F3 Knoxville

Blimps dropping Bombs at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Cold and Crisp

SSH to get warm, tempo squats

Indian run with each person knocking out 5 Merkins before heading to front of the pack.

At the new concert field, grabbed a battle buddy and performed some BOMBS.

Mosey to parking lot on Neyland Dr. for a round of BLIMPS.

Grabbed some coupons from the rock pile for a little Colt 45.


Finished up with a few flutter kicks and Edward scissor legs back at the AO.


As men we should reject passivity.  Step up and Step in when things need to be done.  Even when it’s hard.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

sweating it out in the garage

THE SCENE: Phone said 59* and lots of rain, definitely warm for January

Warm up started in 11th Street Parking Garage, which is where we stayed for duration.  Lots of rain, plenty of lightning too…
Squat and reach
Grady corns
Imperial Walkers
Mosey up the ramp to the fourth level of the parking garage (the bottom floor is 3? Haven’t figured that out yet).  Routine is the BOMBS Escalator, the Bombscelator? Anyhow, BOMBS done escalator style.  Start with B, run the length of the garage and back.  B O, run.  So on and so on.

  • Burpees x10
  • OH Claps x20
  • Merkins x20
  • BBSUs x20
  • Squats x40

Quick 10 count and mosey on, up another level to the fifth level of the parking garage.  More chalk on the ground, this time just straight through the list for two rounds:

  • Monkey humpers x10
  • Squats x10
  • J-Los x10
  • Burps x10 (not burpees, just the foot thruster part)
  • Run a lap of the garage

Again rinse and repeat for two rounds.  Another quick 10 count, then run a half lap of the garage to get to the north stairwell.  There we did three sets of calf raises on the stairs, 15 reps per set.  First set regular, second set toes in, third set toes out for calf raises.  Then Oompa Loompa down the stairs to the bottom (squat each step taken).

Flutter kicks
Hello Dolly
Flutter kicks
(There was a lot more in this same sequence but ran out of time, thank goodness)
5 Strong: Walrus, Cornhole, Huffy, Swanson, Abort
I’ve just struggled this week in getting out in the gloom.  My M has been struggling with fear at night.  Her grandmother’s apartment burned on Saturday (she made it out, but lost everything) and now she is terrified that our house will burn down while we sleep.  We’ve been unplugging almost everything we can before going to bed.  This is something that I really struggle with.  My reaction is to want to “fix” a problem, but this is not something I can really fix.  I just have to be supportive and help her move past her fears.  Huffy really brought it home, giving us Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” and added that every day our Lord challenges us to allow our faith to overcome.
Prayers for Huffy, who had a skiing accident that has his shoulder in bad shape (yet he still makes it out to workouts, like a beast), prayers for Walrus who is trying to improve his marriage and working on things with his M, praise and prayers that Swanson had great news at the doctor

arms and legs

THE SCENE: 60 with just a little drizzle – felt really nice

Jog two laps with 5 Merkins (lap 1)/5 squats (lap 2) every 20-25 paces


Mosey to rock pile and Select two rocks, one for each hand that are equal with in size

20 reps of each x 3 rounds:
Tricep ext
OH press
Front raise
Bent over row
Chest press (on ground)

Replace rocks and mosey big ball steps

Oompa Loompa up the steps
Lunges on the flat
Oompa Loompa down the steps
Frog leap the flat

R and R x3

Mosey two laps with 5 Merkins (lap 1)/5 squats (lap 2) every 20-25 paces

we started with 5 burpees, 5 sec rest – 4 burpees, 5 sec rest on down until 1 burpee, 5 sec


“Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine… Marty McFly from “Back to the Future” Doc was told that building a time machine would be impossible. but he didn’t let that stop him, he did it anyway. What are you being told is impossible – now go and do it.



foggy tour de big ball

THE SCENE: I guess it didn’t feel as cold as it was… foggy and a little ice
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Yup, took care of the important stuff

We warmed up with a slow mosey in the direction of the amphitheater. Every 15-20 seconds we stopped and alternated between 5 merkins and 5 air squats.
The mosey continued to the rock pile adjacent to Neyland dr. We continued our alternating merkins and squats about every 15-20 seconds.

at the Rock pile we took a few minutes to do some static stretching and then were lead in a chorus of “Flower” by Moby while holding a friendly coupon.

We finished our time at the rock pile with 20 curls and 20 overhead chest presses. We gently put our rocks down and continued our foggy tour along the waterfront. the alternating merkins and squats continued until we reached the pedestrian bridge at volunteer landing. While ascending the steps to the ped. bridge we did our best oompa loompa impression both forward and then backwards.

Once on the ped. bridge we assumed it was save to cross but quickly realized that our alternating lunges were a little risk on the ice covered bridge. we safely crossed to the other side and approached the dreaded Walnut.

At the bottom of Walnut we thought it would be a good idea to “basket ball shuffle” to the top of the hill. This was such a great idea, we walked back to the bottom and shuffled back to the top facing the other direction to balance our now aching quads and hips out.

Now at the top, unable to feel out legs, we continued our Mosey back to the AO, stopping every 15-20 seconds for our alternating 5 merkins and 5 squats. We arrived back at the AO promptly at 6:15… thank goodness, because if we had time for Mary, we would have tired a new exercise = The Wolverine! We will save that for later…

ran out of time
there are a lot of lonely people out there… how can we interact with them to bring community
I hate Walnut
Sign up to Q!

garage workout

THE SCENE: 40* and spotty rain

Even/odd static stretch left/middle/right
Little orphan Annie
Four count merkins after running under bridge for a dry spot
Mosey south towards amphitheater, pausing for last warm up of four count merkins under the bridge.  Hop up and continue moseying up the hill towards 11th Street, then into the parking garage. At the north end up of each floor of the parking garage, there are two exercises.  One for going up the garage, the other for coming back down.  Pretty simple:

Up Exercises

  • Burpees x10
  • Carolina dry docks x20
  • Ranger merkins x20
  • Staggered hand merkins x20
  • Wall worm between large columns on the wall

Down Exercises

  • Burps (leg thrusters) x20
  • Jump squats x20
  • Plank jacks x20 (four count)
  • Jump lunges x20 (four count, ouch)
  • Burpees x10

Two 10-counts and mosey back the way we came, out to 11th Street and back down World’s Fair Park drive.  Once we get under the bridge, partner up.  Partners run in opposite directions around the outside of the two bridge supports, each time they meet do a set of partner exercises.

  • Patty-cake merkins x10 (Three rounds)
  • High five Big Boy sits x10 (Three rounds)
  • Jump squat high fives x5 (Two rounds)

Mary under the bridge where it’s dry, because why not.
Box Cutters
American hammers
7 Strong including 1 FNG: Walrus, Swanson, Passport, G-6, Homewrecker (FNG), Postman, Abort
Really just spoke about the events that occurred yesterday, and how no day is promised to us.  Try to treat every situation with love and be a positive force to everyone you meet.  Leave no doubt.