F3 Knoxville

Never been in the Big Ball

THE SCENE: 45* and despite the forecast, no rain.  Not sure if I was actually awake or if it was all a dream…

Iron squats
Seal claps
Imperial walkers
Collect everyone’s keys/phones and mosey out of the start point along the sidewalk adjacent to the convention center, until reaching the Big Ball.  Pause in the shadow of the Big Ball for a set of leg blasters, where Swanson and myself surprise a few by saying we’ve never been in the Big Ball.  To recover from the shock, we blast our legs.  No rest in between: 10 tempo squats in cadence, 10 lunges on four count in cadence, 10 jump squats OYO.

Continue mosey up the stairs beside the Big Ball for descending ladder routine.  I’d planned for rain but was sick of the garage and amphitheater so we moseyed to the overhang on the corner of Clinch Ave and Henley St.  Work your way down the list until you complete the last exercise, then run up the stairs, across the pedestrian bridge across Henley St, and return.  Rinse and repeat removing the lowest number exercise each time through.  Oh yea and touch every stair up and down the stairs.

  • 10 merkins
  • 9 squats
  • 8 sit ups
  • 7 OH claps (4 count)
  • 6 jump lunges (left right = 1)
  • 5 burpees
  • 4 V ups
  • 3 side lunges (each leg)
  • 2 tuck jumps
  • 1 SSH

After about five iterations for the jack rabbits and four iterations for the Clydesdales I polled the audience: Continue through the list until we all complete the ladder, or move on to something else fun.  A reluctant few finally spoke up and said move on, so we did.  Everyone grabbed their laundry and we moseyed back down the stairs beside the Big Ball and underneath where we’d done leg blasters.  I am trying to get some guys to VQ soon, so I took the opportunity to let them lead.  We all did 5 pull ups on the beams, then met out front.  I’d call out someone and ask them to pick an exercise, and lead us in 10 reps of it.  Went something like:

  • 5 pull ups
  • Swanson – led 8 count bodybuilders
  • 5 pull ups
  • Postman – led plank jacks
  • 5 pull ups
  • Walrus – led SSH
  • 5 pull ups
  • Huffy – led V ups

After Huffy finished everyone just assumed 5 pull ups, but I told them to grab their laundry and mosey as we were getting short on time.  Once we crossed WFP Drive onto the sidewalk, told everyone to give it all they had on the sprint back.

10 sit ups OYO
10 sit ups OYO
American hammers
12 including 1 FNG: Swanson, Postman, Huffy, Walrus, Jenner, Half Caff, Bubble Wrap (FNG), Dovetail, Passport, G6, Backdraft, Abort (QiC)
Victor Frankl quote from Man’s Search for Meaning: “Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality.  No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him. By his love he is enabled to see the essential traits and features in the beloved person; and even more, he sees that which is potential in him, which is not yet actualized but yet ought to be actualized.”

Amazon spoke on Saturday about focusing on helping someone else when you’re struggling and in doing so you tend to forget your own pain.  This quote takes that a step further and says that by learning to love our brothers, we truly find and can admire their gifts.  And by realizing those traits in others, we also discover our own potential.
Q101 this Saturday, possibly cancelling Big Ball workout to join.  Half Caff has another shirt design which is nearly ready, look for shirt order link soon.

I will need a second breakfast

THE SCENE: perfect temp a few sprinkles

Warm up mosey – two laps around park. Lap 1 stop at each corner and mid point of long side and do 10 merkins. Second lap do 10 squats at the same place.


Burpee + KB swing pyramid
1 ea, 2 ea, 3ea, so on until 10 ea and then back down – This Sucked!

50 mtn. climbers on a 4 count

21 box jumps, merkins, KB swings
R&R with
18 reps ea
15 reps ea
12 reps ea
9 reps ea
6 reps ea
3 reps ea

3 minute abs – Flutters, Hello Dollys, Box Cutters, American Hammers, Boat/Canoe

Repeat from Friday but basically don’t miss out on the important stuff by being too busy.


Team 1 vs. Team Kill

THE SCENE: Dry, around 25 degrees, sunny by the end of the workout

SSH x 25, Baby Arm Circles x 10 forwards and 10 backwards, Shoulder Taps x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 5
We split into two teams of three, Team 1 and Team Kill. Each of the following exercises was a team competition and the winner of each workout got to choose an exercise for us all to do afterwards

  • Sunsphere: Best two out of three; Everyone on each team would do an exercise at the bottom of the stairs while one person from each team ran to the top of the stairs, did 10 reps of an exercise and ran back down. then the next person on the team would go, first team to finish won. First round was holding a plank at the bottom with 10 merkins up top, second round was holding an Al Gore at the bottom with 10 Cobras up top. Team Kill won the first two rounds and chose to do 10 pull ups
  • Under the Bridge below Clinch: Everyone held a wall sit while one person from each team bearcrawled across to the opposite wall and backwards bear crawled back, then the next person went. Team 1 won and chose to have everyone do shoulder taps in a plank while one person at a time ran around the wall
  • Amphitheater: Best two out of three; Everyone on each team would do an exercise at the bottom of the stairs while one person from each team ran to the top of the stairs, did 10 pull ups/inverted rows and ran back down. then the next person on the team would go, first team to finish won. First round was dips at the bottom with 10 pull ups up top, second round was incline merkins at the bottom with 10 pull ups up top, third round was box jumps at the bottom with 10 pull ups up top. Team 1 won and chose to do a ring of fire of boat canoes
  • Bridge over Cumberland: Everyone held a plank at one end of the bridge while one at a time one person from  each team bear crawled across and held a plank on the opposite end. once the entire team was across, the whole team would bear crawl back together. First team back won. Team 1 won and chose 25 Big Boy Situps
  • Rock Pile by Neyland Dr: Each team shared a rock and tried to get the most reps of an exercise in a minute. Best two out of three. Round one was curls, two was overhead presses, three was a combination of both. Team 1 won and chose 15 partner shoulder presses
  • Then we moseyed back to the AO


A couple days ago one of my students mentioned learning about cascading failure, meaning one unchecked problem leads to another, which leads to another, and so on. He said he feels like he sees that happen in his own life. My initial response was to point out that that doesn’t necessarily apply to us, since we aren’t machines and not all aspects of our lives are related to one another. But then I realized that I’m currently allowing myself to experience cascading failure. I’ve been having some serious pain in my stomach, which led to me not working out for a month, which led to me not getting up early, which led to me not going to bed early, which led to me wasting time on things like TV at night instead of reading and getting good rest, which has also led to me eating less healthy, which all of this has led to me being more irritable towards others and to spending less time in the Word. Taking time off from exercise to recover is fine, but it doesn’t mean I have to give up getting up early and eating well and getting good rest. So I encouraged the guys not to allow what Paul calls “a thorn in our sides” to become a cascading failure


THE SCENE: Dry, humid, mid 70s, sunny. Jk it was rainy and miserable. BUT it was character-building rainy and miserable.

  • 2FT = 2 For Tuesday (Unrecognized national holiday)
  • R&R = Rinse & Repeat


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC this morning – honor to do so.
  • Couple things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your body better than anyone else – if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do it, but push yourself and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.



  • SSH: 11 x 4 IC
    • 2FT –> R&R
  • Monkey Humpers: 11 x 4 IC
    • 2FT –> R&R
  • Squat Bender: 11 x 4 IC
    • 2FT –> R&R
  • Rockmill (mix of Rockette & Windmill): 11 x 4 IC
    • 2FT –> R&R


(mosey to Amphitheater)

  1. 11s
  • Stage = 11 box jumps (full extension)

(sprint to the top)

  • Top = 11 pull-ups

(sprint back down and hold the incline merkin plank on the stage)

  • Rinse & Repeat because it’s 2 For Tuesday!
  • Recover at the bottom in the incline merkin plank on the stage
  • Execute 11 down/up incline merkins


(3 Points of Contact)

  • stone wall on 1 side of the stage – the stage – stone wall on the other side of the stage
  • Stone Wall 1 = 11 1-count incline merkins
  • Stage = 11 situps
  • Stone Wall 2: 11 1-count decline merkins
  • R&R because 2FT
  1. 11s
  • Stage = dips 

(sprint to under the bridge to the left)

  • Under the bridge to the left = 1 wall-sit + seal clap

(Sprint back to stage)

  • Rinse & Repeat because it’s 2FT!

(sprint to covered area right before the stairs to the bridge)

  • 1 wall-sit + Seal clap
  • Rinse & Repeat (9 & 2, 8 & 3, etc)


Core 4

  • 4 areas of the amphitheater stage
  • 25 1-count reps each area
    • LBCs
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Spidermans
    • Cockroaches
  • R&R because 2FT

(COT inside of amphitheater)


8 PAX – No FNGs

Abort – Walrus – Half-Calf – Cornhole – Swanson – Huffy – Amazon – Steam



  • Chase the Lion


No fear of the forecast

THE SCENE: 45* and despite the 80% chance of rain from Steve, relatively dry after the warmup

  • Static stretches L R M
  • Prisoner squats
  • Windmills
  • Moroccan night clubs
  • Tempo merkins


Mosey to amphitheater for Octagon of Pain. Cones set up on stage and ground with an exercise at each.
  • Lion Kings with Ruck plates
  • Wide merkins
  • Squat jumps
  • American hammers on 4 count
  • Cobras
  • Lunges each leg
  • 8 count bodybuilders
  • Heels to heaven
16 reps of each exercise, bear crawl to next exercise. Once back to start cone, bear crawl to middle and plank. I asked one member of the PAX to admit a fear of his. He said he feared to let people down, or disappoint others.
Quick mosey to bridge underpass for elevens with WWII sit ups at the bridge and rows on handrails at the top of the amphitheater.
Asked anyone else if they wanted to admit a fear. Fear of relapsing and putting a strain on his marriage; fear of finding the right person to spend his life with; fear of falling back into compulsive actions and habits.


  • Flutters x10
  • Hammers x 11
  • Flutters x12
  • Dolly x13
  • Flutters x14

5 strong: Huffy, Walrus, Postman, Amazon, Abort
My fear is that of failure. I can recall the feeling in college of being so afraid of doing poorly on an exam that I wouldn’t even go take it. By doing so, I guaranteed failure, but somehow in my head that disconnect was there of not being present meant not failing. I have this fear also of letting people down with my failures. But to not show up is no longer acceptable, I have to be present and if I fail, I will at the very minimum feel that sting and learn from it.

I also stole a little wisdom from the 43 Feet podcast about the subject: “Fear.  We all have fears, and we have to deal with fear every day.  Fear isn’t necessarily bad, as fears of things have helped keep us alive up to this point in our lives.  However, constantly giving into fears makes us cowards.  Constantly ignoring fears would make us insane.  The key is to listen to our fears and decide whether to give into them or stand up and turn that fear or hardship into grace.”