F3 Knoxville

Stay with me

THE SCENE: 35 on the dash for the drive out, nice and crisp

Tempo merkin x12
Shoulder taps x12
Imperial walkers x12
Bend and squat x12
SSH x12
Mosey over to the sidewalk directly beside the lower entrance to the convention center and under the light to illuminate the chalk on the ground.  Routine is the escalator, which as Swanson pointed, out, we were in site of an actual escalator inside.  Though that one is less fun and less painful.  Start with the first exercise, run to the Big Ball for 5 pull ups, and run back.  Do first and second exercises, another run and 5 pull ups.  Etc. etc. adding an exercise each iteration.

  • SSH x20
  • Tempo merkins x10
  • Alternating shoulder taps x15
  • Y Ups x10
  • Wide merkins x10
  • Mountain climbers x20
  • Elevated foot crunches (legs straight out) x20

Ending count of 140 SSH, 60 tempo merkins, 75 shoulder taps, 40 Y Ups, 30 wide merkins, 40 mountain climbers, 20 elevated crunches and 35 pull ups.  And some running.


Mosey just around to the amphitheater stage so I can steal some of the more difficult (at least for me) ab exercise.  First was Butterfly’s oblique 45s (lay with knees to one side and crunch to 45) x10 each side.  Next from Passport were his grinders, which I struggled to count (left elbow to right knee while keeping left leg straight and off ground) x10 each side.

Stay With Me – Plank during the song “Stay With Me” by In Flames (about a 5 minute song), anytime those words are sang do one merkin.  The song is a lot of planking at the beginning and firing off lots of merkins towards the end.

Flutter kicks x15
American hammers x15
6 strong: Swanson, Half Caff, Ariel, G6, Amazon, Abort
We were discussing Thanksgiving plans a few days ago and my mom told me that even though there are a few places I am supposed to get to, that I need to plan on eating and staying with her for a bit.  That really got me thinking about how we tend to rush through the holidays this time of year and try to get to four different places in one day.  That might be necessary for some, but you miss out on a lot by not taking that time and really being present if you’re just worried about getting to the next place.

Most of us will never regret the things that we did, rather those that we didn’t.  Don’t let your future self look back on this holiday and wish you’d spent more time with someone.  No one is promised tomorrow, so make sure you’re present and enjoy the privilege of family and friends.  Leave no doubt, aye.

Leg Day

THE SCENE: Cold, ~35 degrees, Sunny

SSH x 25, Baby Arm Circles x 15 forward and x 15 backward, Tempo Squats x 10, Tempo Merkins x 10, Cherry Pickers x 8

  • Lunges across the festival lawn (forward, sideways and backwards, alternating every 10 steps)
  • Mosey to Sunsphere. 11’s at the stairs. Squats at bottom and BBS at top
  • Mosey towards parking lot. “Indian Run” on the bridge. Everyone does BBS in line while back of line lunges to the front until we’ve crossed the bridge
  • Doras at parking lot. 200 squats, 150 smurf jacks, 100 American Hammers (4 count), while partner runs to and from end of lot
  • Mosey to Amphitheater. Doras again. 100 squats, 100 BBS, 100 flutter kicks (2 count), while partner runs up and down stairs
  • Mosey back to AO, sprint across the festival lawn to end the workout

Spoke about discipleship. We often look to Paul and Timothy for models of this relationship, but we also see it in Moses and Joshua. Moses brought Joshua to Mt Sinai with him, Moses passed leadership on to Joshua, Joshua sends spies into Canaan just like Moses did, and gives a farewell address similar to the one Moses gave. A lack of discipleship between the old and young generation in Canaan leads to a generation who knew neither God or the things He did in the wilderness. How are we playing a part in building up the next generation?
3rd F coming up December 7th, Wedding Singer is putting together a half marathon team for the Knoxville Marathon if you’re interested contact him

BLIMPS and the crucible

THE SCENE: 28* but low humidity so it wasn’t too sweltering

Bend and squat x10 IC
Squat jumps x5 OYO
Mountain climbers x15 IC
Squat jumps x5 OYO
Three point merkins x10 IC
OH Claps/Forward claps x20 IC
SSH x20 IC


Mosey a lap around the WFP lawn and return to start point for a round of BLIMPS
Burpees x5 -> Lunges x10 each leg -> Imperial Walkers x15  -> Merkins x20
Plank jacks x25 -> SSH x30

Mosey again to keep moving as soon as we finish, out past the Big Ball and to the pedestrian bridge across the pond. Stop and repeat same BLIMPS routine. Mosey back the way we came, looping around toward the amphitheater. We stopped at the underpass for wall sits. 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off. 45 seconds on, 10 seconds off. 60 seconds on with arm flutters, then recover. Mosey on to amphitheater.


Four sets of stairs with four exercises and four stupid ways to climb the stairs. Before you start any round, you run to the middle of the stage and knock out five 8-count bodybuilders. When you reach the top of each set of stairs, you do 10 inverted rows/pullups on the rails and return to the stage for bodybuilders and advance to the next set of stairs.
Round 1: 15 squat jumps, crawl bear the stairs
Round 2: 10 Catalina wine mixers, left lunge the stairs
Round 3: 15 V-Ups, right lunge the stairs
Round 4: 20 burps, bunnyhop the stairs (touch each step)

Flutter kicks x15
Flutter kicks x20
Flutter kicks x25 (yes very creative)
5 Strong: Swanson, Singlet (WELCOME BACK!), G6, Ariel (LOVES CRAWL BEARS), Abort (dancing idiot)
Failure is a crucible. It is the forge by which a Leader is purified through the burning away of his me-first self-regarding nature.


3s Company on Veteran’s Day

THE SCENE: Chilly – character-buildingly chilly. Steam, G-6, and Ariel huddle around and mumblechatter until 0530


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A couple of things: 1) I’m not a professional 2) You’re here on your own volition, you made a choice to be here this morning, and 3) You know your body better than anyone else, so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so, but push yourself and the men around you this morning.
  • (Points to East TN Veteran’s Memorial) – This is why this morning. That is our standard this morning – for them.


  1. SSH: 11×4 in cadence
  2. Bend and Reach: 11×4 in cadence
  3. Rockette: 11×4 in cadence
  4. Windmill: 11×4 in cadence
  5. Merkins: 11×4 in cadence


[ Mosey to Amphitheater ]

  1. Modified Armed Forces PT Test
    1. There’s always push-ups, sit-ups, and a run component
  • 4 rounds
    • Rounds 1-3
      • Push-Up: 15
      • Sit-Up: 15
      • Run 1 lap around water perimeter of World’s Fair Park
    • Round 4
      • Push-Up: 25
      • Sit-Up: 25
      • Run 1 lap around the water perimeter of World’s Fair Park

[ 10 – count ]

2. Modified PT Test continues – with the pull

  • 1 HIM sprints up to top of amphitheater and executes 5 pull-ups to standard
  • Other 2 HIM execute elevated leg flutter-kicks until recovered
  • R&R until each HIM executes 15 total pull-ups

[ 20 count ]

[ Walk and Talk towards Big Ball AO field ]

3. Battle/Command Drills

  • 2 commands
    • “I’m Up”
      • starting in push-up plank position –> gets up and sprints forwarda
    • “He sees me – “I’m Down”
      • Drop down to push-up plank position
  • PAX moves across field – executing movements that Q shouts out

[ 10 count ]

4. Battle Drill/Commands Cont.

  • Col. Kuhlman (G-6) gives the same 2 commands as Ariel and Steam move back across the field – this time buddy-carrying each other and executing movements based on shouted commands
    • Fireman’s carry
    • Backpack carry
  • PAX mosey’s back across field to AO

PAX walks towards East TN Veteran’s Memorial

Instructions from Q: Once the street from AO –> East TN Veteran’s Memorial is crossed = silence.

Silent instructions from Q

    • [ All in silence ]
    • PAX executes 5 merkins in front of ETVM
    • Sprints to stairs by STEM Academy
    • Executes 5 incline merkins on stairs
    • Sprints back to ETVM
    • Executes 10 merkins in front of ETVM
    • Sprints back to stairs by STEM Academy and up
    • Executes 10 SSHs
    • Sprints back to ETVM
    • [ Facing ETVM ]
    • PAX executes 5 silent merkins –> renders a salute –> walks in to ETVM
    • 1st wall of names
    • PAX executes 5 silent merkins –> renders a salute –> walks to next wall of names
    • R&R until PAX are at the front of ETVM
    • Q leads PAX in prayer
    • PAX walk back out of ETVM


3 PAX: G-6, Ariel, Steam (Q)


“If not me, then who?”

This is the mission statement of the Travis Manion Foundation (https://www.travismanion.org/.

Today we honor those who answered the call, and answered that question. Without them, we wouldn’t be doing F3 right now.

Think about this phrase and how it applies to your life. Where else in your life does the phrase “If not me, then who?” apply? At work with the guy you’ve been wanting to disciple? In your family? In your relationships/friendships – opportunities to speak life into people? We all have something inside us that wants to answer the call and answer that question as men – Do I have what it takes? Because truly, there are millions of other people out there, BUT – if not me, then who?

Those who answered that question – and some of them paying the ultimate sacrifice – are walking giants on this earth. While today is Veteran’s Day and we honor and pay tribute to and thank the men and women who have served our nation – ask yourself that question this week. Challenge yourself to answer the call – His call – whatever that looks like in your life.


Call a brother out and pull a brother in this week. 




Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Borrowed Q from Mouthwash

THE SCENE: 35* – good incentive to keep moving

Tempo squats
Patty cake merkins
OH Claps
BAC forward and reverse
Standing shoulder taps
Short mosey over to the base of the Big Ball, which is where my first theft of Mouthwash’s recent Q comes into play.  First routine is 5 body blasters (Burpee -> Pull up -> Knees to elbows) and try to keep good form (keep from swinging about).
Then we stepped over to the stairs and go 1:10 with jump squats at the bottom, run to the middle landing and do WWII sit ups.  Start with one rep of each exercise, then two, all the way up to 10 reps of each.
Finish off with another round of body blasters.

Recover and mosey back to the lawn at World’s Fair Park.  This is the other part of his Q I stole.  Set up cones down the sidewalk for various suicide drills with exercises thrown in.  Every time you were at the start point, you did two burpees.  This remained constant regardless of the round or which cone you were on.  Variations as follows:

  • Sprint suicide; 15 merkins at each cone
  • Lunge suicide; 15 squats at each cone
  • Bear crawl suicide; 15 LBCs at each cone

Quick mosey back over to the base of the Big Ball.  Told everyone to do 5 body blasters and meet back out front to head back to the start point.  As soon as everyone was in front, I sent them back for 5 more body blasters, then we jogged it back home.

Flutter kicks

Fantastic Four: Amazon, Passport, Swanson, Abort
I’ve lived in Knoxville about 3 years now, but being from Maryville I grew up only 30-40 minutes away.  If you’d told me five years ago I’d be walking around downtown Knoxville at 4:30AM multiple times a week, I’d probably think I made a huge mistake and wound up without a place to live.  When I first started F3 about 2.5 years ago, I only posted Saturdays because I “didn’t have time” to post during the weekday mornings.  If I’m not lazy, now I’m trying to post four weekdays plus Saturdays.It’s funny how things that once seemed either highly unlikely or maybe even unfathomable slowly become not just possible but completely routine.  While the two instances I just mentioned are positive, the unfortunate thing is that it happens for negative things as well.  Neglecting a relationship with a parent/child/spouse or friend usually isn’t an acute issue.  Neither is half-assing things at your job.  You allow yourself wiggle room to become complacent in these things, and five years fly by and you are doing things you’d never have imagined yourself doing.  Only this time when you realize the routine you are not proud, but ashamed.  Look at your day, both what you’re doing and how you treat people, and ask yourself how that compares to five years ago.  And take the steps today to make sure five years from now you hold your head high.  Leave no doubt.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:Can drive finishing up and the Brolympics this weekend.