F3 Knoxville

5-4-31 This is Hard

AO: bigball
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Postman (Scott Colby), Huffy (Ken Hill), vanilla
FNGs: None
WARMUP:SSH / baby arm circles / hillbillies/ Tempo Merkins/ Rockettes

Mosey to Hessler on The Hill. Get CMUs

THE THANG: 5-4-3-2-1

Instructions: Do 5 exercises; 5 reps each

No Surrenders
Combo Blockees
Kracken Blockees (blockee with 3 merkins)

Run loop + 20 curls

Do 5 exercise 4 reps each

Run Loop + 20 Curls

Do 5 exercises 3 reps each

Run Loop + 20 curls

Do 5 exercises 2 reps each

Run Loop + 20 curls

Do 5 exercises 1 rep each
Return CMUs

MARY: @ Benches
Incline Plank Knee to opposite elbow (10 each leg)
Dip (Legs straight) + Alternating Straight Leg Lift (10 reps)
Feet Elevated Wide Toe Taps (10 each leg)


COT: F3 Word

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]

There are days that we wake up and sense that we are not headed the right direction that we aren’t on the right path.

Proverbs 4:18
“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.”

Sometimes we start our workouts in darkness but as we go through the end of the workout we see a tiny bit of light… and it gets brighter and brighter… if you’ve ever been camping in a place where there is no artificial light it’s even more noticeable…

If you are not on the right path, take one step in the right direction

There is peace with God through Jesus Christ. My encouragement to you and to myself is to turn from trusting yourself and trust in Christ. When you do, dawn has begun in your life. Turn from foolishness and walk together in wisdom motivated by the worthiness of God and his purpose for you, and encouraged by hope.

C.S. Lewis said that both Good and Evil increase at compound interest. Pursue that which is evil and the downward spiral accelerates at an ever increasing rate. Pursue that which is good and good increases not arithmetically, but exponentially.

March Madness Beatdown

AO: bigball
Q: Postman (Scott Colby)
PAX: vanilla, Abort (Jeremy Loftis), Cannon Ball (Sam Crockett)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: the usual

THE THANG: at the amphitheater
Squats x 64
Merkins x 32
BB Situps x 16
Flutters on a 4 count x 8
Burpees x 4
Mucho Lego x 2
Run to the top of the amphitheater and do 16 rows
We did six rounds of this since it takes six wins in March Madness to be the champion



COT: prayers for Vanilla and his family as they are saying goodbye to their family dog this morning.

Word: Tony Bennett’s 5 Pillars of basketball and life: humility, passion, unity, servanthood and thankfulness.

Et Tu Brute?

AO: bigball
Q: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
PAX: Cannon Ball (Sam Crockett), Huffy (Ken Hill), Postman (Scott Colby), Swanson, vanilla
FNGs: None

Mosey to Performance Lawn for 4 corners

44 BC in honor of year Julius C was killed
11 at each corner
Prison Squats
Big boys
Mtn climber

Mosey to amphitheater
3 sets of 15 for March 15
American hammers

Mosey to Rock pile
Sets of 23 for number of times Caesar was stabbed
OH Press
Front raise
Skull crusher
Goblet squat


AO: bigball
Q: Abort (Jeremy Loftis)
PAX: Cannon Ball, Amazon (Brad West), Postman (Scott Colby), Abort (Jeremy Loftis), G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), vanilla, Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
FNGs: None
– Shoulder taps
– Tempo lunge
– Merkin tempo
– Monkey humpers

Mosey toward the Big Ball stairs, stop under Clinch Ave bridge for Welsh Dragons:
– Four bear crawl steps
– One merkin
– One plank jack
– One shoulder tap (each arm)
Continue with four Bear crawl steps and increase the rest by one rep each time. Did this to the other side, most got to 7 reps.

At Big Ball stairs, escalator with:
– 10 imperial squat walkers
– 10 merkins
– 10 pickle pounders
– 10 shoulder taps
– 10 dips
– 10 crab cakes
Run to the top of stairs and back down after each set, starting with just imperial walkers then adding the next exercise down after each round.

Mosey over to amphitheater.
– 15 Bulgarian split squats (each leg)
– 15 derkins
– Run to the top for 15 inverted rows
– 15 box jumps
– 15 sit ups with legs up on stage
– Run to the top for 15 rows, palms facing the other way
Repeat that through, dropping to 10 reps of all.

Back to start point

– Hello Dolly
– Flutter kicks while in hollow hold

Haw Ridge coming up
Posted before this in Slack

Super MAR10 Bros Beatdown

AO: bigball
Q: vanilla
PAX: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Abort (Jeremy Loftis), Swanson, Omega (Phil Puma), Postman (Scott Colby), vanilla, Huffy (Ken Hill), Wedding Singer, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Soot, Cannon Ball, Altar Boy
FNGs: None

Mosey to Big Ball Stairs

Merkins -10
AmHam -10 4 count
Run Stairs
10 min AMRAP

Mosey to L&N Coupon Pile
Mario 64
64 curls, kettles, bent rows

Final Castle – Mario/Luigi Partner Up

B – 100 Big Boys
O – 150 Overhead Presses
W – Walking Lunges (1 trip each)
S – 200 Skull Crushers
E – Elbow Plank (1 trip each)
R – Ranger Merkins 15 OYO

MARY: nope


COT: resist 1) scarcity thinking, 2) pursuit of power, 3) certainty over faith