F3 Knoxville

Full body gauntlet

AO: dogpound
Q: ExciteBike (Micah Stair)
PAX: Mayberry, Imaginary, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Aladdin, Junk (Sam Yoakum), I-Beam, La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Google(Tim Dugas)
FNGs: None
Side Strattle hops
Tempo squat
Tempo Mercan
Imperial walker
Cherry picker
5 burpees

Pickup a peerock.
Mosey to the small island and steps.
Setup line of cones with 3 exercises at each. Perform the first exercise and move to the next cone. After the last cone, run a lap around the small island and do the second exercise at each cone.

Squat to Reverse lunges / Squat to side lunge / Squat to lunge – 10 each side
Curls / skull crushers / Thruster – 20 reps
LBCs / Hammer frogs / Raising the dead sit-ups – 30 reps
Bear Mercan / Power T Mercan / spider Mercan – 25 reps
Bird Dog / flamingo / Skater – 10 reps each side
Half burpee to squat / break dancer / should taps – 20 reps
Star Gazer / Plank / Star Gazer – 10 count

Balanced Man: we as men, fathers, husbands, and leaders are all pulled on for each role everyday. Some men have let go of the pull for whatever reason. Maybe they were taught to let go when the pull was to hard, maybe they are holding on but it’s just dragging them away from everything else, maybe one thing is easier so they let go of the others to hold on to the one thing with both hands. That one thing is safe and comfortable.
What does it look like to be fully balanced?
How do we help balance those we are tethered to?
How do we show others how to be balanced?

November 2 Circuits

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
PAX: Mayberry, Ribbed, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Choir Boy, I-Beam, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Junk (Sam Yoakum)
FNGs: None

15 SSH
10 tempo squats
10 Rockettes
5 Cherry pickers
Run across street to hockey court

3 Circuits – 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest – 1 min rest between circuits

12 min – Circuit 1: Cardio
      Inch worm to Merkin
      Skaters Jumps

12 min – Circuit 2: Legs and Glutes

      Squat to Alternating Side Leg Raise
      Reverse lunge
      Georgia Cheerleaders
      Gas Pumpers

12 min Circuit 3: Core Strength

      Plank with Alternating Leg Lift
      Dead Bug
      Sweat Angels

Brolympics and GoRuck Event mentioned
Discussed the role of intentional communication as a leader. Working hard to be understood and as a leader taking the hit in any conversation where you are misunderstood. Have to be willing to swallow pride or anger when we are misunderstood.

Go Forward in Hope

AO: dogpound
Q: La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith)
PAX: Madoff (Daniel Hereford), ExciteBike (Micah Stair)
FNGs: None

SSH IC x 20
Tempo Squat IC x 10
Tempo Merkin IC x 10
Butt Kickers
Prime Times
Cherry Pickers (DogPound Style)
Mosey to Boat
Ascending Merkins and Squats at each light pole with 1 burpee – up to 15

LBC x 50
Flutter x 50

Cone work up Matterhorn
1 Body Builder at each Cone

Run to Cone- Body Builder
run back to to first Cone, then run up 2 cones – Body Builder
run back 1 Cone, the. up 2 cones

Repeat for 12 cones finish with a sprint to top and one celebratory Bodybuilder

Backbone – 1 pull up 5 knees to chest or toes to bar x 5

50 – Reverse Crunches
50 – Penguins

Mosey back to AO


Hip Stretch




We talked a lot about Q-101 and the importance of planning a hard Q. We’re men who like a challenge and want to push ourselves.

We also talked about how prosper has been used to mean financial gain. When the word was designed to mean, to go forward in hope.

Therefore, the opposite of Hope is not to be poor, unless you are poor in spirit.

The opposite of Hope is Despair.

Go forward in Hope!

It’s the foundation of our faith!

17 October 2023

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Podium, Google(Tim Dugas), Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
FNGs: None
15 SSH
15 TN Rocking Chairs
15 Little Baby Arm Circles
15 Rockettes
15 Little Baby Arm Circles
10 Flamingoes
15 Calf Raises
Run up the hill – 15 dips – Run long way around to Stairs

10 min AMRAP
10 Air Squats
20 Little Baby Crunches
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers (2 count)
Lap around Dock Road back to Stairs

10 min AMRAP
5 Burpees
20 Big Boy Situps
20 SSH (4 count)
20 Rocky Balboas (4 count)
Run to base of Matterhorn

Sprint up hill to Backbone
20 hanging knee raises
Crawl Bear down to light pole
Run back to AO

30 second Plank


Reminder to all men to not get jaded and feel like we’ve seen it all and done it all. Encouraged to try to see wonder in everyday things and try something new. My Son convinced me to drive him to Peach Tree City, GA to see an airshow where the F-22 Raptor Demo Team was performing. I really did not want to go, but I wanted to give my Son the experience he wanted. It was an astounding demonstration of the capabilities of that aircraft. It reminded me of my love of aviation and planes fueled by adolescent memories of Top Gun, Iron Eagle, Firebirds, and other stupid movies that haven’t aged well. Be positive Guys and remember your Kids still have things to learn from you.


AO: dogpound
Q: Google(Tim Dugas)
PAX: Dart Gun, Ribbed
FNGs: None
20 ash
20 merkins
20 air squats
Knoxville cherry pickers
Mosey to the rabbit hole with pain stations along the way

3 laps up the hill and around the parking lot with push ups/big boy sit ups/ cdd

Mosey to backbone couple sequences of 3 pull ups with 5 knee raises with run down the hill with merkins. Did 2 laps before the stench of something terrible made us leave. Ran back the long way with pain stations .

Finished with some burpees/plank walk / gbs/ Groucho walks at the tennis court.

See Sundays emails

Thanks for joining men! Great way to start the day!