to Basics”

Page 147 – 149 in Freed To Lead
Each F3 workout ends with what we call the Circle Of Trust, the COT. That’s not just a statement, it’s the fifth and final Core Principle. If your want to call yourself an F3 workout, you have to do a COT. You can do whatever you want to do in your COT, but there are three things you must do.
– First, there must be a Counterama. The first man says “one” and so on around the circle until you get to the Q sitting in the middle. We do this because keeping track of the PAX growth in the workout is the only way to strop DRTF (Diminishing Return To Fellowship – the concept that too large a workout group can erode Fellowship among PAX) before it sets in.
– Second, there must be a Namerama. Starting with the man who counted “one” in the Counterama, each man says his hospital name, his F3 name, and his age. If there is an FNG, the Q names him. Personally recognizing each veteran, and immediately integrating every new man is a must. There can be no anonymity in the workout for it to prosper.
– Third, a volunteer must lead the COT in a prayer. No particular prayer is prescribed or proscribed. Admittedly, most COT prayers sound Christian because (right now) that’s the predominant worldview of the PAX in F3. That may change, it may not. It depends on where and how F3 grows, not on some predetermined goal. F3 is about overcoming adversity, not achieving diversity.

Originally, when we started the COT, the prayer was done from the seated position in the circle, and some workouts still do it that way. However, over time, many have gone to the Ball Of Man formation, where the PAX gather tightly around the Q in the center and place hands on each other.

We realize that not all of the PAX in the Ball Of Man may share the same worldview, and that some may be uncomfortable with any form of prayer. If this is the case for you, then bowing your head respectfully while another man shares his faith (whatever that may be) is all we ask. If you are the kind of man who can’t or won’t do that, then F3 probably won’t be a good fit for you. No offense taken. No offense meant.

We have heard a lot of things in the Ball Of Man. It’s not unusual to hear men asking for help for another man or family member who is sick or in pain. We often hear thankfulness for the day, the Big Ball (the Earth, that is) upon which we just sweated together, or even just for the very presence of one another.

One constant theme in the Ball Of Man is the importance of sharpening each other, as Iron Sharpens Iron. Thus, we often seek help being better husbands, fathers, sons, uncles, bosses, and employees; all the things that men are called upon to be. The Third F is a realization that just being those things is hard enough without trying to to be them without help. More than that, it is a surrender to this idea: an insistence upon going it alone is not noble; it is selfish and prideful. The people who depend upon us to be those things that a man must be are more important than we are. We are not first. If we need help (and we know we do, each of us) then we owe it to them to seek and accept help. That help is the essence of the Third F. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with love.

This, my friends, is why maintaining discipline in the basic principles of what we do is so crucially important. If we stray too far off (as I myself have at times) from executing the basic principles and order of operations of F3, we are simply a group of men that workout together. Let’s not let that be our future – let’s stay the course and stay disciplined to preserving the principles and culture that we have here in F3. Iron Sharpens Iron!

Labored Running

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
PAX: Steam, OnStar, Glamper, Guppy, Brick, High Heels, Crash Dummy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Tenderfoot, Mr Jinxy, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merks, Grady Corns, tempo squats, little this and that

CMU Deadlifts
Air Squats
CMU Squats
CMU presses
CMU squat thrusters
Run after each set

MARY: no time


Your never to far from grace

The Lillyhipper Workout!

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg)
PAX: Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Steam, Drum Major, Lilydipper, Tenderfoot, Crash Dummy, Switchhitter (Tony), Abacus, Lizzy, Brick, Pac-man, Rooney(Carl Whipple)
FNGs: None
WARMUP:- 25 SSH, 4ct, IC
– 10 Twistees, 4 ct, IC
– Curly Stomps
– 10 Pteradactyls 4 ct IC forward/backward plus some BACs
– 10 Windmills, 4 ct IC

OPTIONS: Do one, two, or three stations, pick one of the exercises, then run to Golf Course Road, and run back. Must run at least 3x.

1. 30 Merkins/ Irkins /Diamond Merkins

2. 30 Rocky Balboas/ Iron Mikes/ Mountain Climbers

3. 30 BBS/ Leg Lifts/ Gas Pumps

4. 30 Carolina Dry Docks/ Shoulder Taps/ Bottle Openers

5. 30 Apollo Onos/ Monkey Humpers / Squats

6. 30 Flutter Kicks/ Bicycle Kicks/ Dead Bugs

7. 30 Jump Squats/ Froggy Jumps/ Star Jumps

8. 30 Grady Corns (4-ct)/ Seal Claps/ Overhead Caps

MARY: Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Stretching with Pele

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Haw Ridge Tomorrow Night!

COT: Jeremiah chapter 18

A few weeks or months ago Lillydipper talked about the Potter’s house in his Word. And I remember at the end of it he prayed that the Lord would shape him into a form that was pleasing to the Heavenly Father.

But what good are shapes, even perfectly formed, if they don’t have a purpose? What good is a quill if it doesn’t have ink to write? Or a sweater that is perfect in shape but made out of gossamer thread that doesn’t keep you warm? I think a shape or form that is pleasing to our Lord’s eyes, would be someone that spreads joy and love, inspires others, sets an example that others can follow.

And if that’s the case, Then the Big Man Upstairs really knocked it out of the park when he formed good ol’ Lillydipper on that Potter’s Wheel up in the sky. How many times has he picked up the Q on short notice? Been an example of perseverance during his many… many… rehab stints? Kept us positive and amused with his stories? Inspired us with his Words?

I don’t claim to have any inside knowledge of the Sky Q’s ways, or thoughts… but I would bet my bottom dollar that when Lillydipper came off that potter’s wheel, instead of packing it back in a lump and trying again, the Lord nodded at his work, smiled and said: “Well… besides giving this fellow a bad hip… and a bad knee. And another bad knee. And a bad shoulder. And another bad hip. This one is not bad… not bad at all.”