F3 Knoxville

Perseverance is the Back Up Plan

THE SCENE: 40° and Cloudy

Seal Clap SSH X 20, Imperial Squat Walker x 15, 4 count Merkins x 10, 10 Burpees In Cadence .
Grab a coupon and mosey to golf course

  • Par three Burpee Course- carry coupon to each cone and do 3 Burpees = 8 Cones & 24 Burpees…transition with roll of Exercise Dice- 15 MTN Climbers and 10 Merkins…mosey across parking lot
  • Using guard rail- Bo Knows w Battle Buddy- one maintains wall sit while holding coupon and BB does 100 High Knees, switch, RR…mosey w coupons toward the restaurant
  • Start w roll of dice 25 Crunches/ 20 Dips, Dora Trifecta at bottom of hill- 100 Curls, Triceps, Presses While BB runs to the top and does 10 Dive Bombers
  • 10 jump squats hold Al Gore 10 sec, 9 Jump squats hold AG 10 sec, then 8, 7, 6, 5,4,3,2,1…mosey back to AO

Box cutters x 20, Leg lifts 6 in, 45°, 90°- till hearing moaning and grunting, flutter kicks x 20
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Perseverance is the back up plan when we are struggling to accomplish our New Years Resolutions.

Tips for Persevering

  • Clarify your goal. Base it on your purpose, needs, and abilities. Know why you want this goal and how you and others will benefit.
  • Intend to achieve your goal.Outline your goal, strategies, and timeline. Know resources that can help you attain it, including individuals and the Internet. Break the goal into small steps, working backward form your desired outcome and attainment date.
  • Maintain optimism. Expect good things. Keep a daily diary of good experiences.
  • Live in the present. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about what might happen. Let go of attachments. The more attached you are to something, the greater the fear of losing it.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments. Judge these against personal standards of self improvements. Have the courage of your convictions. Don’t change for others or compare yourself with them.
  • Try new experiences.Experiment with new ways of improving a product or service at work or other activities. Investigate how successful individuals or teams have achieved similar goals.
  • Care for you mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Schedule quiet times to think and reassess. Practice stress relievers such as deep breathing and exercise. Get sufficient sleep, eat healthy, and take time for fun and friends.
  • Experience yourself living your goal today. Hold your desired outcome firmly in your mind. See, smell, touch, and hear aspects of your goal. Each morning upon rising, review your goal. Repeat the process at night.
  • Persist. Focus on goals daily. At regular intervals, ask yourself whether your activities are moving you forward.

Romans 12:12 be joyful in hope, patient w afflictions, faithful in prayer. Prayers Lady Junk, Pinto, and Flashback and family
Tanks Party this Friday (postponed til next Friday), Contributions to Pull Up Bars go to La-Z-Boy, Waxjob, and Abscess. Also

[email protected](PayPal)

@FThree-Knoxville (Venmo)


Prayer Lessons ITG

Prayer Lessons ITG

Everyone knows the drill.  The alarm goes off, you get dressed, drive to the AO, put in work, name-o-Rama, pray. Rinse and repeat.

Pray.  Hmmm, that one stands out.

What I have seen and learned in my time at F3 is that we as men need male bonding, that is no surprise, but we also need God, and we need prayer. The male bonding part is easy, and I can honestly say my closest friends of all time are men I’ve met in the gloom. They’ve helped me grow, as a man and in my faith.  Many of them might not know it, but it wasn’t just going through the motions, it is how they live life, and how they pray. To see how they have walked with God is truly an inspiration.

No one ever said life was easy, and the men at DogPound have seen all the bad, divorce, overdose, car accidents, death, sick kids, sick wives, job loss, and most recently the ongoing battle with cancer. There has also been much joy to combat the bad which is always a blessing. However, what has stayed with me is how these men through everything good and bad, has been to pray.  Prayer has been a focal point in everyone of those situations. Praying together in gloom.  Praying alone about those in need.  A text message or post requesting prayer.  A reminder to pray for someone. Day to day through adversity, celebration, and whatever comes their way, they remain calm and steadfast not only in their actions, their undying trust in God,  their support of one another, but in how they pray.

I wanted to share because prayer hits home for me.  My biggest fear about leading my first Q wasn’t the exercises, cadence, not even the public speaking.  But public praying?  Well that’s not my thing. I’ll be the first to admit even now when I pray it still isn’t fancy. I’m not eloquent like Junk or La-z-boy.  I don’t have Bible verses come to me during prayer.  I still say “uh” a lot, and there are lots of awkward pauses. I’m basically still one step above the old faithful “Now I lay me down to sleep…”.  For me, I know I have never left the BOM thinking “dude, I rocked that prayer”.  But truthfully the men in my Wolfpack have taught me that doesn’t even matter.  What I’ve seen is that it’s not about how you pray, where you pray, what you pray, but it is to just to pray. Just pray. Taking time to speak with God. Thanking him for all that He has given you, good and bad, and then laying your joys and concerns at His feet.  Submitting, asking, and allowing for His plan for our lives.

I believe God always answers prayers. Always. It might not be the answer we want, and it might not be when we want it, but He answers. He opens doors while closing others. And because of that He just wants us to pray.

It took me a long time to understand that, and I am thankful for these men who have helped me.

“pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

12 DOC


  • Mosey around the can x2
  • SSH IC * 15
  • BA Cir IC * 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC * 15
  • Cherry Pickers (DP Style) IC * 5

Grab a CMU – Handed out the exercises one at a time to the PAX like presents. Did the exercise on the card and the previous rounds like the Song. On the 1st day of Christmas my Q gave to me…

  • 1 – World’s Greatest Merkin
  • 2 – Captain Thor’s
  • 3 – Iron Mike’s
  • 4 – Plank Jack’s
  • 5 – Burpee Tuck Jumps
  • 6 – Bobby Hurley’s
  • 7 – Thrusters Thrusting
  • 8 – Caterpillars Crawling
  • 9 – Supermen-a-swimming
  • 10 – Legs a lunging
  • 11 – Curls and Presses
  • 12 – Body Builders



A friend told me that 2019 had a lot of hard times with a lot of precious moments in between. I couldn’t agree more. It was on some of those hardest days for me that I would happen to find a bracelet that my daughter made. It’s stored on the same hook as my keys and seemed to slip off when I grabbed them on the hardest of days. It says, “Pray”. Those beads stopped me and reminded me where my strength is found.

You should have seen the boys’ face light up with each present. Who knew we could harmonize so well?


Snow Day

THE SCENE: low 30’s…snow on the ground



SSH, mosey to get coupons


  • Descending ladder through the following exercises.   Round 1 = 30 reps, round 2 = 25 reps, rd 3 = 20 reps…….down to 5 reps on the last round.
    • Curls
    • OH Press
    • Squats
    • Bent over rows
    • Kettlebell swings
    • Step ups

La-Z-Boy, Bartman

Talked about having perspective.  I know many people going through real issues right now which make my “problems” seem so small.



Burpees, Burpees, Burpees

The gloom was a sultry 32 degrees but the temperature kept rising

SSH x 15 IC
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 5 IC
Baby Arm Circles x 10 IC (forward and backward)

Today the theme was BURPEES!
Mosey to the Outhouse
Partner Up for 10 minute AMRAP
Partner 1 – Run to grass and perform 2 Burpees, Run Back
Partner 2 – Deconstructed Burpee (5 Merkins, 5 Donkey Kicks, 5 Jump Squats)

Mosey to Boat for Burpee Suicides
Run to 2nd Light (Perform 2 Burpees with a twist jump)
Run back to 1st Light (Perform 2 Burpees with a twist jump)
Run to 3rd Light (Perform 2 Burpees with a twist jump)
Run back to 2nd Light (…..)
Continue around all lights (Sing Paula Abdul’s “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back” for motivation)

Mosey to stairs for Sevens
Squats at bottom
Burpees at top next to rock

Mosey back to AO for Mary

Ab Cycle
Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Reverse Crunches (x15 IC)
Hold feet 6 inches above ground between exercises
8 PAX conqurered the Burpee today.  YHC (I-Beam), Ribbed, Waxjob, Excite Bike, Trolly, Mouthwash, Pool Boy, Snitch
Learn to accept the path God has laid out for you. Over the past three months I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on two F3 Brothers personal struggles. In each of these situations I’ve asked what is God trying to teach them. Then moved to a place of what is God trying to teach me. Here I sit wondering what am I supposed to learn. What I am discovering is that we don’t know what God’s plan is for us or for those around us. But I do know that these two Brothers have taught me that God’s timing is his and we are only to trust in Him.
To those two Brothers, THANK YOU for the lessons learned. You are in my prayers always and I will walk the journey with you. No matter the path.
Pray for Lady Junk, Butters son and Trolly’s overly busy schedule and the burden this is putting on his wife.