F3 Knoxville

Walter and Abraham

THE SCENE: 73* (I really can’t remember that is a guess, warm and humid and perfect)
I started the warm up by telling the story from this past weekend at the 9/11 Memorial in NYC.  I walked up to the north memorial and placed my hand on a name: Abraham Zelmanowitz.  I remembered the name just because of how unusual it is.  Later in the museum, as fate would have it I saw his name again, along with his story.  He refused to evacuate his building because his friend and coworker, Ed Beyea, was a quadriplegic and could not evacuate in the stairs.  He waited with his friend along with an FDNY firefighter for help and perished when the tower collapsed.  This man died before he’d leave a friend behind.

  • SSH
  • Three point squat
  • Shoulder taps from plank
  • Moroccan night clubs

Mosey to the Big Ball stairs for 9/11 WOD: Perform 9 reps at bottom, at first landing, and at top for 11 rounds: 9 merkins at bottom, 9 squats at first landing, 9 BBSUs at top.  Repeato x11.  Stop random person from walking away with the key bag and all our stuff.

On the ground, I had written the fallen first responders broken down into their jobs:

  • 8 EMTs
  • 23 NYPD
  • 37 Port Authority
  • 343 FDNY

These people charged into fire and unknown to provide aid to people they’d never met before.  So we are going to honor them with exercises.
EMTs – Eight, 8-count bodybuilders
NYPD – 23 plank jacks
Port Authority – pull ups
FDNY – 343 flutter kicks as a group

Return to SP

10 Strong: Operation, Casper, Wings, Swanson, Alter Boy (LexSC), Passport, Carrot, Quarantine, Ripper, Abort
My second person I wanted to honor did not perish on 9/11.  Though that was the day that ultimately determined his fate.  Walter Greene Jr, who was a Connecticut state trooper and Marine Corps veteran, passed away on May 31, 2018 from cancer caused from his involvement in the recovery efforts directly following the 9/11 attacks.  Trooper Greene was a canine handler, and was part of the search and rescue effort.  The search and recovery effort was a 24 hour a day operation that lasted 8 months.
We are losing first responders every day, STILL.  People who disregarded everything in an attempt to save just one person.  We cannot let the heroes of that day fade away.  We must tell their stories and learn of more, and repeat them to people who may not know.

F3 500

THE SCENE: Misty wet morning, perfect for early morning beatdown

20 Side Straddle Hops on a 3 count, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 mountain climbers on a 3 count, 10 Manly Arm Rotations forward, 10 Manly Arm Rotations backwards

Mosey over to the Amphitheater for the F3 500. Battle buddy up. Battle buddies collectively do 100 Incline Merkins, 100 Big Boy Situps, 100 Pull Ups, 100 Flutter Kicks on a 3 count, 100 Overhead Claps on a 3 count. While one buddy is doing exercise the other is running a lap around the amphitheater. Once completed we moseyed over to Big Ball stairs. Bear Crawl to the top, 10 mountain climbers at the top and run back down. Mosey back over to the under the bridge. Lunge from one side to the other. 1 minute wall sit into lunge back across to 10 air squats. 20 flutters on a 3 count. 15 Cobra’s. Mosey back to the amphitheater for some mary. Then reconvene at AO.


Building off Abort’s COT talk about inertia I came across this quote about quitting. “If you quit now… you’ll end up right back where you first began, and where you first began, you were desparate to be where you are right now. Keep going.” Whether it be F3, work or life goals, don’t give up. My M compares me to a boulder on a hill. Super hard to get going but once you give it that push and it comes to the point where the slight bit of momentum catches it going forward it’ll be hard to stop. Let’s be the boulder, be tenacious in going after our goals.

Grossly underestimated the time it would take to finish the 500. Need to plan more exercises to have in the back pocket just in case.



THE SCENE: Low 70s?  I honestly can’t remember, wasn’t too humid though.  Every day is a perfect day.

  • 3 point merkins
  • Tempo squat
  • Manly arm rotations
  • Hillbilly
  • SSH


Mosey to Preacher lot, pair up.

Partner A alternates between 10 rock curls and 10 side raises with rock, partner B runs to opposite side of lot for exercises. Stop at half way cone for 2 burpees going each direction. Flapjack. Exercises:

  • 20 merkins
  • 15 jump squats
  • 20 big boys
  • 20 Freddy Mercury
  • 20 hand release merkins


Mosey back to lot just across train tracks for chest day. Start under bridge, 15 wide merkins, run to curb for 15 ranger merkins, run back to bridge for 15 diamond merkins. Plank and wait for everyone to finish. Rinse and repeat for a second round.


Mosey back to start point and everyone grab a bench. 10 step ups (modified from box jumps for safety because of the wet benches), then 15 squats and sprint a circle around the lights. Rinse and repeat for a second round.

Reverse crunches
American Hammers
Hello Dolly
Perfect 7: G6, Clark, Orkin, Swanson, Operation, Passport, Abort

Inertia – a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.  This past Saturday I had a lot to do after the workout, so I intended to rest a bit before I had to go to work.  I decided to re-hang some curtains that were removed to repair my bedroom wall.  Then I was going to rest.  When I finished doing that, my M was doing the dishes so I thought I’d go clean the main bathroom in the house.  Then the other bathroom. Then swept and helped vacuum… before I knew it we had somewhat accidentally cleaned the house.  But because we were in motion, we stayed that way.

This tied in to the Q Source this week after listening to the 43 Feet podcast.  You don’t try to convince a man to buy an F3 shirt, slap a sticker on his car and post 5 times a week right off the bat.  You ask if he wants to come join a workout, one time.  But what you’ve set in motion is the chance for that outcome.  Just make sure you don’t let rest be the state you’re in.  Always have even a small amount of movement towards your physical, relational or spiritual desired state.  And keep it rolling.



2 For Tuesday – A Celebration Unlike Any Other

THE SCENE: Character-Building weather – 70s


  • My name is Steam and it is an HONORED to be your Q this morning
  • A few things
    • 1) I’m not a professional
    • 2) You’re here on your own volition – you made a conscious decision to be here this morning
    • 3) You know your body better than anyone – if you need to modify something we do this morning – do it. Work hard and smart at the same time. 
    • With that being said – push yourselves and those around you this morning. I don’t know why you decided to come out this morning, I don’t know where you work, I don’t know what you do when you leave here, but you are here – right now – for a reason. And so are they – so make it count. Aye? 


  • SSH: 20×4 IC
  • We are actually celebrating a holiday today – in case you were unaware – so happy Two For Tuesday. let’s celebrate accordingly
  • SSH: 20×4 IC
  • Cherry-Picker: 20×4 IC (Arms)
  • Cherry-Picker: 20×4 IC (Arms)
  • Calf-Raises: 20×4 IC
  • Calf-Raises: 20×4 IC
  • Bobby Hurley: 20×4 IC
  • Bobby-Hurley: 20×4 IC

Happy 2 For Tuesday!

  • Mosey to Bridge by amphitheater (big ball on the left)

    *Under Bridge*

    • Wall sit
      • 20×4 seal claps IC 
    • Curb facing the water
      • 20×4 Irish step dancers IC 
    • Rinse & Repeat both exercises 

    Mosey to bridge by amphitheater 

    Bear Crawl across bridge 

    [ 20 count ]

    Two for Tuesday R&R

    • 1 Al Gore Overhead Clap
    • Sprint to bridge overlooking Cumberland 
    • 19 situps on the rail facing UT 
    • Same as 11s

    [ 20 count ]

    Mosey to the side of the pond facing the amphitheater 

    • Irish tap dancer: 20×4 IC
    • Incline merkins: 10×4 IC
    • Irish tap dancer: 20×4 IC 
    • Decline wall merkins: 10×4 IC

    Mosey back towards AO 

    Cash out with ATMs

    The Divine 9: 8 PAX, 1 FNG

  • FNG Will –> Named Sweeper. Notified by Judge Judy that there is already a Sweeper – rename with burpees from the Q (me) on Thursday at Reverb’s Q
  • Stand. Remember. Fight. Build.
  • These words ring true and are nothing less than a reminder of what we are called to do as HIM.
  • Stand – stand up. Get out of the fart sack. We are not guaranteed breath in our lungs tomorrow. Stand up for yourself, stand up for your family, stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. In the words of the great country music song You’ve Got To Stand For Something: “You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.”
  • Remember – Remember where the Lord has met you in your life. Where He CONTINUES to meet you. Remember how far you’ve come. Remember what He’s doing in your life. Don’t forget the ebeneezers in your life.
  • Fight – As men, we’re called to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. Fight for your family, fight for your spirituality, fight for your life. We are in a very real war called life – whether we choose to see it or not. The fighting is done in the heart and mind and soul – and sometimes in the physical realm. In the words of Samwise Gamgee:“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?

    But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why.

    But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back. Only they didn’t, because they were holding on to something…That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.” 

  • Build: We were created to build as men. Our creator designed us to build communities and strengthen them (mission of F3), build each other up, and build life. Build the kingdom one day at a time. You don’t have to do it alone – take heart in that – LOCK SHIELDS with High Impact Men and Women that will help build and further the kingdom with you.
    Truckin To The Pound is Sept. 14 (0600 – 0930) or around that time. Check GroupMe or DM Swirlie for more info. EH some guys to come out with you and lock shields for a badass event.

Standard Workout

THE SCENE: Clear 70 degrees

MARs (Manly Arm Rotations) x 15 ED

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

SSH x 30 IC

Overhead Clap x 40 IC

Jump Relay: Partner up. P1 does 5 burpees, 5 diamond merkin, and 10 BBS while P2 holds plank. When P1 finishes makes double foot jump and places cone a heel and runs back to partner. Flapjack. Move cone to finish line.

No Pain, No Gain: Partner up. P1 does 15 BBS while P2 holds feet in plank. When done P1 does wide merkin while P2 hits the cones. Then flapjack. Progression of cones is 1, 1-2, 1-2-3-2-1.

  • Cone 1: 5 Burp
  • Cone 2: 10 Burp
  • Cone 3: 15 Burp

Double Dutch: Partner up. P1 lunges to cone 1, sprints to cone 2 and does exercise. P2 jumps rope till P1 returns.

  • Diamond merkin, side lunge, BBS, Burpee x 5 reps each. (Ran out of time and only got one round)

Capn Thor

Standard: A level of quality or attainment. An idea or thing used to measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations.

We have different standards in all that we do and we must meet the standards or the final product is not correct. God created the Earth and all that is in it and it was perfect. The fall of man occurred. The standard set by the creator was no longer met. God loved His Creation so much that he wanted to regain the standard. He sent His only perfect Son, Jesus Christ, who met the standard and IS the standard to correct the broken creation. We could never meet the standard without Jesus. We are viewed by God through His Son and we are seen as correct, clean, and meeting the standard. We are heirs with Christ. He is our elder brother and we need to carry this hope and joy with us and pass it along to those around us. We are sons of the Living God.