Category: The Dog Pound
I love Deadlifts and Lunges
The Scene: 58 and awesome!
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
Warm-O-Rama: Around the world, Figure 8s, halo, 10 Russian swings
Tha Thang:
1st Exercise:
20 Plank row (10 each hand)
20 reverse lunge passing bell under leg (10 each lunge)
20 sit up push press (10 each hand)
20 Fig 8s with a twist
2nd Exercise:
10 deadlifts
10 American swings
10 goblet squats
10 push presses (each arm)
100 JR
20 deadlifts
20 American swings
20 goblet squats
20 push presses (each arm)
75 JR
30 deadlifts
30 American swings
30 goblet squats
30 push presses (each arm)
50 JR
Repeat Ex 1 Doubling numbers
Repeat Ex 2
MARY: American hammers 20 count, V-up hold 30 second (Tank), Peter parker hold (Tweety)
BOM: Luke 12:48- to whom much is given, much will be required
Christ is talking about waiting and being ready for his return.
Paul tells us later in Ephesians that we have been given the gift of grace and we are to share it with others in waiting for his return.
So Luke 12:48 tells us to be ready, that in conjunction with Paul’s teaching, being a faithful steward of Gods grace we are to share it with others.
Merkin Madness
Scene: 59, clear and beautiful
Welcome and Disclaimer
10 IC 4ct BAC
10 IC 4ct Michael Phelps
10 IC Confused Penguin
Little bit o’this, and a little bit o’ that
5 rounds of Merkin Madness
10 diamond, 10 normal, 10 wide and Dead Bugs for rest (that’s one round)
Mosey to the boats and battle buddy up with someone you have not partnered with before. If one partner finishes before the other he matches reps until the second buddy finishes
5 light poles of 10 SSH, and 10 Merkins
5 light poles of 10 Turkish Getups, and 10 Spider-Man Merkins
5 light poles of 10 4ct Freddie Mercury, and 10 Lizard Walks
5 light poles of 10 squats, and 10 CDDs
5 light poles 10 Merkins of you choice
Mayberry Macerena
Floor Wipers
Reverse Crunch
Take a knee. When we get knocked down, when we go through struggles and when we hit a wall what do we do, we take a knee. We take a knee not because we are weak but because at that time we take it to Jesus. And then we get up, no matter what we get up and we keep moving forward.
But when we can’t get up on our own? We as men are usually told asking for help is a sign of weakness. I don’t believe that, I think not asking for help when you need it is the sign of weakness. A true HIM knows he can’t do everything on his own and there is a time when he needs is Father in Heaven, and his friends. Jesus said in John 15:12-14 “My command is this, love each other. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for their friends. You are my friends if you do what I command”
There is no doubt that Jesus paid the ultimate debt and gave his life for us, and I don’t think he meant for us to just give up our lives for our friends. But it does mean we need to make sacrifices and give up our time, talent, treasures, etc, in order to be with a friend in need and left them up. I think we can all think of a friend who might need a hand. I encourage each of you to send them a message, give them a call, take them to lunch, and help them stand up and keep moving forward.
Prayer request for Manhattan and his family as the deal with the loss of his father-in-law.
And prayers for Bartman’s daugher, his family, and him as they prepare for his daughter’s surgery on Thursday.
Mosey to Dora
THE SCENE: 42 and clear
- Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
- Sumo Squats x 15 IC
- Burpees x 5
Mosey to boat parking lot
Dora’s – light pole to light pole
Find a Battle Buddy
100 – Donkey Kicks
200 – Hand Release Merkins
300 – Jump Squats
Planks when complete
Mosey one lap around boat parking to driveway hill
Yo-levens (courtesy of F3-Swamp Rabbit)
1 BBS at bottom
Bear crawl up hill
10 Burpees
Crab crawl down hill
Repeat, 2/9, 3/8……
Planks when complete
Mosey back to parking lot
BBS x 20 IC
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Heels to sky x 20 IC
1 FNG – FrankNBeans
1 John 1:5 – 2:2 says we should walk in light and admit our sins. If we admit our sins doesn’t that admit weakness? What happens when we struggle, have a fight with our wives, get frustrated with our children, have a bad day at work? Who do we turn too? How do you attempt to justify the struggle to yourself? Do you attempt to be better by improving yourself?
John reminds us to confess our sins and our “advocate” Christ will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This my brothers is self-submission.
Goal – “give what God wants from me”
Focus – “changing my heart”
Center of Dependency – “God and His Holy Spirit”
Outcome – “Life”
F3 Davidson – PAXs wife struck and kills by by garage truck. Left behind 4 2.0’s.
Rise of the Merdipkin
The Scene: 46 and chilly wet
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
Tha Thang:
SSH 10x IC
Cherry Pickers 10x IC
20 Merkins oyo
LBAC 10 forward 10 reverse IC
Michael Phelps 5x
Little some o’ this/that
Mosey to little Everest –
Partner Merdipkin 11’s
Dora – pole to pole
Route 66 – to the base of the Matterhorn
Drydocks & Squats
To the pavilon
Alternating 12 Merkins/ 10 table-ups
Mosey back to the AO
“And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.””
Matthew 9:27-29 ESV
Why would anyone ask God to do something and not believe He could do it? Why would Jesus ask them that question? He was standing right in front of them, they knew He had healed others, why wouldn’t they believe that He was able to do it?
How does this play out with us? We just don’t bother asking. We go about life doing our own thing. We all know the scripture “God helps those who help themselves,” right? Except that’s not a scripture, it’s an old Greek teaching popularized by Ben Franklin. Start inviting Him into your daily decision making…and see what happens. When you come up against a big one, and you hear the question echo through your mind, “do you believe I can do this”…lean in
The Merdipkin 11’s were brutal, but the men hammered it out…just about left me in the dust. The hard work in the cool with a storm threatening the entire time was the definition of working in the gloom.