Q: Booster
PAX: Butterknife, Chuck Munsey, Mailbox, Booster, Dart Gun, Wanderer, Ike, Guardrail, Shrubbery, Love Shaq, Fetch, Windex, Starlink
FNGs: None
• Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
• Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC)
• Baby Arm Circles Backwards X 10 (IC)
• Overhead claps X 10 (IC)
• Tempo Squats X 10 (IC)
• Stretch on your own
• Station 1 – 40 Calf Raises, 20 Merkins, & 20 Squats & Run to next location
• Station 2 – 10-20 Sandbag Cleans & Over-the-shoulder throws & 10-20 Bent Over Rows & Run to next location
• Station 3 – 20 Curls, 20 Overheard Press & Run to next location
• Station 4 – 20 Neutral Grip Rows & 20 Slam Balls then run to next location
• Station 5 – 20 Dips & 30 Lunges (15 each leg) & Run to next location
• Rinse & Repeat
Heels to Heaven X 15
Hello Dollies x 15
I regret doing some things in my life but right now, I regret not doing some things as well. You know that I had a friend from church, Jeff, that died from cancer a few weeks ago. His funeral was Sunday. I regret not knowing him better. Sure, we talked on occasion and texted quite a bit at times but I kept saying we’ll get together when you get to feeling better. We had plans a couple of months ago but he was exhausted and slept through the time we were going to get together. He was sick, hurting and struggled with sleep so I told him he needed that sleep and to not be sorry about it and they we’d schedule another time to get together…but he got sicker and died.
Part of me thought he’d get better and we’d be going to baseball games together in the future. Part of me was scared because I didn’t know what to say to him when we talked. I was so pissed that his cancer kept coming back and he kept getting turned down for clinical trials. He was so positive and while he wanted to live, he was OK dying because he knew where he was going. He was strong and I regret not learning more from him when I could have.
Regret is sorrow or remorse over something that has happened or that we have done. Regret can also be a sense of disappointment over what has not happened, such as regretting wasted years. To be human is to have regrets because making mistakes is a universal experience.
I’m certain if I went around this circle that each of you could name at least one regret.
Here are some interesting quotes that I found…
“The biggest regret of your life won’t be what you did, it’ll be what you didn’t do.” – Lee Brice
“Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” – Victoria Holt
“Live life to the fullest.”
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.”
Peter is one biblical example of someone who deeply regretted a decision. Although Peter was committed to Jesus, his fear made him run away when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, and he later denied his Lord. His actions did not come from a desire to sin, but from impulse, spiritual immaturity, and fear. He deeply regretted his actions and was forgiven.
I want to challenge you to not have regrets. If you need to make a call or ask forgiveness or change your ways or eat better or exercise more or read more scripture or pray more or stop stressing about everything, etc…do it today…or stop doing whatever it is today. We’ll never be perfect but we can all be the best version of ourselves so please push and encourage me and I’ll do the same to you.