F3 Knoxville

Walk Softly and Carry a Big CMU

THE SCENE: Mid fiddies and overcast

  • 10 x tempo merkins
  • 15 x overhead claps
  • 15 x Imperial Walkers
  • 20 x Mountain Climbers

Grab CMUs and mosey to skate park. 100 reps of each exercise, mosey to the Golden Gate and back between exercises.

  • Curls
  • Squats
  • OH Press
  • Step-ups
  • Dips
  • Calf raise
  • Carolina Dry Docks


Cash out at the ATM


There is a whole lot of uncertainty floating around in the news and it’s creating a whole lot of fear. We can’t see the future nor can we influence things like pandemic illness. We can, however, wake up every day and be a leader. We can lead our family, our friends, and our peers with a calm, steadfast discipline. Focus on the items you can control, and the rest will work itself out.
It was great to see Gus and A-di-das make appearances today!
Hardship Hill and several convergances are upcoming, get involved if you want to participate!

Positive or Negative

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.
Start with a mosey to the pull up bars.

Randomly assigned:

Roll the dice- odd number go down the hill and do exercise, even go up the hill and do exercise. Number represents rep qty. always do 5 pull ups before you roll dice. If you roll doubles go back and do 5 more pull ups before running off. Exercises are:

  • merkins
  • iron mikes 4-ct
  • wide Merkins
  • lunges-per leg
  • diamond Merkins
  • squat jumps
  • shoulder tap Merkins

Told what to do:

Mosey around the corner to the sign and do 10 of  all of the above exercises.

Choose what you want to do:

Mosey to bottom steps . 3 exercises of your choice qty of 10.

MID WORKOUT MINI BOM: The three sections of the work out were parallels with our lives. The first section was Chance, when things happen in our lives without our control or anyone else’s. Although I don’t believe in Chance, God is always in control, it’s not necessarily something we see coming or can plan for. We can either take it positively or negatively. We can either work hard at work were dealt with or we can complain and break down because we are not in control. The second area was being directed or told what to do. Many of us have issues with this as we are brought up to be leaders and sometimes following orders is difficult. We can either take it and do what we’re supposed to do or moan and groan and say I would do it this way instead. The third area was our own choices. Where we are  able to dictate what we do in our lives. We can either live our lives in a positive manner we can live our lives in a negative manner. For all three of these scenarios, we need to ask ourselves what are we trying to accomplish. Are we going to be a blockade, or are we going to be a driver. And that’s all Tank has to say about that.

La-z-Boy takes over as Tank had to take his momma to the airport.

 Crawlbear up the stairs going towards the Rock, Rocky Balboa’s at the top, 25 OYO Merkins, 25 OYO Squats

mosey to AO


no time for any of that drama

12 pax
La-z-boy shared a great blog about the 43 best Jocko quotes. We will add it to the weekly email next week.

43 Bad-Ass Jocko Willink Quotes That Will Pump You Up

Good work in the rain today. Pull up bars a awesome!!!!

Blimps N’ Miles

THE SCENE: T-Shirt Weather

  • SSH IC x 15
  • Windmill IC x 15
  • Twist the Trunks
  • BA Cir IC x 10
  • Long slow Cherry Pickers IC x 5

B.L.I.M.P.S. – 15 reps ea Bobby Hurley, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks & Squats

  • B – Run a Hot Lap
  • BL – Run 2 Laps
  • BLI – Run a Hot Lap
  • BLIM – Run 2 Laps
  • BLIMP – Run a Hot Lap
  • BLIMPS – Run 2 Laps

Finished a little past 615a and didn’t have time for Mary
11 Strong
Today was a struggle to get here. I had every excuse and every justifiable reason I could come up with to skip today’s workout. The accountability of Q’ing is what got me out here today.
The PAX loves when you get 3.8 miles in on a Tuesday

  • Pull-up Bars – 2/29
  • Grow School – 2/29
  • HardShip Hill
  • Convergence 3/28

RAW 2/26

THE SCENE: upper 40’s and clear



Slowsy to the tennis court and back


Lots of kettlebells and 2 gas cans to choose from.   Pick the heaviest weight you can manage and do 5 rounds of the following exercises.  Rep count as follows:  Rd1-25, Rd2-20, Rd3-15, Rd4-10, Rd5-5.   Follow each round with 100 Jump Ropes.

  • Goblet Squat
  • Rack & Press
  • Calf Raise
  • Curls
  • Flamingo



3 brothers:  Junk, Tweet-E, Bartman


A zealous person in Christianity is preeminently a person of one thing. It is not enough to say that they are earnest, strong, uncompromising, meticulous, wholehearted, and fervent in spirit. They only see one thing, they care for one thing, they live for one thing, they are swallowed up in one thing; and that one thing is to please God. Whether they live, or whether they die-whether they are healthy, or whether they are sick-whether they are rich, or whether they are poor-whether they please man, or whether they give offense-whether the are thought wise, or whether they are thought foolish-whether they are accused, or whether they are praised-whether they get honor, or whether they get shame-for all this the zealous person cares nothing at all. They have a passion for one thing, and that one thing is to please God and to advance God’s glory. If they are consumed in the very burning of their passion for God, they don’t care-they are content. They feel that, like a candle, they were made to burn; and if they are consumed in the burning, then they have only done the work for which God has appointed them.

–J.C. Ryle




7’s at the icearium acclivity

THE SCENE: Cold, clear, beautiful
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – completed and added inexperienced

15 SSH

10 Baby Arm circle forward and backward

Lap around parking stalls

10 cherry pickers

10 windmills
Mosey to top of top of South Watt Rd – icearium hill stopping along the way to do

20 BBS, 10 side crunch left and right

  • stop and exercise at MBLP field #2
  • stop and exercise at MBLP filed 3
  • stop and exercise at baseball field along Watt Rd.
  • stop and exercise at liqour store parking lot
  • stop and execise at top of S. Watt Rod. acclivity

7’s from top of acclivity to retaining wall at base Burpee’s at top and imperial Walker at base (had to modify on 4th 5th and 6th run by decreasing distance to path and then light pole and then sign post – killer hill)

Mosey to MBLP field #3

Using the penalty box do merkins at each corner and traverse using different method between corners …

  • corner 1 – 20 Diamond merkins  – side shuffle to corner 2
  • corner 2 – 20 ranger merkins – lunge to corner 3
  • corner 3 – 20 wide merkin – broad jump to corner 4
  • corner 4 – 20 peter parkers – tunnel of love to corner 1 (lots of mumble chatter…)

Mosey back to AO

Judge Judy led a flutter kick to 50 for about 90 seconds
Judge Judy, Cornhole, Frosty, Biscut, Bartman, Mayberry, Swirlie, I-beam, Mustard, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Driftwood


Nothing special other then you group of HIM, your contagious and prove everyworkout that we can go beyond our own limits – many thanks for always pushing one another


That was much harder in the field then on google earth and paper – way to go men, you crushed it like no one else could have!

Pull-up bars Saturday at the Dog pound