F3 Knoxville

pretty simple routine

THE SCENE: 75* and humid, perfect for watering the sidewalk with sweat

Moroccan night clubs x25 IC
Tempo lunge x10 IC
High knees x25 IC
OH claps x25 IC
Static stretches – middle, left, right for 20 sec each
Fairly simple this morning, mosey out of start point and over to the amphitheater.  Routine is the eight exercise escalator.  Do the first exercise, run a lap out of the amphitheater (heading away from start point), left across pedestrian bridge, left by the Big Ball and back around the pond to the amphitheater.  Do first exercise and add an exercise each lap.

  • Plank jacks x20
  • Merkins x20
  • Box jumps (or step ups) x15
  • Pull ups on Big Ball x10
  • Lunges x20
  • Burpees x5
  • Dips x20
  • American hammers x20

Had to call an audible at lap 4 (the loop was too long).  All things stayed the same except the loop was to run out the flat part of amphitheater, turn right and run up the ramp to go to the high side, do inverted rows instead of pull ups, then run down the other side and return to the amphitheater stage.

No time for Mary, the escalator took too long.
5 strong in the sweat box: Cowbell, The Voice, Misfire, Amazon, Abort
Friday was the 14th anniversary of Operation Red Wings, which led me to look up lessons learned from that event (depicted in the book and movie Lone Survivor).  Marcus Luttrell detailed one of his experiences not of those events particularly, but it stuck with me.  That is, that we have a tendency to put ourselves in a pecking order by comparing ourselves to those around us.  “That guy can lift more, he can solve the Pythagorean theorem faster, etc etc.”  In Luttrell’s case, during Hell Week of his BUD/s course the strongest swimmer in the class tapped out.  His immediate thought was, if that guy can’t make it, there is no way I can make it.

But courage, grit and determination are much harder to quantify to allow you to place yourself in a pecking order.  Just because someone might be more talented, doesn’t mean you can’t beat them.  The man that is hard to beat is the one who won’t quit.
Continue praying for Carrot and his 2.0, and for Crawdad and his M.

Knowing the difference

THE SCENE: 75* and about 98% humidity, perfect for sweat

Windmills x10 IC
BAC forward and reverse 10x IC
Static even/odd stretches
Tempo merkins x10 IC
SSH x15 IC

Grab key bag and mosey over to the Big Ball stairs to build a pyramid.  Start at the bottom with 10 squats, run to the top and do 10 merkins, return to the bottom.  Rep count goes 10, 20, 30, 20, 10 of each exercise running up and down stairs.  We all finished basically at the same time so no Mary and no 10 count.  Just grab keys and mosey over toward amphitheater for circuit work.

Four locations with four difference exercises in and around the amphitheater.  AMRAP for time.

  • Wall squat OH claps x15 on 4-count at the bridge underpass, mosey to wall beside amphitheater
  • Dips x15 on wall, mosey to amphitheater stage
  • Catalina wine mixers x10 on stage (wood hurts less, barely), run up stairs of amphitheater
  • Inverted rows on rails x15, mosey back down to underpass and lather rinse repeat

We all made it through 4 rounds of this before starting our return mosey to the start point.

American hammers x20 IC
Edward scissor legs x20 IC
Merkins x20 OYO (needed an ab break…)
Flutter kicks x25 IC (did an extra five to hear some complaining)
Boat/canoe ring of fire: Swanson led some canoe paddles, Puddle flutter kicked some water out of the canoe, and Cowbell through in the very awesome kayak style paddle for our canoe
4 ballers balling: Swason, Puddle, Cowbell, Abort

Short and simple word on a last minute Q.  “Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that’s why life is hard.” – Jeremy Goldberg.  This quote is 100% true in my opinion, but just the quote is not the point.  The point is either having or developing the wisdom to know the difference.  Do not to let fear of pain or fear of the unknown prevent you from doing something, but also don’t let stupidity take over and risk injury (be it physical or emotional) doing something unnecessary.

Tending the garden v2

THE SCENE: 60-65* no sure exactly, but loving the cool weather

Shouler taps x20 IC
Imperial walkers x10 IC
Plank merkins x10 IC
Bend and reach x10 IC
SSH x19 IC (see if we’re paying attention)
Mosey out of AO and stop under first bridge we come to for a few more quick exercises.

  • Dirty hookups x20 IC (from plank position, put left hand up on wall, right hand on wall, left back down, right back down)
  • Wall sit Indian run
  • Hand release merkin x15 OYO
  • Wall sit OH claps x20 IC

Mosey on, Bernie up the hill behind the amphitheater then turn and continue mosey towards campus.  Stop on bridge that crosses Cumberland Ave for 20 box cutters and 20 BBSUs.  Up and continue mosey to C15 parking lot along Neyland Drive.  Grab a boulder and make it heavy.
Perform exercise, then drop your rock, run across pedestrian bridge, up the stairs next to engineering building and back down and return to your rock and move on to next exercise.

  • Brickyard manmakers x5
  • Curls x20
  • OH press x20
    Plank up until everyone finishes.  Then rest from rocks with seven 8 count bodybuilders together.  After our rest, repeat the same routine except increase reps by 5 for each exercise.

Get another rest with another round of bodybuilders and change up exercises and routine just a touch.  Instead of running all the way up the stairs, just have to go to the far end of the pedestrian bridge and back.  But you have to tote your rock this round. Exercises:

  • Hand swap merkins x10 (one hand on rock, one on ground, merkin, then swap hands)
  • BBSUs with rock x20
  • Curls again x25 (it is summer…)

Cash out with 20 hand swap merkins before returning the boulder back to its home.  Begin mosey back, going the way we came.  Bernie halfway up the ramp beside S7 parking lot.  Stop again at the bridge over Cumberland Ave for 15 box cutters and 15 BBSUs.  Up and mosey, passing amphitheater and make a left turn throwing everyone off who thought we were done.

Stop at the grass hill beside Clinch Ave bridge.  Crawl bear up the grass hill, then do 5 burpee box jumps on the World’s Fair Park marker at the top and mosey back down.  Only had time to do one iteration, but we’ll revisit at a later date.  Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Side crunches left x10 IC
Side crunches right x10 IC
Flutter kicks x20 IC
6 Strong: Pfeiffer, Magic Mike, Duggar, Carrot, Swanson, Abort
Around a year ago when I had Q on Saturday, I’d spoke about tending the garden.  Just the simple of idea of making sure you take the time necessary to give all the things in your life the attention that they need.  Sometimes we don’t think we have the time, but we have to make sure we make it for everything to thrive.

Today I wanted to just add that when our garden performs well and we have a bounty, to share that surplus with those whose gardens are struggling.  Make sure we’re giving away what we have an abundance of.

13 Is A Lucky Number

THE SCENE: 60s, cool. Ice cool.

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith!
  • My name is Steam and I am delighted to be your Q this morning!
  • I am not a professional and you are here on your own volition – which means no one is going to force you to do anything this morning – you have to make the choice to push yourself and those around you!
  • If you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so.
  • Today is the 13th day of June and day what you will about the number 13 but I’m feeling pretty lucky, I hope you are too! Let’s keep the mumblechatter and morale high this Morningside !!!!


  • Cherry-Picker: 13×4 IC
  • SSH: 13×4 IC
  • Rockette: 13×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 13×4 IC
  • Torso Twist: 13×4 IC


Mosey to Market Square Pavilion

Swanson leads PAX in 10 1-count merkins by Eddie’s Health Shoppe on Union

Abort leads PAX in 10 1-count merkins by market square bell

    • Get in battle buddy teams
    • BB1: sprints down to splash pad
      • Executes 13 squats (1-count)
      • Sprints back to recover BB2
    • BB2: executes 13 4-count flutter kicks
    • Once both you AND your BB complete two evolutions of squats, recover right here in the squat position.
  • Mosey to Market Square parking garage
  • Tower of Power
    • 6 floors (all 1 count)
    • F1 = 13 merkins
    • F2 = 13 big boy sit-ups
    • F3 = 13 squats
    • F4 = 13 flutter kicks
    • F5 = 13 Apollo onos (at top)
    • F6 = 13 smurf jacks (at top)
  • Mosey back to AO

10 PAX

    • Goliath Must Fall
    • Fear Must Fall
    • “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”
    • ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    • https://www.bible.com/59/isa.43.1.esv
    • Who or what is your Goliath today and this week?



What it do? What it if?

THE SCENE: 65 ish? Basically perfect
Gear List: Six dudes so six rucks with 30 pound plates plus water, two 60 pound sandbags, one 80 pound sandbag


10 merkins
5 Brickyard Manmakers (New Cleve workout noticed on D-Day Heavy in Indianapolis – Start standing with ruck straps in hand and ruck down, curl ruck, down into a nice deep squat, thrust up and press ruck above head, lunge with left leg, lunge with right leg, bring ruck back down.  That is one rep obviously)

Gear up and grab sandbags, leaving parking lot headed for KMA and campus.  First movement consists of the following rules for sandbags: ruck .10 mile with regular carry, ruck .05 mile sandbag front carry, ruck .10 mile with regular carry, swap sandbag.  QIC tracked distance and called carries.  Continue this method, rotating sandbags every 1/4 mile until we reach UT library.

Ground coupons for Bear With Me.  Between each exercise is a 10 yard bear crawl, done as quickly as possible, grinding it out.  Start with 10 yard bear crawl then:

  • 20 squats with ruck
  • 20 merkins with ruck
  • 20 ruck high pulls
  • 20 flutter kicks on 4 count, ruck pressed high
  • 20 mountain climbers with ruck
  • Bear crawl back to start

Round two is exactly the same, except bears turn into ducks and you duck walk between exercises.  Round three is back to bear crawls.

Ruck up and move out, grabbing sandbags and getting back to it.  New rules apply for sandbag carriers.  No front carries this time, just ruck 1/4 mile carrying however you please.  But you must pay a 5 squat transfer tax to give up the sandbag once you’ve covered your distance. Continue until reaching amphitheater at Worlds Fair Park and ground sandbags on the stage.

Partner exercise: One partner grabs sandbag from the ground and shoulders it, and moves down the ramp to the side of the stage and rushes the stairs up to the top, walks down to the next set of stairs and back down, and returns to the stage and grounds sandbag for partner to grab.  The other partner performs AMRAP of exercises below:

  • Brickyard manmakers
  • Ruck overhead squats
  • 8 count bodybuilders

Repeat through three times, changing sandbags and exercises so each man has a round with each sandbag and a round of each exercise.  Ruck up and move out back to start point.  Front carry on sandbag at halfway point of your rotation, then swap sandbags one time.

6 Brickballers: Amazon, A Rod, Chaucer, Fast N Easy, Swanson, Abort